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EDIT: Show is now 8:30 EST time on Thursdays

Back when I introduced myself a little less than a month ago I mentioned that I was going to kick off a new surf radio show. Well, first show is tonight (Thursdays) at Midnight Eastern time @ and I thought I'd plug it.

You guys know your stuff, and I do more than anybody I know... in person. But that's not saying much. Please, let me know what you think , how I can improve etc. This isn't my first radio show, but it is my first genre show.

And to those that sent me some music, thanks a whole lot. It won't get played on this first show (I'm getting my all-time favorites out of the way), but everything that's been sent to me so far sounds great and will get on there in the future, not to mention I'll notify the other occaisional-surf-spinning DJs that it's in the library.

And if anybody else wants to send something my way, go right ahead. I'm also the music director, so shoot an e-mail to and I'll tell you where it goes.

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

Last edited: Apr 05, 2007 20:52:10

That's great Monstro, surf needs all the exposure it can get on the radio.

Angel Rock Rock Worship Cheers

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Just wanted to say thanks for doing the surf show. I've caught it a couple of times and it's fun to listen to. I'm actually within the broadcast area, but I still like to tune in via the internet.

Keep on double pickin!


Please post set lists after the shows air date.



Last edited: Oct 23, 2006 14:30:26

Pleas post set lists after the shows air date.



Thanks for the support ya'll

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

It's been a busy weekend so I haven't gotten to report the playlist until now. I hope this is right because I might have changed a thing or two

Duane Eddy Guitar Child

The All-Nighters - Dance Till Dawn
The Defiant Ones - Shadow of Pele
Robert Johnson and the Punchdrunks - Scientifically Raw
Vara-Tones - Tickler

Kilaueas - Aquanautic Inferno
Los Fantasticos - Crazy Lady/High Velocity
Tiki Tiki Bamboos - Go Tiki Go
The Whys - Sunset Party
Seks Bomba - Operation Bomba

Shadowy Men from a Shadowy Planet - Harlem
The Sadies - The Double Wide
Jim Messina and His Jesters - Yang Bu
Jerry Cole and His Spacemen - Point Panic

The Razorblades - Longboard Queen
The Chantays - Last Night
Tornados - Do You Come Here Often
Laika and the Cosmonauts - Global Beat

and of course, Martin Denny for the voice breaks Very Happy

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

Far from my best show, and I made a total ass out of myself by speaking in a "spooky" voice. And making terrible jokes that were only made worse by a spooky voice.

Los Straitjackets - Munsters Theme

Bitch boys - Ghost Hop
Phantom Frank - Dead Man Surfin'
Kilaueas - Tentacle Stomp
Ghastly Ones - Ghastly Stomp

Crimson Ghosts - Halloween (misfits cover)
Eddie Angel - Werewolf
Coffin Daggers - Hornets Nest
Dr. Frankenstein - Cat's Eyes

Tremolo Beer Gut - Death Valley '69 (Sonic Youth cover)
LSJ - Rockula
Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet - Zombie Compromise
Gein and the Graverobbers - Phantom of Route 41
The Bomboras - Forbidden Planet

Phantom Surfers - Horror Beach
Messer Chups - Orgia of the Dead 2
Chad Cote - The Island Speaks

Man? or Astroman? - Mystery Science Theater 3000 Theme
The 9th Wave - Creepy Crawler
Bitch Boys - Dracula's Theme

Yeah, so I had two LSJ songs and an Eddie Angel. The first LSJ was a joke because it's what the DJ before me opens with every time, the Eddie Angel had a neat growl and Rockula had a whole lot of awesome screaming. So sue me.

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

Playlist for 11/2/06

Cramps, the - Surfin' Bird

The Surf Coasters - Steppin' Out
Phantom Frank - New Wave
Daikaiju - Super X-9
The Bambi Molesters - Bubble Bath

The Apemen - Surf Dracula
Jimmie Haskell - Asteroid Hop
Belairs - Wild One
sharp five - the cat
Aquamen - Beans 'N' Rice

The Star and Key of the Indian Ocean - megatsunami
Chewbacca's - Mi vecino es un vampiro
The Space Cossacks - Escape From Gulag 17
The Nebulas - Falling Out Of Orbit
Dick Dale - Rumble

The Mermen - Varykino Snow
Atomic Mosquitos - Dead Sea Stroll
The Five Outsiders - Straight Jacket

I spent most of the time trying to fill a request for Rumble (they didn't seem to care who by). I spent a good 40 minutes going crazy because apparently I don't have a Link Wray version, despite having a best of. So I went with Dick Dale's cover... that doesn't sound like Rumble at all despite attributing it to Link Wray in the credits

