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sysmalakian: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!
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dp: dude
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Bango_Rilla: Shout Bananas!!
255 days ago

BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
239 days ago

GDW: showman
190 days ago

Emilien03: https://losg...
112 days ago

Pyronauts: Happy Tanks-Kicking!!!
106 days ago

glennmagi: CLAM SHACK guitar
91 days ago

Hothorseraddish: surf music is amazing
71 days ago

dp: get reverberated!
22 days ago

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Permalink Official Announcement, 3rd SG101 Convention Sat. Aug 7th 2010

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sending you an email now Brian, with 3 attached pix


i'm still trying to process those few days in california before writing anything.

jeff, you did an amazing job pulling this off along with all of those who gave you a helping hand.


Great photos, Freddie!

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Hey SG101 comrades – just wanted to say a quick “thank you” to everyone who made the 3rd Convention a great success! Like Carol, we’re still processing everything that happened last weekend. Many thanks to Big Tiki Dude (as well as Big Tiki Mom & Big Tiki Dad) for their hospitality & hard work on the show, also thanks to Tiki Tena, Brian Neal and all the others who made it possible.

We had a great time and will definitely do it again! All the bands were Great to Spectacular – we have some new favorites, and many new friends. Special thanks to Big Wave Dave Becker & Craig Stang (Atomic Mosquitos) for playing in the members jam with us, and also special thanks to Dave from the Insect Surfers for bustin’ a move with us. It was a pleasure for us to meet Steve & Steve from the soon-to-be-titled Surf Music Documentary – glad to see them get lots of great footage.

We will be out of town for a few days, but when we return we will spread the word to the east coast & NESMA about this great west coast event. We are also looking forward to the Reefriders coming to Otto’s in NYC for the 9/4 show, so we can continue our west coast friendships.

Mahalo until later –

Mike & Sandy, 9th Wave


Amen my fellow brothers & sisters - I applaud you all - kudos & swami bows to all of you - the musicians for doing what you do & for making life worth living & the fans for doing the same although in a different way. Lastly I would like to thank Jeff & all you "guys" for making things like this happen.

Happy reverbs & long live surf!

Hey SG101 comrades – just wanted to say a quick “thank you” to everyone who made the 3rd Convention a great success! Like Carol, we’re still processing everything that happened last weekend. Many thanks to Big Tiki Dude (as well as Big Tiki Mom & Big Tiki Dad) for their hospitality & hard work on the show, also thanks to Tiki Tena, Brian Neal and all the others who made it possible.

We had a great time and will definitely do it again! All the bands were Great to Spectacular – we have some new favorites, and many new friends. Special thanks to Big Wave Dave Becker & Craig Stang (Atomic Mosquitos) for playing in the members jam with us, and also special thanks to Dave from the Insect Surfers for bustin’ a move with us. It was a pleasure for us to meet Steve & Steve from the soon-to-be-titled Surf Music Documentary – glad to see them get lots of great footage.

We will be out of town for a few days, but when we return we will spread the word to the east coast & NESMA about this great west coast event. We are also looking forward to the Reefriders coming to Otto’s in NYC for the 9/4 show, so we can continue our west coast friendships.

Mahalo until later –

Mike & Sandy, 9th Wave

good to see you two again.

Hey SG101 comrades – just wanted to say a quick “thank you” to everyone who made the 3rd Convention a great success! Like Carol, we’re still processing everything that happened last weekend. Many thanks to Big Tiki Dude (as well as Big Tiki Mom & Big Tiki Dad) for their hospitality & hard work on the show, also thanks to Tiki Tena, Brian Neal and all the others who made it possible.

We had a great time and will definitely do it again! All the bands were Great to Spectacular – we have some new favorites, and many new friends. Special thanks to Big Wave Dave Becker & Craig Stang (Atomic Mosquitos) for playing in the members jam with us, and also special thanks to Dave from the Insect Surfers for bustin’ a move with us. It was a pleasure for us to meet Steve & Steve from the soon-to-be-titled Surf Music Documentary – glad to see them get lots of great footage.

