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Reposting Lorenzo's manifesto for easy reference:

I find now some time to express my comments about the week we had in California and the SG101 weekend. Apart from the fun we had as Wadadli Riders, I want to give my ideas about what I have seen, the differences I have felt between the US and the European market and how I see the evolution of this genre.

The main thing is the attitude the Americans have towards this music compared to the Europeans. For Americans surf music is more like a "religious listening" of the songs, sitting down and admiring the technical expertise of the musicians and checking the songwriting. In Europe there is more of a "dancing attitude", therefore the bands need to be party bands, move on stage, give something else to the public. The kind of compliments you get after the shows are in facts different. In the US people have listened to your music and appreciate your songs and energy on stage, telling you how big or sophisticated or traditional was your sound. In Europe the compliments come from the energy you were able to transmit to the audience, from the show you did. It's difficult for me to explain, but I think you understand what I mean.

Another difference is regarding the technical aspect of the show. All clubs in Europe are used to have PA systems. All bands do a longer soundcheck that involves microphones and sound techs. What I have seen in the US is definitely more direct: put down the amps and play. It's the old way, which I find more appropriate for this music. At the same time there are some reasons for this. We hardly have showman amps in Europe so the volume and the impact of the guitar sound is different. Maybe the same volume but the guitars are more trebly and not so full in sound. Second, nobody in Europe wears earplugs... never. So the sound is louder for everyone and in most of the places you have to accommodate this to the room where you are. It is why a soundcheck is more appropriate, passing the instruments in the PA to mix everything differently.

One big difference is the crowd. I mean the amount of people.
We have much much more at the SJ festival and in many venues around Europe. But, is it significant? It depends. If I look at the knowledge that people has about surf music, US wins. If I look at the energy that people has about going to the festival, Europe wins. I would like to put together the 2 things.

As a surf music lover I prefer the US attitude from a side, because when you go to play, most of the public know already who you are, they know your music and they have decided to come to see you live. As a simple music promoter, the European attitude is winning as we make more money.
The US festival brings ONLY people around the surf music business. The European festival brings every kind of people. This is what is missing in the US to make numbers. With my experience I can say that the SG101 convention should have to be done in HB, at the Pier, where people who knows nothing is passing by buying ice creams. But it has to be done BIG, I mean, with a BIG attitude. We need to look like a BIG community, giving ourselves much more importance. We need to go there saying "hey, we play surf music". People thinks we play "oldies": well surf music is much modern than what everybody thinks and we have lots of great great musicians and good music produced every year. We need to showcase this.

Now, someone can say that this is NOT possible in the US. With all respect this is bullshit.
The world is the same everywhere. Problems are the same. The difficulties in getting things done are the same everywhere because you always find someone who is against you and hates you. We just have to work together and think at surf music as a business, like it was 50 years ago. When there is a new music movement everybody is overexcited. Then that movement passes and nobody cares anymore about that. Suddenly after 20 years that movement is re-discovered and there are chances to get the attention back to it. Look at the Beatles: so great in the 60s and then in the 80s nobody wanted them anymore... now they are legends. So it is for surf music. We are in a very good moment for surf music in my opinion. We ARE in the 4th wave of it, we have to increase the quality of our festivals making them more professional, like all other music businesses.

All this gives me more ideas for the Surfer Joe's and the SG101's.
In Europe I have to improve the historical aspect of the music.
In the US we have to improve the marketing.

I talked and met new friends in US that can handle with me this aspects of the festival and I really really do hope we will be able together to get bigger and bigger. I really love surf music and I really love this community. I had so much fun at the convention and noticed that everybody was happy, excited about the music. We have all the right ingredients to have fun, get more people involved and make more money too.

As last thing I want to say that the work that JEFF BTD does is amazing!
Jeff is putting together all the local community with no money invested but a great knowledge of what everybody wants. He does more than what you think: he knows now how to make things working.
Fortunately he has a great support by the community providing instruments and help on stage to set up and arrange the show. At this point Jeff would need to be part of a team.
Notice that the SG101 is a "convention", it is a "reunion", it has to grow in a "festival".
The festival requires a bigger attention in the organization and a team that puts together all the various aspects. I'm positive that this can be done in the next future.
But for now, THANKS JEFF !!!!

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

I, for one, am interested in assisting.

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

Thanks for starting a new thread Whorehay!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

De nada, Brian. I'd like to see this grow, if that's what Jeff wants. If I recall correctly, Jeff put this together as a get-together for members of this board to coincide with a Madeira show in 2008. I don't know if any of us foresaw the potential of this back then. What I would hope is that the event not lose the best parts of it in the attempt to make it bigger. It is no secret that commercialization has a habit of sucking the soul out of things.

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

De nada, Brian. I'd like to see this grow, if that's what Jeff wants. If I recall correctly, Jeff put this together as a get-together for members of this board to coincide with a Madeira show in 2008. I don't know if any of us foresaw the potential of this back then. What I would hope is that the event not lose the best parts of it in the attempt to make it bigger. It is no secret that commercialization has a habit of sucking the soul out of things.

