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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Surf Music General Discussion »

Permalink Best Version of "The Breeze and I"

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I have always loved this song, this is my quest to find out which is the best recording, and maybe learn who else did this song that I was not aware of.

I have to go with The Jesters, although I do like the version done by Steve and The Emperors as well.

How could you have possibly left out "The Vibrants" version from Rare Surf?That version is sublime, dare I say definitive? (But you should also seek out Dinah Shore's vocal version- sounds like she recorded it with Esquivel as the back up orchestra.)

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Last edited: Dec 01, 2006 19:37:13

You don't have the Shadows??????

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Opps Ivan Sad I had a feeling you would have posted that! I did not put the Ventures either, mainly because I have never heard the Shadows or the Ventures versions. How do the shadows handle it? Something I should look into?

Personally, I think their version is simply brilliant. My favorite hands down.


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I haven't heard most of these versions, and of the few versions I have heard my favorite is the (unlisted) one by the Bambi Molesters--the super chill, super suave one with the fluttery piano. I melt whenever I listen to it.

Definitely without a doubt the Bambi Molesters' version. Also they have a great version of them rehearsing it on their Backstage Pass DVD.

The Bambis' version is very good. Going purely from memory, it seems like it owes more than a bit to the Challengers version. The piano and the really laid-back style...


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I second Steve and the Emperors-the saxes are boss! Close tie with JM and the Jesters.

What's the earliest surf version of this song? The first version that made me listen was the Jim Messina version. It uses the classic surf trick of taking an american standard, speeding it up, and making it something it wasn't meant to be - a rebelious surf song. If the song is played slower, it reverts back to its american standard roots. There are other versions I like, but thats my favorite. the Bitch Boys version is good, too for the same reasons.


"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

@ WaimeaBay:
I put my coverversion of The Breeze And I in the downloads / demos. Surely it´s not the best but it´s passable. After approval hopefully you can listen to it.

The Bambis' version is very good. Going purely from memory, it seems like it owes more than a bit to the Challengers version. The piano and the really laid-back style...

I listened to these two versions back to back last night, and it's clear that at least the Bambis' version was inspired by the Challengers version, and it's possible that it was a direct cover.


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I second Steve and the Emperors-the saxes are boss! Close tie with JM and the Jesters.

Steve & the Emperors' version is probably the earliest surf version. I also love the saxes - they sound great!

The question with the Jim Messina & the Jesters version - which one? There are two. There's the original sixties version, which has a bizarro loud syncopated bass part. And then there's the alternate sixites version which was released in the seventies, and which is a lot more straightforward - and less compelling, I think.


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The Jesters.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

You can listen to my coverversion of "The Breeze And I" under downloads / music. Hope you´ll like it.

Another tough one! Yes, there are a few missing that I would have added, including the Rare Surf version. I like them for different reasons.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

I checked out your version of the breeze and I.
I would like to say, very nicely done. Very Happy
Welcome to the Surf Guitar 101 forums.

Oh, thank you very much! And many thanks for your welcome.


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