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

I had a ton of fun last night

Playlist for 11/9

The Volcanics - Kogar The Girl

The Five Outsiders - Peacemaker
The Sentinals - Exotic
The Prostitutes - Dragster

FIfty Foot Combo - The Brain From Planet X
Satelliten - Scary Night
Laika & The Cosmonauts - Salt Mine Twist
The Surfers - Widget

Eddie Angel - The Brawl
Link Wray - Rumble
Tremolo Beer Gut - Remember Jemez Red
Susan & the Surftones - Bluehammer 99

The Blue Stingrays - Juju beads
Surf Mariachis - Baja
Aqua Velvets - Nomad

The Bomboras - War of the Satellites
The Fathoms - Fathomless
Los Acapulco - Ven Perits
Robert Johnson & The Punchdrunks - Surf As Houdini

The Madeira - Cordoba

Fun fact: thanks a comment I left on the case, a friend played three tracks on the new Los Straitjackets album. Since I'm the music director and this tied it with a whole lot of bands, I decided to prioritize them a little more. So currently WESU's top 200 playlists has LSJ hangin' out in the #3 spot for spins.

Also, I could always use some more music just as much as I know some of you would like a little more exposure. If you want to send the station an album (thanks to my music director position, you're pretty sure to get added) shoot it on over to

Hunter King
WESU 88.1 FM
222 Church St
Middletown, CT 06459

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

This week is our pledge drive, so if you connecticutians (or elsewhere) dig my show or our station, please consider printing a pledge form from

The Orangu-Tones - Little Lil

Surf Report - Chain Smoker
Aquamen - Jose Cuervo
Estrume'n'tal - Casa Do Sol Nascente

Daikaiju - Attack fo the Crab Women
Aqua Velvets - Return to Paia
Phantom Surfers - The Cat Came Back

Ambassadors - Big Breaker
Original Surfaris - Bombora
Kelp - Happy as a Clam
Link Wray - Commanche

Pixies - Cecilia Ann
The Insect Surfers - Ocean Maid
Phantom Frank - Punjabi
Robert Johnson and the Punchdrunks - Spy Vs. Spy

The Fathoms -Fathomized
Takeshi Terauchi and the Bunnys - The Shout of the Sun
The Sadies - Dying Is Easy

And by the way, I'm setting up a myspace

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

Playlist for December 7th. I think.

Hexxers - Like what, Me Worry?

The Treble Spankers - Mirananda
Ghastly Ones - Los Campiones Del Justicio
Jim Messina & His Jesters - The Breeze and I
The Lively Ones - Surf Rider

The Exotics - Jetsetter
The Centurions - Church Key
The Anacondas - Kalahari
The Vara-tones - Rockin' The Back

Volcanics - Mantaray
Coffin Daggers - Monsters from the ID
The Sadies - The North Star
Eglutes - Theme for Young Lovers
Eddie Angel - Itchy Chicken

The Fathoms - El Toro
The Sadies - Westminsters
The Bambi Molesters - Coastal Disturbance
The Chantays - Bailout at Frog Rock

Fifty Foot Combo - I Think I Shot Her
Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet - Who Painted Whistlers Mother

My next show will have voice breaks from the president of the university... who is totally unfamiliar with surf.

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

X - Dancing With Tears in my Eyes

Laika & The Cosmonauts - Mission Impossible
Coffin Daggers - Shark Attack
Swiv-o-matics - elekicity
The Lively Ones - Surf City

Rat Holic - Surfin' Alligator
Longboard Ranch - Bejal
The Aquasonics - Our Favorite Martian
The Aquamen - Malibu Pineapple

Fifty Foot Combo - Minesweeper
The Fathoms - Backslider
The Vibrasonics - Thunderstorm
The Sentinals - Big Surf
The Sadies - Red Room

Takeshi Terauchi and the Bunnies - Kuroda Bushi
Messer Chups - Die Nacht Von Offenen Graben
Twang! Marvels - Rancho Cucamonga
The Exotics - The Boppin' Bison

The Moe Greene Specials - Sacramento
Los Straitjackets - My Heart Will Go On

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

My next show will have voice breaks from the president of the university... who is totally unfamiliar with surf.

What did the president think of the tunes?

Thanks for playing The Aquasonics!


"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Great play lists!
Any chance of making your shows available in podcast form?

The Apollo Four 2012-present
The Verbtones 2002-2012

My next show will have voice breaks from the president of the university... who is totally unfamiliar with surf.What did the president think of the tunes?

Thanks for playing The Aquasonics!


I tried to drop a mix of the show by his office in advance but he didn't listen to it by the time I recorded. He said he would listen, but I haven't seen him since.

