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Permalink Official Announcement, 3rd SG101 Convention Sat. Aug 7th 2010

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Gonna take me a bit to get used to seeing Norm with a guitar!!!!!!!! lol

(somebody upload a vid, quick!!!!)


"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater

The Luau Cinders

This was an awsome experience, as much as I loved last year's event, this one was even better. Great job Jeff, and all who helped organize, and provide equipment..the backline was awsome.
The bands did a great job, and I liked both jams, they are a really important feature, and a blast to take part in.
I know it's a cliche, but it really is nice to meet old friends and make new ones each time at this event.

Regarding videos...I too, can't wait to see them, but I gotta add a disclaimer. There is no way in the world that any video would capture the vibe and energy that was there.

It was a really amazing experience one of my favorite bands of all times, The Space Cossacks live two times in a row. And as much as liked Friday's show, the Saturday show was 10 times better.
Whoever decided to leave before Space Cossacks played, missed out big time.

See you all next year,

The Scimitars

Last edited: Aug 09, 2010 11:01:11

Well......luckily, i still remember the feelings & vibe from LAST I can at least imagine!!!!! (still not the same)

Folks....start saving your pennies now. It's worth every bit of struggle it takes to get there. God knows I'm planning to be there NEXT year.


"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater

The Luau Cinders

And the fun kept right on today at Suzy's! WOW WOW WOW!!!!

More later, I have to go to Don's!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Brian, it's like the surf guitar triathlon, isn't it?... trying to keep up with Jeff. Glad you're having a blast. Cool seeing you and chatting with you again!

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

Fri, Sat & Sun were AWESOME, Jeff. What a great, great, great weekend. So many cool people, so many new friends, so much TALENT...I only wish I could express it in such a way to truly do it justice.

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

I wish I could have got there earlier, so much music to hear and so many people to talk to. Space Rangers really rocked and they're probably the nicest guys you'd ever meet. Frankie and Poolboys had me smiling so much my face hurt. Insect Surfers are the pride and joy of Los Angeles and are SO much fun to watch! (love the snot lamps) It was a real honor to witness The Space Cossacks. Performances like that are inspirational. A million tons of kudos are due to Ivan's flawless lead playing but what really had me transfixed was the golden right hand of Mark English. His complex, textural rhythm playing on one of the best sounding Jags I've ever heard leads me to dub him the "James Hetfield of Surf".
Also great hanging out with old friends and meeting some new ones including a few heroes of mine. (you know who you are)
Big Tiki Dude and Brian, thanks for making this happen. The monster you two have created are a highlight in my life. I'm glad I can be a part of it. Worship SG101!

Dean(aka Moondevil)

Last edited: Aug 09, 2010 02:36:50

Nice break down... !!! Very Happy

Nice break down... !!! Very Happy

You're not talking about your ride are you?
Sorry you couldn't make it Sad

Dean(aka Moondevil)

Liebe Freunde, dear friends,

these past days have been the most intense days for us, both as a band and personally. we heard so many great bands, so many brilliant musicians and met so many interesting people, we can hardly keep track of everything that has happened. (I mean it, if I seem to have forgotten someone"s name, please forgive me...)

It is a great thing to be a part of this thing, the surf music world, or whatchacallit, but it took us a s a band on to a higher level. we will bring many wonderful emotions, memories and a few inspirational thoughts for our future shows back to Germany.
(Also we had, have and will have a few hangovers....)

Again, big thanks to Jeff the BigTikiDude and all the wonderful souls that have helped bringing this thing into existence.

See you at Suzie"s or some of the later shows...

This makes me smile a lot. I knew next to nothing about the Space Rangers before the convention. I had listened to their tunes on MySpace before, but it took seeing them in person to really get it. Luckily I got to see them twice and they really made a great impression on me. I look forward to listening to their CD over and over again. And they are the nicest guys! I'm so glad they are having a good time in America. Kudos to Jeff for asking them to come over!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Here is a random memory of mine from the convention. Paul Johnson was wandering around with a huge grin on his face. He checked out all the new bands and gave the thumbs up to many of them. He started all of this! And here he was strolling through the fans and bands that all appreciate this great music.

I can imagine no higher honor to be playing at the convention and you look out and see PJ giving you the thumbs up!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Here is a random memory of mine from the convention. Paul Johnson was wandering around with a huge grin on his face. He checked out all the new bands and gave the thumbs up to many of them. He started all of this! And here he was strolling through the fans and bands that all appreciate this great music.

I can imagine no higher honor to be playing at the convention and you look out and see PJ giving you the thumbs up!

I was standing behind you Brian when PJ gave his approval to Ivan.
It damn near brought a tear to my eye.