We will be out of town for a few days, but when we return we will spread the word to the east coast & NESMA about this great west coast event. We are also looking forward to the Reefriders coming to Otto’s in NYC for the 9/4 show, so we can continue our west coast friendships.

Mahalo until later –

Mike & Sandy, 9th Wave

Had a blast with you guys. Lots of kudos came in for NESMA and 9th Wave making the trek west. Wonderful to see you again and play music together in the Big Atomic Wave. Cheers to all who make "the pilgrimage"!

Many thanks once again to Jeff, Tena, all the SG101 bands and fans who make it a great experience each year. It's the Spirit of Surf in action. Mahalo!

BW Dave

thanks again everybody.
good to see that you joined SG101 Doug.



always a joy to wacth OCEANA (Sandy) get up and shimmy-shimmy!!

but man, did you see Mike "Staccato" Rosado let loose on the dance floor? DUDE -- U R A WILD MAN!

Unsteady Freddie

Thanks for all of the wonderful photos Freddie, it was a real treat seeing you at our very first public appearance.

Thanks for all of the wonderful photos Freddie, it was a real treat seeing you at our very first public appearance.

You guys were just great! Loved hearing the Burt Rocket cover.


What a great day. I got up early to head over to the Starting Gate for breakfast, where I met up with Midwest Surf Guy and Big Wave Dave. Not long after, the festivities began. I think member jam is one of the best parts of the weekend for a variety of reasons. It allows for the opportunity to play with people that you've never played with, that could be your musical heroes, or that could be your band not officially on the bill (can't wait to hear more from the Finksville 5, Norm!!), etc. It's a great opportunity for people to play live that would otherwise maybe not have a chance. It's a way to see the different playing styles and individual approaches to the songs. But one of the most important things I think this provides is that helps put names to faces within the very spirit of the site. I was fortunate enough to play (technical probs aside) “Gear!” with Duff, Ryan & Steve from The Secret Samurai, and Trey from The Surfside IV, and short as the moment was, it was great fun!! Big kudos to anyone that got up there to play to a room of your peers, which is something that I find way more challenging than playing to a group of strangers.

Here are my thoughts on the groups:
The Legends Jam: Man was this a treat. It's so great to see that these guys still play, and still play well!! I think the entire room was drooling on themselves in total geek hypnosis.
The Men Of Mystery (love the name!! haha): I admit to being skeptical about how was going to go, but I have to say that I was really impressed. Abdel Khineche has that Hank Marvin sound PEGGED. It made me want to go learn every Shadows song (which I should probably just do anyway).
The Surfside IV: I really enjoyed what I would describe as a kind of breezy vibe from these guys. I love their sense of style, and I find that it matches their great sound really well. I only wish that I was more familiar with their body of work. Thankfully, I now have even more of a reason to seek it out. On a side note, I was so glad to see Trey's son win the guitar. He was so excited! That kind of stuff just makes me smile.
The Wadadli Riders: More of the same from the night before. Really just a joy to watch.
The Space Rangers: Again, more of the same, just a bigger space to dance around with, and a bigger room to fill with their sound.
The Atomic Mosquitos: 5th time seeing them, 5th time amazed. Tight as a drum. Frantically wonderful tone. Great energy. Again and again and again....
The Insect Surfers: Seeing them essentially set The Purple Orchid on fire last year, I was really looking forward to seeing them again, and like the rest of the bands, they didn't disappoint. I really enjoy their progressive approach to the music, and tend to get lost (in a good way!) in their melodies.
Frankie & The Poolboys: Now this was really interesting. I was wondering how Ferenc was going to execute this given all of the factors involved in that amazing album. Well, it worked out beautifully! My personal highlight was the duet with Ivan. Man was that guitar awesomeness!
The Space Cossacks: Driving 12 hours each way to see them in VA was totally worth it, and now flying across the country to see them (among others) was also totally worth it. As they did in VA, they completely killed, and made the day for a roomful of surf music devotees. I don't think there was a soul in that room that wasn't completely dazzled and hypnotized by their set. I'm SO glad that they were a part of the event, and that I got to see them again.

