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sysmalakian: HAPPY NEW YEAR!
292 days ago

SabedLeepski: Surfin‘ Europe, for surf (related) gigs and events in Europe Big Razz https://sunb...
253 days ago

SHADOWNIGHT5150: I like big reverb and i cannot lie
186 days ago

SHADOWNIGHT5150: Bank accounts are a scam created by a shadow government
186 days ago

sysmalakian: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!
172 days ago

dp: dude
153 days ago

Bango_Rilla: Shout Bananas!!
108 days ago

BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
92 days ago

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Permalink Official Announcement, 3rd SG101 Convention Sat. Aug 7th 2010

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Fri, Sat & Sun were AWESOME, Jeff. What a great, great, great weekend. So many cool people, so many new friends, so much TALENT...I only wish I could express it in such a way to truly do it justice.

thank you very Much Mr. Hay.
that means a lot.

and thanks to everybody for the kind words,
and for those who came to the show.
especially the ones who came from far away.
that means the world to me.
Brian, you rule man.




Liebe Freunde, dear friends,

these past days have been the most intense days for us, both as a band and personally. we heard so many great bands, so many brilliant musicians and met so many interesting people, we can hardly keep track of everything that has happened. (I mean it, if I seem to have forgotten someone"s name, please forgive me...)

It is a great thing to be a part of this thing, the surf music world, or whatchacallit, but it took us a s a band on to a higher level. we will bring many wonderful emotions, memories and a few inspirational thoughts for our future shows back to Germany.
(Also we had, have and will have a few hangovers....)

Again, big thanks to Jeff the BigTikiDude and all the wonderful souls that have helped bringing this thing into existence.

See you at Suzie"s or some of the later shows...

the Space Rangers are my new favorite band: they made a huge impression on me with their well-done tunes and the wonderful showmanship... I'm so thankful I had the opportunity to catch them in person...thanks be to Jeff for making the arrangements...

of course I like all of the bands, otherwise I wouldn't have booked them.
but I have been, and am continually amazed by the Space Rangers.
I liked the cd a lot, but live this band totally blossoms and is so rich and deep.
The Dynamics and superb song writing of Muck and his band mates has reaffirmed my thought that so much of the great surf is coming out of Europe right now(take note americans).

Thanks again for coming to america and sharing your wonderful music with us, Space Rangers.

and these guys are the greatest most friendly people.
and funny as Hell.
Many a drunken late night with them, have happened, and will happen before they leave.


I'll write more later (hopefully today), but I just wanted to post this - I hope I'm allowed to say this, but how badass is this??? Smile


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

how badass is this???

Way. It is way badass.


I'll write more later (hopefully today), but I just wanted to post this - I hope I'm allowed to say this, but how badass is this??? Smile


I'll drool long time now!

Reverb, It's A Way Of Life!

Great job as always, BTD!! It's taken me about 3 days to recover...actually, I'm still in the zone...listening to The Ghastly Ones right now on dark-purple vinyl!

It's good to be playing with and witness to all you fine musicians and legends... thanks to Rick Wilkinson (Surf Report founder) and Ryan Ruiz (the guy whose coattails I rode into this scene)! I'm honored to be in all your company...just a lowly bass player.

I had a blast, got some awesome vinyl, saw some legendary performances, and got to play Gear! one and a half times.

I hope you keep it going, BTD, even though I know it's a colossal undertaking!

Long live surf!

Some pics from the entire weekend in SoCal...more to come as Dana pulls them off her camera...some of you Facebookers have seen some of these already....

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

Great photos Whorehay! It was great seeing you again! Is everyone else still high as a kite over this?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Is everyone else still high as a kite over this?

Yes!!! SG101!

I'll write more later (hopefully today), but I just wanted to post this - I hope I'm allowed to say this, but how badass is this??? Smile


Yes, it is, but where were your leather pants, Ivan?

Seriously, that Saturday night performance was really great.
Thanks for the sonic assault. And, as I expected, the videos don't capture any of the energy, so to all who missed it, you had to be there.


The Scimitars

Great photos Whorehay! It was great seeing you again! Is everyone else still high as a kite over this?

yes sir!

Space Rangers and MuerTones tonight at the Puka Bar in Long Beach.
Jeff (btd) and I are leaving in an hour for more more more Surf Music.
I have eye surgery tomorrow at the VA hospital, Long Beach. If I feel better by the evening, I just may have to go with him to the Boars' Cross N in Carlsbad
for more Space Rangers. Then Sunday at the HtBch pier 5 bands. Did I say
the Space Rangers were Playing too. I think I like these guys.

Hodad makin' the scene with a six pack.

I find now some time to express my comments about the week we had in California and the SG101 weekend. Apart from the fun we had as Wadadli Riders, I want to give my ideas about what I have seen, the differences I have felt between the US and the European market and how I see the evolution of this genre.

The main thing is the attitude the Americans have towards this music compared to the Europeans. For Americans surf music is more like a "religious listening" of the songs, sitting down and admiring the technical expertise of the musicians and checking the songwriting. In Europe there is more of a "dancing attitude", therefore the bands need to be party bands, move on stage, give something else to the public. The kind of compliments you get after the shows are in facts different. In the US people have listened to your music and appreciate your songs and energy on stage, telling you how big or sophisticated or traditional was your sound. In Europe the compliments come from the energy you were able to transmit to the audience, from the show you did. It's difficult for me to explain, but I think you understand what I mean.