Well, in Italy i did not lose the soul of surf music, but what you say is understandable. It much depends on the organization. Many organizers really think only about the money and the profit out of the event. But not many organizers are directly involved in plying the music their are promoting. I think the purpose is enlarging the convention and what we are doing maintaining the same familiar spirit, trying to transmit it to other people, especially youngers, to get them involved into the genre or at least letting them know that surf music still exists and it is strong.

Lorenzo "Surfer Joe" Valdambrini

Very Happy No I won't... we need the SEA at the back... !!!

How 'bout this?

My wife and I had a discussion on this very subject as we were driving home from the convention. What it boiled down to was that the die-hard fan (me) would be happy to see such a stellar lineup anytime, anyplace, where the more casual observer (her) would much rather be enjoying the festivities outdoors on such a beautiful afternoon in SoCal.
We both recalled a previous attempt at a Surf Music Festival on Catalina Island in '98-'99. Dick Dale played the Casino in the evening and other bands played Descanso Beach during the day. For us, it was an fantastic weekend and we were seriously bummed when it ended. I assume low attendance was to blame. But, on the other hand, that was a few years before the internet really became a force and way before SG101. Maybe the time is now!

Here's a clip of the Breakaways at Descanso -

Bill S._______

HELLDIVER on Facebook

I think the purpose is enlarging the convention and what we are doing maintaining the same familiar spirit, trying to transmit it to other people, especially youngers, to get them involved into the genre or at least letting them know that surf music still exists and it is strong.

I wholeheartedly agree.

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

Re Catalina, I would think the costs for the fans/bands to travel to & stay on the island would be prohibitive. Last I looked, it was $66 per person for a round trip ferry ride. Not like I don't think it would make for an awesome backdrop! Just my two cents on that.

Were I in Jeff's position, I would look at Tiki Oasis, Surfer Joe, even Tiki Caliente as a business model & get advice from Otto, Lorenzo & the TC guy. I would also look into having the event at a place like the Seaport Marina Hotel in Long Beach, which comes to mind because of the location (not that far from HB) & their bar/ballroom facilities. If anyone knows of a similar hotel, please chime in. The Sunday show would always be at the HB Pier, but perhaps he could add a show on Friday to whatever hotel is secured.

One thing to keep in mind is that this will probably grow in size gradually. It would not be wise to expect to go from 290 in attendance to 2000 in one year. Jeff told me the first Tiki Oasis drew 200 people in 2001. Last year, Otto sold out 2000 tickets to the event for the first time.

*Disclaimer--I know BTD has thought of all this already.

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

Last edited: Aug 12, 2010 18:41:56

Perhaps one way to 'reach the masses' for such a festival in the USA would be to add a headliner that would be surf ,garage,or roots-related---
B52's? Brian Setzer? Dick Dale or Ventures? Rev. Horton Heat? Or a combination. Maybe some bands from the tiki/lounge world, too?'

Perhaps one way to 'reach the masses' for such a festival in the USA would be to add a headliner that would be surf ,garage,or roots-related---
B52's? Brian Setzer? Dick Dale or Ventures? Rev. Horton Heat? Or a combination. Maybe some bands from the tiki/lounge world, too?'

those are all great suggestions!

B-52s especially...they are particularly fun and lively...

Maybe Chris Isaak (w James Wilsey)?

Agent Orange?

Perhaps one way to 'reach the masses' for such a festival in the USA would be to add a headliner that would be surf ,garage,or roots-related---
B52's? Brian Setzer? Dick Dale or Ventures? Rev. Horton Heat? Or a combination. Maybe some bands from the tiki/lounge world, too?'

Who is paying their guarantee(s)?

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.


Perhaps one way to 'reach the masses' for such a festival in the USA would be to add a headliner that would be surf ,garage,or roots-related---
B52's? Brian Setzer? Dick Dale or Ventures? Rev. Horton Heat? Or a combination. Maybe some bands from the tiki/lounge world, too?'

Who is paying their guarantee(s)?

I believe that would be Insect Dave!

And get that Bieber dude

Bieber is a dude??? I thought it was a little girl... Hmmm

But seriously though. Turning the convention into a festival would be pretty sweet. But one of the things I love about the convention, as a fan of the genre, is that I get to actually interact with the musicians and legends and such. Most big shows or festivals I go to, the bands are either on stage, or they're back stage, and completely inaccessible to me. But at the convention I get to annoy, I mean... ahem... ask the musicians questions & stuff. I ask about their pedal/tank settings, advice about picking techniques, their show prep, tour plans, etc. As an amateur musician, it helps me a ton as I try to learn more about playing in the genre, and as a geek, it fills my head with more geek facts! If you guys end up turning this into a huge event, I'll just be an anonymous fan rather than an annoying one.

