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Permalink who are the top 5 surf bands?

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I can't get past Los Straitjackets and their Twist Party album. Plus they just put on a very fun show. Kind of weird with the masks... but unique! In a good way, of course.

Last edited: Dec 07, 2006 11:58:39

Are you sure ??? the Moby Dicks????

..the MobyDicks are cool...the exhibit the right attitude...namely: surf music is about hardcore fun...

and their name is wicked cool: "MobyDicks"

that sh*t cracks me up every time!

-dp Laughing

The top 5 modern Surf bands:

Satan's Pilgrims
The Apemen
Man or Astroman?
Space Cossacks

Too bad that most of them are not active.

and I must add 2 more instro bands:

Planet Seven.

Too bad that most of them are not active.

That means not current, which was the question (not modern) - so only one of these bands is active (Euroboys and Planet Seven are also defunct)...What's your next 4, Lee-Or?


The Scimitars


Too bad that most of them are not active.

That means not current, which was the question (not modern) - so only one of these bands is active (Euroboys and Planet Seven are also defunct)...What's your next 4, Lee-Or?


not sure what "active" actually means, but Satan's Pilgrims are playing a bit again, (Ted? what's in the pipeline?) and the Apemen still play every now and then (more then SP). MoAM have played again recently too.

yeah yeah, I know, not "really" active


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

My faves at the moment - in no particular order:

The Nebulas
Satan's Pilgrims
The Madeira
The Defiant Ones

The Disasternauts


Too bad that most of them are not active.

That means not current, which was the question (not modern) - so only one of these bands is active (Euroboys and Planet Seven are also defunct)...What's your next 4, Lee-Or?


  1. Satan's Pilgrims (the best Surf band ever, to my opinion)

in that case I will have to leave those spots empty.
none of active surf bands today are even close to the quality and the originality of the bands I mentioned in my early post.
and you know it as well as I do, Ran.

The Space Agency (UK band) - amazing home-made recordings taking it where the Ventures in Space left off.
Reluctant Aquanauts - ripping Eddie & the Showman style licks.
Volcanics - all around fun frat-surf.
Satan's Pilgrims - classic and influential band that uses all old gear.
The Ghastly One's - great originals and tight as OJ's glove.

I heard The Space Agency on myspace a while ago and they are indeed a good band. Does anyone know if they have albums for sale?

They have a variety of cds available. Send Simon a message.

I too like the Space Agency. You can listen to short clips from the CDs as well as ordering them at their label website:

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

I heard The Space Agency on myspace a while ago and they are indeed a good band. Does anyone know if they have albums for sale?

All three albums are really good. When I ordered two of them a month or so ago Simon said he's sold out of the first album and almost out of the second one.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Cool, thanks guys.

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