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Permalink Most overrated "classic"?

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You don't have to dislike it but somehow you just can't understand why everyone else seem to rave so much about it.

My vote would go to "Bustin' Surfboards" by The Tornadoes. Or "Wipe Out" by The Surfaris...

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Everybody's so hard on Wipeout. I once had a little freak-out session with my cousin over the song, jumping around the room and everything, so I'll always have a soft spot for it. The guitar is a little weak, but it's the drums that make it fun.

If you'd asked me a month ago I would have said baja, but it's grown on me. So I'm thinking either Penetration or Telstar.

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

for years, i never really understood "Telstar's" appeal...all that overbearing organ and the ultra-melodramatic sounding melody....but, then, one day when I was about 14, i heard "Telstar" played at the skating rink...and then it all made sense. in the sterile wood-floor environment of the skating rink, the tones and tempo and feel of "Telstar" sounded FANTASTIC!... mixed with all the natural reverberation...

Let's Go Trippin' would have to top my list
I agree that Bustin' Surfboards is not that great.
Malibu Run is 10 times better than those two, but I always feel it's got a little bit of Margaya and a little bit of Everybody Up, which are both much better. I don't remember what's the order that they came out in, so it could either be recycling, or an idea that got developed into better songs.

I can probably come up with a few more, but I'm drawing a blank.

Oh yeah, not surf, but I think Rumble is way overrated. I like other Link Wray stuff much better. Yeah, I know the history, but it's still boring to me.

The Scimitars

"Surf Rider"

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I say Wipeout for sure and, please nobody hurt me, but I've never liked Pipeline as much as people have always told me I should. I guess I can recognize it's importance contextually, but it just never hit the spot too hard for me.

i can honestly say that im not a huge fan of the original chantay's version of pipeline.

i like the ventures version a lot better, even though i hate pretty much everything else from the ventures.

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The Tremblors on MySpace!

I'm probably gonna get hung here,
but I can't stand and would be happy if I never heard.
Walk don't Run, lullabye of the Leeves, and Perfidia, .
Its not they are horrible songs, but I don't think of them as surf lie everybody else does. Just kinda limp wristed instro songs,
and Like Ran said Lets Go trippin' ,ooooo I get all P O'd when people do covers of that. its just lame,.

I could put more, but I'll leave it at that.



yes Jeff, you are going to get hung you dirty bastard! Your Ventures bashing around here is going way to far. You would probably be on a Van Halen forum right now if it was not for the Ventures. Evil

And DP, its a good thing you changed your mind about Telstar, probably my favorite instro of all time. Wink

To answer the question, I think wipeout is pretty weak and I never really thought Margaya was a great tune.

Mr. Moto. Pretty much everyone's cover is better than the original version.

"Wipe Out," "Penetration" and its subsequent rewrites, "Telstar" (though I do like the production) and "Apache" top the list. I don't dislike the Lively Ones cover of "Surf Rider," but I don't think it blows the original away, either. And is "Surfer's Stomp" considered a classic? Because if it is, then that's on the list for sure.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Puke busting surfboards has got to be the worst. great sounding title but the tune is BAD Evil

I'm gonna go along with Klas on this one. Even though Leonard, the Tornadoes drummer, lives just a few blocks from me. I have never understood the royal stigma associated with "Bustin' Surfboards" by The Tornadoes.
I have heard them play live localy several times. They do some real nice stuff, but "Bustin' Surfboards" has always made me wonder why people think it is so good.

Joel Very Happy

I agree that Bustin Surfboards and Rumble are pretty boring... Wipeout is pretty boring too... although I did like watching the clip of Mel Taylor and The Ventures playing this... from The Beloved Invaders movie I think...

To tell the truth though... I would listen to any one of these songs over a crappy bar band playing Mustang Sally or Brown Eyed Girl any day!!!!


To tell the truth though... I would listen to any one of these songs over a crappy bar band playing Mustang Sally or Brown Eyed Girl any day!!!!


I'll drink to that.:cheers:
To be honest, as much as alot of these songs are overdone, the fact that people are still playing and listening to these songs at all has to say something...I mean, we never wanted to cover "Walk Don't Run," but as a fan of surf and instro music, I get a bit jazzed when someone else does. Same for "Bustin Surfboards," sure there are waaay better surf songs out there, but, say, in an area where I live that's innundated with metal bands, classic rock cover bands, and much, much worse, I'd got apeshit to hear any band cover it.

Ranking on "Mar Gaya" though? That just aint right. Confused

The Disasternauts

Lanky Bones. Chicken Scratch. Duck Waddle. In my grumpy opinion, all versions suck.

Scotch Highs

Man, I love all the classic songs. I can't believe some of you cats don't like "Penetration" or "Surf Rider." Those are songs that kinda defined the sound for me.

I guess if I had to choose a classic it would be "The Lonely Surfer" by Nitzsche. It's on every comp album I see and I hate it.

To me....The perfect guitar bridge on "Telstar" is the whole song. It's not how great the songs were...come on, they were all pretty simple little melodies and hooks but they represent a lifestyle and a time....maybe a beach or a car or school or....or...or...ok,ok,ok i HATE "Surfer Joe"!!
So long...
RR Cool

The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"

church key....sorry Mel.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

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