Posted on Sep 09 2010 09:09 AM
Phil's Review of our CD...
Phil Dirt - Reverb Central - PO Box 1609, Felton, CA 95018-1609 USA
The Deadlies - Meet The Deadlies
The Deadlies play a host of riffin' bluesy instros and selected tracks from disc 4 of Cowabunga - The Surf Box. The drums rock and the bass is rock solid. The guitar plays rootsy riff-based progressions a lot, some of which are really compelling. I'm not quite sure where to place these guys - part surf, blues based, country edged, and occasional roots rock.
Picks: Save The Waves, Pier Pressure, B6 Shuffle, Morgan Speaks, Mojave Dry Run, P. B. and J., Another Nashville Rash
Track by Track Review
Surf Rock (Instrumental)
Rhythmically writhing and pulsing, "Teahupo'o" seems to be just about that. Not particularly melodic, and very rock dominated. Tuff drums and bass, and kinda jammy and proggy.
Save The Waves
Surf (Instrumental)
This is a tuff cover of The Surfdusters' "Save The Waves." Solid, reverby, and powerful. It's loud and aggressive, and rides on a thundering beat. Melodically strong, hooky, and dramatic.
Pier Pressure
Surf Rock (Instrumental)
Teisco Del Rey's "Pier Pressure" is darkened and toned down a taste from the original. Heavy and rough textured, with strong drums and pulsing bass.
B6 Shuffle
Surf Blues (Instrumental)
"B6 Shuffle" is an interesting track with dominant drums. The guitar riff is fun and entertaining. The underlying structure is blues, but there's significantly more than that going on.
Guitar Hero
Rock (Instrumental)
The drums pump and the bass grumbles as the guitar riffs on the wave they create. Verging on surf, "Guitar Hero" is mostly about the drums. The riff is too unchanging.
Morgan Speaks
Surf Rock (Instrumental)
"Morgan Speaks" is an almost jangly number that moves slowly and gently. It's quite mellow, with a visual melody line that paints a portrait of a rainy day on the coast. It's fairly unchanging, but it's so pleasant that the dependable nature of it adds to its charm. Very nice.
Mojave Dry Run
Surf (Instrumental)
"Mojave Dry Run" has a delightful surf rhythm. The cycling riff is intriguing and delivered with some textural and register variation, keeping it fresh. Its metronome-like reliability gives it a hypnotic feeling, though its angularity and tonal edge prevent slipping into that abyss. The long fuzz note bending is really a nice touch. Excellent!
P. B. and J.
Surf Rock (Instrumental)
"P. B. and J." is way more tribal cool than the reliable peanut butter and jelly sandwich. This is a very moody number with an undulating rhythm and percussion. While quite simple, the beat really makes this stand out. Hard not to like.
Mayhem At Pillar Point
Surf Blues Rock (Instrumental)
"Mayhem At Pillar Point" is bluesy, riffy, and on the dark side. It's a very pleasant track with a jammy structure and hot rod roots driving sound.
Another Nashville Rash
Surf Rock (Instrumental)
Interesting string bending and lumbering drums with moody bass. "Another Nashville Rash" cycles through a circular pattern as it opens. Once it arrives, there is a cool riff that's a bit like Armageddon's "Buzzard," but much lower energy and rounder sounding. Punchy and brooding with oomph. There's a bit of swamp rock and country jive here too.
Double H
Surf Blues (Instrumental)
"Double H" is a bluesy jam with baggies on. Stax-Volt angular and cycling structure.
Surf Rock (Instrumental)
Starting off bit like "Echo Flower Blues," then migrating into a string of familiar riffs. Fun and light weight, with strong drums.
Pig Farm
Country Rock (Instrumental)
Circular country rockin' chicken lickin' fun with an edgy back porch sound. Get on your gingham and prepare to picnic in the hay.