At this point, I was pretty saturated, but I was in LA for around 36 hours, and I was going to soak in as many of the live shows as were available to me. So, after a requisite trip to In N Out (we don't have them here, and I was not impressed with the food at The Starting Gate AT ALL), I made my way over to Don's for the night cap with The Glasgow Tiki Shakers. I really do love this band, but this is the second time that I've seen them, and both times it was the end of a day where I was essentially swimming in reverb stimulation, so a bit of my impression of them is just a blur. I mainly enjoyed sitting around chatting with Jeff, his Mom, Jim Frias, Carol, and a couple of other folks until it was time to essentially pass out for the night.

At this point I just have to gush a bit about Jeff BigTikiDude Hanson. What a guy! Not only did he obviously go to a TREMENDOUS amount of work planning all of this stuff, he runs around keeping all together the entire time it's going on, and still seems to enjoy every minute of it. It's really a hell of a feat. As someone that came in from out of town, he really seemed to go out of his way to make me feel completely included in everything. That extends to his family as well. They're just all really kind and special people.

This also extends to Tiki Tena, whom I met in person for the first time along with her family. It's really great to see them at each of the events. I know that she also went to a great lengths to make this all happen, and it all really paid off.

Along with them, it was so great seeing, hanging out with, and chatting with our fearless site leader Brian “King Of The Universe” Neal, Carol Mom Surfing, Tuck, Big Wave Dave, Insect Dave, Dusty, DP, Storm Tiger, Dave Wronski, Unsteady Freddie, Trey from SSIV, and what seems to be a thousand others that I can't place at the moment that were all as friendly and kind as could be. I can be a little shy at times, so I'm sorry if I didn't introduce myself or say hello, but everyone I spoke with seemed like an old friend. It's a great group of people, and I'm so happy to be a part of it!!

I'll have pictures and video up as soon as I can.

thanks so much for the kind words, and thank for coming out man.
when people like you and Brian, and Guy, and Freddie, and Mike and Sandy,
and Carol, and Big Wave Dave, and others come from far away.
it really makes me happy and worth my while.



thanks so much for the kind words, and thank for coming out man.
when people like you and Brian, and Guy, and Freddie, and Mike and Sandy,
and Carol, and Big Wave Dave, and others come from far away.
it really makes me happy and worth my while.


Hey...what about me? I drove almost 73 miles to get to the convention! It took over an hour on the freeway!


thanks so much for the kind words, and thank for coming out man.
when people like you and Brian, and Guy, and Freddie, and Mike and Sandy,
and Carol, and Big Wave Dave, and others come from far away.
it really makes me happy and worth my while.


Hey...what about me? I drove almost 73 miles to get to the convention! It took over an hour on the freeway!

Yeah me too! Even picked up a horse shoe nail in my tire by the race track!

Someone tried to shoe your ride! Is it still in there?



thanks so much for the kind words, and thank for coming out man.
when people like you and Brian, and Guy, and Freddie, and Mike and Sandy,
and Carol, and Big Wave Dave, and others come from far away.
it really makes me happy and worth my while.


Hey...what about me? I drove almost 73 miles to get to the convention! It took over an hour on the freeway!

Yeah me too! Even picked up a horse shoe nail in my tire by the race track!

I can vouch for the nail! I saw it!

Last edited: Aug 18, 2010 22:50:52

Someone tried to shoe your ride! Is it still in there?

No Doug , Changed the tire and had to replace it. That sucked, bad ending to a great day!

Maybe next time try a skateboard Laughing

Yeah ... the tire thing was a bummer.

How does one obtain the recordings that Chrome Oxide makes? Are they going up on

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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