Wait... did that come out right? Razz

Anyways, as a fan, I would LOVE a huge surf festival. Huge crowd, huge vibe, HUGE REVERB!!!!! But I also enjoy the smaller scene, and the ability to get a little closer to not only the musicians, but to the other surf geeks as well. Apart from the music and hard-core geekery, the sense of community and camaraderie is part of what makes these conventions such a joy to me, and I'd hate to see that go.

Just my $0.02...

99% of all of us surf musicians are amateurs. Like I said in the previous thread, we can always plan an SG101 only pre or post festival party. Set up a back line and everyone can take turns playing some songs.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

hmmm, i have a little bit left on my credit card...and, uhh, i could have a bake sale! yeah, that's it !!

but really, the event would have to anticipate a good crowd for such bands.
hopefully you could 'build it and they will come'.
The aforementioned bands (oh yeah,there's also possibly 'Southern Culture on the Skids') would certainly have a larger draw from the public than most surf bands!
maybe we could pool credit cards? and there's always looking into corporate(eek!) sponsorship -Body Glove, energy drinks,etc...

and , uhh,maybe i can add a lemonade stand to my bake sale!!

99% of all of us surf musicians are amateurs. Like I said in the previous thread, we can always plan an SG101 only pre or post festival party. Set up a back line and everyone can take turns playing some songs.

Room party!

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

I think It's great that those of us who enjoy Surf music on this forum have an opportunity to meet up socially and share our passion for Surf music.

I'd like to see latest wave of Surf music grow naturally at a steady pace. I'd hate to see this genre hijacked and manipulated because someone or some large corporation wants to make $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

Musicians have been ripped off since Edisson made his phonograth.

Real music and talent will always thrive when people can develop their artistic
expression and play how they want .Visit a few open mic nights and see some of the great performers out there. I went to an open mic night last week and saw a string quartet of music students playing miserlou, different yes but it's cool to know that young music students who will hopefully one day play in tommorows orchestras have exposure to other genres than classical music

I think it's great that the members of this forum are sensible and keen to welcome new members , I hope it always stays that way .

Anyway I'm done posting for now, It's a cold winters day here in Oz.
so I'm gonna break out the fiesta red Strat and fire up the old Vox AC 30 and play like Hank(Marvin) for a few hours(well try to).


I absolutely LOVE all your posts and that is what I wanted to obtain. I need to see the good and bad aspects of all the ideas.

We all know that between talking about things and doing them there is an ocean... but you never know.
It is all about HOW things eventually are done.

Like I said before the spirit of the convention is the most important thing to maintain.
The festival CAN put more distance between the artists and the audience but hey... we are not talking about 100.000 people... this will never happen.

The Surfer Joe's has done approx 6000 in 3 days, 2000 per day, with a peak of 1500 together in the room.
All people that came for the festival. We were not even on the sea.
BUT we need to create the possibilities to book legends and great artists, to spend the money for the marketing and find good media partners.

Other kind of music at the festival. yes and no.
I have done it. something went well, most of it were critics. I will cut other music at my next surfer joe, I'm 99% sure. we do surf music, let's stay into surf music.

I said one thing at the microphone at the convention that probably a few of you noticed.
I said that the sg101 is the biggest surf music event in the US. Isn't it true?
So why this has not been said louder?
Fine, now the sg101 after 3 years and all the massive work of Jeff has a good reputation. we need to play with it.

Keep in mind that I'm not un-realistic at all.
I'm just looking at the marketing reality of what we have in our hands thanks to all the good music you produce every year.
I don't want people will remember surf music only for the dick dale's appearances at the rendezvous ballroom. There has been more after that I think... I just want to spread the word.

Lorenzo "Surfer Joe" Valdambrini

You need to remember that the US is a big country and not just (erp) CA. What you experienced was mostly a bunch of other surf band members and "surf nerds" (I use the term lovingly, as I am one) in the audience. It's a sausage party.
In other settings and cities, I think you would find the dancing crowd pushing the band and the band responding until everyone's a sweaty, drunken mess, like you describe the shows in EU. I have played both continents and have this comparison for you. Orange County is like Germany and other cities like Austin, Portland, Chicago, or Atlanta or anywhere else in between, can be like Italy or Spain. Very Happy
I am not trying to Stir the Pot . Everyone should be really proud of the SG101 Convention become and all of your hard work! I wish I could come-but I would know what to expect compared to a bar show in some other city.

PS I'm curious, what was the total attendance of the SG101?

I agree with Ted; this is designed 1. to unite the users here, and 2. provide high quality entertaiment for the surf fanboy. I disagree with the previous poster saying that Tiki Oasis, etc. should be the model. I would suggest looking at Deke's Guitar Geek show as a model event. And, really the SG101 show is almost there.

I really dug the whole thing and have no real concerns for the future. I would only recommend staging it AT NIGHT and offering STAGE MONITORS for the band. Sorry for shouting; I am on my cell phone.


Last edited: Aug 12, 2010 19:03:36

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