Great play lists!
Any chance of making your shows available in podcast form?

Man, I'd love to but that's shaky legal ground. From what I understand, the station doesn't have a license to do that sort of thing and wouldn't want to risk it. Of course, I don't have the space either.

Thanks for the feedback though!

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

Holiday show! Special thanks to the sg101 members who posted holiday songs. Most of the show revolved around those, Double Crown's Seasonal Favorites vol.1 and The Ventures Christmas Album

Girl Trouble - Sigue Sigue X-Mas

The Neptunes - Sleigh Ride in Fresno
Los Straitjacets - Christmas Weekend
Blue Hawaiians - We Four Kings
Los Straitjackets - Feliz Navidad

Jon & The Nightriders - Sleigh Ride
Belairs - Three Blind Christmas Mice
Wave Invasion - Christmas Song
The Ventures - Frosty the Snowman

Estrume'n'tal - Gin Com Bells
The Velmas - Surfin' Bells
Blue Hawaiians - Jungle Bells
The Ventures - Jingle Bells

Mel Waldorf - Oh Hanukkah
Spotnicks - Hava Nagila
Meshugga Beach Party - Driedel, Driedel
Dick Dale - Hava Nagila

Kahuna Kawentzmann - Alle Jahre Wieder Knister
The Surfites - Santa Cluas Goes Surfin'
The Avalanches - Baby It's Cold Outside

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

So tonight is my new timeslot at 8:30PM EST on Thursdays. The DJ behind me had something come up so I'm rocking and rolling for 2 entire hours. Please give it a listen, give me feedback, and as always, give me records!

edit: Here's the playlist. By the way, check out my myspace
p.s. Thanks for listening Tikitena

Rat Holic - Silver Bullet
The Dynatones - Beneath the Surface
The 5,6,7,8's - Pinball Party
The Gasolines - El Moroco

Waikiki Rumblers - Waikiki Rumble - Surf Guitars Rumble
The Goldentones - Tornado Warning
Famous Monsters - Outerspace Deathrace #3
The Treble Spankers - The Yellow River
The Supertones - Playa Del Rey

The Jetstreams - Bongo Rock
Preston Epps - Bongo Rock
Langhorns - In Your Fez
Fifty Foot Combo - Inspection #5
Incredible Bongo Band - Pipeline

The Surf Coasters - Steppin Out
Robert Johnson and the Punchdrunks - Bird Bath
Messer Chups - Snegovik Pod Gipnozom
Raunch Hands - Tube City
The Chantays - Move It

Hillybilly Soul Surfers - The Munsters
The Unchayned - Thing From Venus
Mummies - Whitecaps
The Phantom Surfers - Turn Marshall
Raunch Hands - Tube City
Tremolo Beer Gut - Remember Jemez Red
The Hypnotic IV - Pea
The Avengers VI - Time Bomb

The Shadows - Apache
Longboard Ranch - Apache
The Exotics - Apache
The Original Onions - Skapache
The Sugarhill Gang - Apache

Hawaii Samurai - Surf N Destroy
Glasgow Tiki Shakers - Madras
Space Cossacks - Apes of Wrath
The Apemen - Bajjad

The Sadies - Lay Down Your Arms
The Coffin Daggers - Interstellar Overdrive

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

This show is rad. I hope you're listening.

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Hey this is a great show! I was trying the MP3 stream both high and low bandwidth. Both were breaking up. Then I tried the Realplayer stream and it was just fine! sweet reverb!
Thanks for the show!

Thanks for listening ya'll.

The Blasters - Black Pick Up

The Krontjong Devils - The World We Knew
The Bomboras - It Came From Pier 13 (Main theme)
Lost Acapulco - Vampiro
Aleon, Aki & The Nobles - Body Surf

The Surf Coasters - Jaws Theme - Shark Attack
Famous Monsters - Bloody Mary
The Hurricaines - Hurricaine
Dick Dale - Slippery Shillelagh

Flat Duo Jets - Pink Gardenia
The Tremolo Beer Gut - The Casbah Hit(Bad Postcard From Palermo)
The Dynatones - Gear Grinder
The Phantom Surfers - Slotter on the 10th Ave

The All-nighters - Riding With Outlaws
The Supertones - Scrambler
Hawaii Samurai - Batman Theme

The Coffin Daggers - Hornet's Nest
Los Straitjackets - Hornet's Nest
El Caminos - Hornet's Nest

Has anybody heard the El Caminos before? I found it by combing through our CD collections for bands that sounded like surf and the first 4 or 5 tracks are incredible.

And Midwest Surf Guy, I talked to my general manager about the feed, we tried it out and everything sounded fine. We're guessing it just hit a temporary rough spot

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

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