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Bill, I think the Strat as a back-up to the Mosrite is more logical than a Jag/Jazz. The dullness(good thing) of a Jag/Jazz would only be frustrating after playing a Mosrite.

Bill, I think the Strat as a back-up to the Mosrite is more logical than a Jag/Jazz. The dullness(good thing) of a Jag/Jazz would only be frustrating after playing a Mosrite.

Well put Jake! I couldn't have said it better myself .. Very Happy

I actually find the Mosrite to be dull in comparison to the Jag. In the sense that the Jag pickups have the lighter more sparkley fender sound.
While the Mosrite is loud and sharp and cuts through really well, it just doesn't have that fender sparkle. The Jag is dull in the sense of low sustain, but it's still bright.
I still like my Mosrite though, it's a fun guitar.

That '62 RI Strat should be good too.

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I actually find the Mosrite to be dull in comparison to the Jag. In the sense that the Jag pickups have the lighter more sparkley fender sound.
While the Mosrite is loud and sharp and cuts through really well, it just doesn't have that fender sparkle. The Jag is dull in the sense of low sustain, but it's still bright.
I still like my Mosrite though, it's a fun guitar.

That '62 RI Strat should be good too.

Strings make a big difference also scale length too..


Bill, I think the Strat as a back-up to the Mosrite is more logical than a Jag/Jazz. The dullness(good thing) of a Jag/Jazz would only be frustrating after playing a Mosrite.

Well put Jake! I couldn't have said it better myself .. Very Happy

I was thinking that as well Jake. That along with I'm hoping I can get away with lighter strings on the Strat. Also the trem, although nothing alike I can probably push the Strat further down into Mosrite depths than I could a Jazz/Jag trem.

I still have GAS for a Jag or Jazz and with about 700 bucks left in my guitar buying funds who knows what's next.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

Exclamation i voted "other". i use a duo-sonic for surf. the 24 inch scale is easier on my arthritis than a strats 25 and 1/2 inch scale.. it has a nice fender "tinkle " to it. but the strat is my second choice!

Enjoying the surf,sun and sand!!

I really hate to say it, but I think I'm beginning to like my Mosrite more than my Jazzmaster.

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mainly i use my strat for surf stuff ,and the guild or gretsch for darker sounds , I tried a friends jaguar (MIA) but could never get on with the pickups , they sounded way to bright , going back to the strat , iT a great guitar , it's one of the mid to late 80's early reissues so it's had time to wear in , and through the super reverb with verb on 7-8 it's the maddest surf sound , put some delay on top and your heading for the moon! all 3 , verb delay and tremolo , trouser moment !

Tha Jaguar is my pick for surf and I just love the 24" scale because it makes for a deep chunky tone that my jazzmasters can't reproduce.

That's really interesting. It's not often that you see the Jaguar sound described that way. The usual adjectives are 'bright', 'trebly', etc. Could you elaborate that part about "deep chunky tone?" I'm finding Jags more and more interesting these days.

With the proper pickup switch combinations, I too can get my Jag very thick and bassy. You have few more switching options on the Jag. I love my Strat, but the Jag takes things to a whole new level.

Fin Doctors


This was done with a downtuned Jaguar:

So you can get a fat sound out of Jags


Tha Jaguar is my pick for surf and I just love the 24" scale because it makes for a deep chunky tone that my jazzmasters can't reproduce.

That's really interesting. It's not often that you see the Jaguar sound described that way. The usual adjectives are 'bright', 'trebly', etc. Could you elaborate that part about "deep chunky tone?" I'm finding Jags more and more interesting these days.

One can definitely get a "deep chunky tone" from a Jaguar. Just check this out:

No downtuning necessary although I'm sure our heavy flatwounds adds to it.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

This was done with a downtuned Jaguar:

So you can get a fat sound out of Jags

Yeah, you can get really fat sounds out of a Jag. The fattest guitar sounds I've ever heard was with a Jag. It sounds even fatter in person, like you wouldn't believe. As fat as a space shuttle taking off.

I use a Jagmaster. I know, i know, it's a Squier. But since we have a surf/punk thing going on i need the dual humbuckers. I love it, and i'm looking to pick up a second one for a backup.


I'm a Strat player because of its playablity.It's a very responsive guitar.And you can get a lot of different tones.
But i really dig Jaguars and JM because i like the 2-pickups config.You can get some really good digged middles.
I thinked many times that i could get some Jag or JM pickup's on my Strat to combinate the advantages of the two guitars in one,but i realized it was silly!
I just can't vote for one guitar,i just love surf axes.
By the way,i just bought a SGV 800 yesterday and it's really cool for surf/eleki !!!

I use a Jagmaster. I know, i know, it's a Squier. But since we have a surf/punk thing going on i need the dual humbuckers. I love it, and i'm looking to pick up a second one for a backup.

Sure you may not get the full on Trad sound of a vintage early 60's Fender Strat...but there is nothing wrong with a Squier, they are what Leo intended the Strat's & Tele's to be back in the day.... a working mans guitar.

I have a Squier Standard Strat that I picked up used.
With a fret job, set up and after market pickups sounds and feels better than alot of the MIM Fenders I have played at GC for a 100.00 bucks less.
I also have a long scale Jagmaster and just picked up a 22 fret Bullet that is in pieces while I try to figure out what color to paint it.

I know some other members here play Squiers here too.

If you haven't checked this site out it's a great site for Modding info.

"Maybe there aren't any surf bands; there's only surf music?" Tuck

Last edited: Oct 23, 2010 10:38:12

Time to end this thread.
Everyone's favorite Surf Guitar SHOULD be a Pre-CBS Strat with Rosewood fretboard!

All others are mere pretenders!

Time to end this thread.
Everyone's favorite Surf Guitar SHOULD be a Pre-CBS Strat with Rosewood fretboard!

All others are mere pretenders!

Arguably the Strat is truly a amazing guitar! However, "SHOULD" and "IS" are to entirely different words.. There is no perfect Surf guitar.. There all good!! I own 4 Strats 3 Jazzmasters a 1 Jaguar.. The crazy thing is my 6120 Gretsch is my favorite right now... However it's subject to change any time..

Hi all - I've read this page for years and finally set up an account. This looks like a good thread to jump in on.

I've been really loyal to a Japanese-market Jaguar with SD Antiquity pickups, but this week I got a Hallmark 60. The Hallmark is REALLY easy to play... almost.. TOO easy, but the Jaguar is somehow more satisfying to play.

So far the Jag is my favorite guitar for ME to play - due to its feel and having a good range of usable and distinct sounds (I use the rhythm circuit with tremolo on a cover of Bang Bang) but some folks sound great on a strat.

I think I strongly dislike guitars...

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