Another difference is regarding the technical aspect of the show. All clubs in Europe are used to have PA systems. All bands do a longer soundcheck that involves microphones and sound techs. What I have seen in the US is definitely more direct: put down the amps and play. It's the old way, which I find more appropriate for this music. At the same time there are some reasons for this. We hardly have showman amps in Europe so the volume and the impact of the guitar sound is different. Maybe the same volume but the guitars are more trebly and not so full in sound. Second, nobody in Europe wears earplugs... never. So the sound is louder for everyone and in most of the places you have to accommodate this to the room where you are. It is why a soundcheck is more appropriate, passing the instruments in the PA to mix everything differently.

One big difference is the crowd. I mean the amount of people.
We have much much more at the SJ festival and in many venues around Europe. But, is it significant? It depends. If I look at the knowledge that people has about surf music, US wins. If I look at the energy that people has about going to the festival, Europe wins. I would like to put together the 2 things.

As a surf music lover I prefer the US attitude from a side, because when you go to play, most of the public know already who you are, they know your music and they have decided to come to see you live. As a simple music promoter, the European attitude is winning as we make more money.
The US festival brings ONLY people around the surf music business. The European festival brings every kind of people. This is what is missing in the US to make numbers. With my experience I can say that the SG101 convention should have to be done in HB, at the Pier, where people who knows nothing is passing by buying ice creams. But it has to be done BIG, I mean, with a BIG attitude. We need to look like a BIG community, giving ourselves much more importance. We need to go there saying "hey, we play surf music". People thinks we play "oldies": well surf music is much modern than what everybody thinks and we have lots of great great musicians and good music produced every year. We need to showcase this.

Now, someone can say that this is NOT possible in the US. With all respect this is bullshit.
The world is the same everywhere. Problems are the same. The difficulties in getting things done are the same everywhere because you always find someone who is against you and hates you. We just have to work together and think at surf music as a business, like it was 50 years ago. When there is a new music movement everybody is overexcited. Then that movement passes and nobody cares anymore about that. Suddenly after 20 years that movement is re-discovered and there are chances to get the attention back to it. Look at the Beatles: so great in the 60s and then in the 80s nobody wanted them anymore... now they are legends. So it is for surf music. We are in a very good moment for surf music in my opinion. We ARE in the 4th wave of it, we have to increase the quality of our festivals making them more professional, like all other music businesses.

All this gives me more ideas for the Surfer Joe's and the SG101's.
In Europe I have to improve the historical aspect of the music.
In the US we have to improve the marketing.

I talked and met new friends in US that can handle with me this aspects of the festival and I really really do hope we will be able together to get bigger and bigger. I really love surf music and I really love this community. I had so much fun at the convention and noticed that everybody was happy, excited about the music. We have all the right ingredients to have fun, get more people involved and make more money too.

As last thing I want to say that the work that JEFF BTD does is amazing!
Jeff is putting together all the local community with no money invested but a great knowledge of what everybody wants. He does more than what you think: he knows now how to make things working.
Fortunately he has a great support by the community providing instruments and help on stage to set up and arrange the show. At this point Jeff would need to be part of a team.
Notice that the SG101 is a "convention", it is a "reunion", it has to grow in a "festival".
The festival requires a bigger attention in the organization and a team that puts together all the various aspects. I'm positive that this can be done in the next future.
But for now, THANKS JEFF !!!!

Lorenzo "Surfer Joe" Valdambrini


Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

Great photos Whorehay! It was great seeing you again! Is everyone else still high as a kite over this?

Thank Dana! You too, Brian! That & hoarse.

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

I find now some time to express my comments about the week we had in California and the SG101 weekend.

Something else we don't have in America at the moment is brutal honesty. Thank you Lorenzo for your keen insights. As long as we think small, we will remain small.

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

The main thing is the attitude the Americans have towards this music compared to the Europeans. For Americans surf music is more like a "religious listening" of the songs, sitting down and admiring the technical expertise of the musicians and checking the songwriting. In Europe there is more of a "dancing attitude", therefore the bands need to be party bands, move on stage, give something else to the public. The kind of compliments you get after the shows are in facts different. In the US people have listened to your music and appreciate your songs and energy on stage, telling you how big or sophisticated or traditional was your sound. In Europe the compliments come from the energy you were able to transmit to the audience, from the show you did. It's difficult for me to explain, but I think you understand what I mean.


One big difference is the crowd. I mean the amount of people.
We have much much more at the SJ festival and in many venues around Europe. But, is it significant? It depends. If I look at the knowledge that people has about surf music, US wins. If I look at the energy that people has about going to the festival, Europe wins. I would like to put together the 2 things.

This is a really interesting analysis, and probably deserves its own thread and discussion.

That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

What Lorenzo wrote above is an impressive commentary and SO RIGHT ON!!! I hope everyone who reads his post "gets" it.


In the future, perhaps we should set our sights on something like this?


I, for one, would be interested in assisting in this endeavor. As long as I get paid a LOT of money.


Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

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