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Permalink any good sites that show surf band tour dates cumulatively?

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Help Hello to all as I'm new to this site. I came here after purchasing the Madeira's new album, and I'm pleased like I was both Space Cossack albums. Being up here in Wisconsin in cow country, there isn't much to surf on here unless you get near Lake Michigan and then, maybe if you get close to a large ship. Not that I surf anyway, but it seems tough to see bands around here of this genre. I understand why artists don't seem to come here, as the gate doesn't offset costs. I have been able to see Dick Dale 3 times, the Mermen 2 times, and Los Straitjackets about a dozen times. I also seen the Exotics about 3 times, and the Reverend Horton Heat (I know it's psychobilly) twice. Many times artist come through and I don't know about it, as there are so many I like, and I don't check up on them because quite a few broke up. I was pleasantly surprised Mr. Pongracic had a new band, as I e'mailed him years ago saying he was going to grad school. I guess also much of my surf stuff is from 1995-2001 (and the older stuff) so I haven't really heard as much of the newer bands either (something I should take the time to do) Embarassed . In short, are there any surf concert sites so I don't have to rattle my brain when I miss something? Pollstar is nice, but with shows all muddled together it gets tiresome after a while. Thanks for any answers. Blah Blah

Hey! Welcome!
Check out the calendar section here at SurfGuitar101. Brian does a good job keeping up with what's happening, gig-wise.
Ted from the Detonators

Hey Empty Glass, welcome to sg101.

I say your best bet is here on SG101, there is a Calender here.
and also keep an eye on the news items on the front page, or the General discussion area, and you might see some shows in the Mis west.
there are some, you might have to drive 100 to 400 miles though.

there is a web site that has some dates on it.
But its for Nor. Cal. and So. Cal. only.



Thanks. I've already considered driving farther, as I really like Slacktone but their closest shows only seem to be in NYC. It would be nice just to sync a bunch of shows together, but the weekends are only so long.

Hi EmptyGlass;

Ivan of the Madeira/Space Cossacks here. Nice to see you join SG101, it's the best. As the others said, check out the calendar on the front page of this website. If you're willing to drive to Chicago, the Cocktail Preachers and the Reluctant Aquanauts perform there quite often, and they're both great. There was a big shindig in June in Champaign, IL called the Atomic Frolic with the Madeira and a few other bands you would have enjoyed. About once or twice a year the Madeira plays a show with the Cocktail Preachers in Chicago as well. This past May we were joined by Detroit's own, the brilliant Volcanos. If you feel like driving to Detroit, you might be able to catch them live, or at least one of their many alter egos. And finally, we play in Indianapolis quite often, though that's probably too long of a drive.

Oh, and keep an eye out for a Chicago mini-festival called Exotica. In 2003 the Cocktail Preachers, the Volcanos and my old Shadows-tribute band the Troubadours played. Then in 2005 Los Straitjackets headlined with the Cocktail Preachers, the Exotics, the Madeira and the mighty Nebulas (all the way from Boston!) on the bill! If they do it every two years, there should be another Exotica the summer of '07.


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Last edited: Nov 30, 2006 08:02:07

Welcome to the group. Check out our calendar here. It is nice to see another mid-westerner. Please keep us posted if you hear any news from the Exotics (add their shows to our calendar).

SG101 Calendar

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Thank you Ivan and I say you do exceptional work. I was sad to never see you and the rest of the Space Cossacks, as I think I have about everthing you fellas put out. I was happy to see you have a new band, and I enjoyed the Madeira album immensely. To see you guys I would strongly consider driving to Indy.

As for Brian, I've been through much of northeastern Iowa and it doesn't appear to be much surf there. Maybe you could snowboard on those hills by the Mississippi, but that's about it. Where part of Iowa are you from? The mill by Cedar Rapids smells gnarly. Iowa City was nice and I stayed a few nights in Des Moines and Ames. The drive from Waterloo to Fort Dodge seemed more desolate than here in eastern Wisconsin (Oshkosh area) where I live.

I guess Iowa is known for it's corn and Wisconsin for its dairy farming and cows. I don't know if cows like surf music, but I could play some to a few to see if they swing their tails to it. Laughing

Thank you Ivan and I say you do exceptional work. I was sad to never see you and the rest of the Space Cossacks, as I think I have about everthing you fellas put out. I was happy to see you have a new band, and I enjoyed the Madeira album immensely. To see you guys I would strongly consider driving to Indy.

Thanks, EmptyGlass. I really appreciate that. You should go to our website and put yourself on our mailing list (look for a button on the bottom left). We'll keep you informed of any shows that are coming up. Go here:

Also, since it seems you get around the midwest quite a bit, are you aware of a series of albums (both on vinyl and CD) called Surfin' In The Midwest? It's a collection of surf bands from the sixties midwest, and there's some seriously great stuff on those! The Trashmen weren't the only ones double-picking and reverberating in this part of the world back then! I think the first two volumes are only on LP, and vol. 2 is sold out and fetching collector prices. But I recently got vol. 3 on CD and it's great (I've had vol. 1 on LP for many years, and that's a classic). And vol. 4 just came out - see this story:

Norton Records sells volumes 1 and 3. I don't know where else you can get them (besides direct from the label), but I'd highly recommend them!


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

emptyglass -

It is true there is not much surf in Iowa. In the 90's Pulp Fiction boom we had a band called the Del-Stars out of Des Moines. Right now we have a psychobilly-surf band called The One Night Standards that are very entertaining live. And of course we get Dick Dale and Los Straitjackets coming through here occasionally. However, if you are willing to travel somewhat, you can see some good shows in the Midwest. A couple times a year I make long trips to Chicago and Indianapolis. I have to hand it to Chicago's Cocktail Preachers, Indy's Madeira, and Detroit's Volcanos for doing shows together. I will drive for those. Ivan already mentioned the highlights (Exotica 2005 was killer). The Surge from Atlanta has played in Indy too.

And I also believe you should try to make a long distance show at least once a year, assuming you have the finances to do it. I've made trips out to the West Coast to see the Surf Coasters and last year saw Satan's Pilgrims in Seattle and Portland. It's fun meeting people from this group in real life.

I live in the Cedar Rapids area. Hopefully I'll see you sometime at a show!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Ivan, I will check out you site more, as I was there briefly. I will also try to track down those Norton releases you talked about. Thanks for the info.

Brian yeah I think it would be great to go out West for a few shows. My trip this year was to New England, Quebec City, and Montreal for the fall colors. I looked to see if any of my favorites out there were doing anything at the time but the Treblemakers and Fathoms I believe broke up, and I think the Meltones are out West now. I don't know what Preston Wayne is doing (I have one of his albums, but I don't know if it is his normal repetoire) and I could have seen the Cranktones if it would have fit into my schedule a little better.

I think there was some other bands in Quebec City and Montreal as well, but unfortunately I never took the time to pick up any of their releases. I probably will go back to Montreal someday because it was such a fun town, and them maybe I'll know a little bit better.

Anybody know of any groups that the Fathoms had on their Fathomless album? They seem to have a really cool retro sound that is really clean. It is definitely one of my most favorite albums.

The Fathoms are playing out again, but it is basically Frankie with all new band members from what I have heard.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

If you hear anything about them touring please let me know. That's another group I'd love to see.

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