Dean(aka Moondevil)

Crashing in the hotel in Seal Beach and sorta needing to decompress. What a wacky weekend of reverby fun. Lots and lots of playing in every sense of the word. Just got back from the guitar karaoke at Don the Beachcomber which was a surprisingly superb and quite mellow way to end the weekend for me.

It was really great to put faces to names and names to user-names. Apologies if I mangled your favorite surf tune or spilled beer on you or your loved ones!

Big huge thanks to Jeff and Tena for all the work. That was shit ton of details to keep straight. But it worked! And thanks to Brian, of course, for facilitating this really remarkable community of like minded surf music geeks.

Oh, and even more thanks to coltsurf for the G&L donation! I am still dumbstruck. My son is playing Miserlou on it right now in the room.

See you all next year! Very Happy


Oh, and even more thanks to coltsurf for the G&L donation! I am still dumbstruck. My son is playing Miserlou on it right now in the room.

That is so awesome that he won it. He was SUPER geeked. I told him that he needs to bring it next year and get on stage for the Member Jam with it! Smile

Great weekend to add to the collection! This year's convention was stellar (they all have been.) All the bands were fantastic and it was great to chat with everybody and see some old/new friends. It was really great that there was more of an international presence this year. I hope this continues and grows!

The highlights musically for me were the two interstellar bands. The Space Rangers really put on a great show. Great tunes, great sound, hilarious banter! And, of course The Space Cossacks. They pretty much burnt the place down and gave me more than enough energy and euphoria to make it back to San Diego on three hours sleep! I've said it a hundred times before but for my money, Ivan is truly the most gifted and inspirational guitar player in this genre (past or present) and a huge influence on me.

Jeff pulled it off once again. From my view everything went very smoothly and without a hitch. Quite a feat. Great great job Jeff!!

Thanks to Brian, again, for keeping us all tied together through this site.

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

back at my "real job" in NYC (took the red/eye out of Santa Ana last night)

maybe I should grab a Thesaurus so I can as many ways as possible to describe how "great" a weekend I just experienced in Southern California

3 days of such incredible music, my soul is stoked!

kudos shout-out to Big Tiki Dude (and his Family!), Tiki Tina, Matt, and others too numerous to mention for their contributions in putting all of the weekend together!!

what a Summer this is for me!! first, SURFER JOE SUMMER FESTIVAL in Livorno, Italy, and then the SG101 Convention

tonight I hope to put together a FLICKR photo set for all to see (I shot like 800+ pix!!). Note: I did NOT shoot any videos for this trip. Decided to kick back, and soak in the reverb. From what I can tell, at times there were up to 10 people shooting videos, so I suspect there is plenty of footage archived

In conclusion, I am completely blown away from my weekend in S. CALIF. Every band gave their all, and were well received. This is a great community of people, and I'm thrilled to be a part of it

Unsteady Freddie

Man, what a blast! I had an incredible time on Saturday, and the Space Cossacks killing it was the icing on the cake! A great job by Jeff, Tena, all the volunteers, equipment providers and coordinators, bands, vendors, raffle donators, and everyone else involved.

Ding Dong Devils:
Del Noah & the Mt. Ararat Finks:

Man, what a blast! I had an incredible time on Saturday, and the Space Cossacks killing it was the icing on the cake! A great job by Jeff, Tena, all the volunteers, equipment providers and coordinators, bands, vendors, raffle donators, and everyone else involved.


Liebe Freunde, dear friends,

these past days have been the most intense days for us, both as a band and personally. we heard so many great bands, so many brilliant musicians and met so many interesting people, we can hardly keep track of everything that has happened. (I mean it, if I seem to have forgotten someone"s name, please forgive me...)

It is a great thing to be a part of this thing, the surf music world, or whatchacallit, but it took us a s a band on to a higher level. we will bring many wonderful emotions, memories and a few inspirational thoughts for our future shows back to Germany.
(Also we had, have and will have a few hangovers....)

Again, big thanks to Jeff the BigTikiDude and all the wonderful souls that have helped bringing this thing into existence.

See you at Suzie"s or some of the later shows...

the Space Rangers are my new favorite band: they made a huge impression on me with their well-done tunes and the wonderful showmanship... I'm so thankful I had the opportunity to catch them in person...thanks be to Jeff for making the arrangements...

I finally got a chance to listen to some of the Space Rangers CD and it is top notch. I've only heard half of it so far but it is already a favorite. The guitar tones are SWEET! I meant to tell those guys to visit Time Warp Music in Venice, they have lot of vintage gear there that can't be found in Ulm.

I've seen The Insect Surfers a few times but they sounded better than ever at the convention. Those dancing girls didn't hurt either.

Exene was at the convention! Burnin' House of Surf.

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