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Permalink listing where you are from, or the web links to your band

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Is it just me, Or does it bug anybody else.
When People join SG101 and then don't include in their info where they are from. And they talk about the scene or lack there of, and not mention where they live, and expect you to know.
Or talk about their band, and don't mention the name, and or don't have a link at the bottom of their posts to the band.

Is it a privacy/paranoia thing?
or do they just zip thru the sign up process and not fill it out.

am I making too big a thing out of this?


+1 Jeff

It's nice to know where people are from.!/rich.derksen.7

and its not like I want an address to their house,
just a city and a state or country would be cool.
even if it just said So. Cal. you get a round abouts idea where that is.


Doesn't bother me per se... However, I can see you point. One shouldn't bitch about the lack of a "scene" if they live in... Alabama.

I have always referred to my group but haven't mentioned the name and rarely include a link to the band. Just not why I am here. I'm really in the band for personal enjoyment, I've always preferred band practice to gigs... Gigs are good though.

what was your band again?


The Beatles. We had that song about a submarine that was yellow.

hmmmmmm? never heard it, or of the band.


hmmmmmm? never heard it, or of the band.

Maybe you've heard of one of my bandmates. He went on to form the Ringo Starr All-Starr Band. They've released some really amazing records, better than anything the band ever put out.

oh yeah I got all of that stuff.


Back to the original topic...

I do think some people try to keep a low-key presence on the board. And perhaps their band's material isn't quite ready for mass consumption yet.

or they don't know that they can list that info.


by the way, you had better agree with me, or you better not hope we meet in person.
Confused Face Palm


If they don't pay me $10 then I don't open that option on their account.


your a moderator now?
there goes the neighborhood.
not sarcastic.


Heavens no, I'm not a moderator.

Ah, you could be a mod though jake.

I agree with Bigtikidude, i wish to know of surf bands & fans from my own country. Don't be shy! show yourself off and hit the sg101 map.

Oh yeah, don't forget the Member Map. We have 299 members on it, why not be the 300th? ;)

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Oh yeah, don't forget the Member Map. We have 299 members on it, why not be the 300th? ;)

I can't be the 300th, I'm already on the map.

Ok, I'm number three hundred. Tell me what I've won.

I signed this.

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