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How about a vocabulary list for novices like me?

1st wave - 2nd wave - drip - dip - splash etc

I signed this.

Yeah! Please define "Hodad" Smile and what is a "Face Palm" Smile

Not much on the lingua franca of surf music, but the rest of the surf references are pretty well covered here:


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

How about a vocabulary list for novices like me?

1st wave - 2nd wave - drip - dip - splash etc

Someone else here will surely school me.

1st wave = 60s era surf bands

2nd wave = 80s & 90s surf bands

drip = the 'pingy' sound spring reverb units make, listen to the Astronauts & you'll see.

dip = the lowering of note pitch made when a tremolo is used

splash = bad movie with daryl hannah, heh heh

(defunct) Thee Jaguar Sharks

Plus! Other stuff not surf:
Enjoy every minute

How about a vocabulary list for novices like me?

1st wave - 2nd wave - drip - dip - splash etc

1st Wave - 60's era surf bands

2nd Wave - anything from 70s - October 14, 1994

3rd Wave - October 14, 1994 - present

Drip- the sound produced by a Fender Reverb tank when hit with strong attack by a clean guitar

Dip- less than a 1/2 half step tremelo bar movement

Splash is like Drip, but even more excessive with the Reverb

Hodad- if you have to ask, then you might be one Very Happy

Face Palm- Picard Face Palm

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

3rd Wave - October 14, 1994 - present

This gremmie will ask... that's an awful specific date; Coincide with Mr. Tarantino's gift to this genre?


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

Hodad- if you have to ask, then you might be one Very Happy

According to various web resources a Hodad is a guy who hangs out on beach but can't surf. Also some references to greasy haired dudes so i'm guessing they were Fonz types?
Anyone remember the episode of the Fonz at the beach, he wouldn't take his leather jacket and boots off.. Smile please define for me.


The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

The "Jump The Shark" episode is the standard by which all failed threads are judged.

I signed this.

The Fonz don't quit.

I signed this.

The Fonz don't quit.

Seriously, i'm up for a vocabulary list, it would be a good addition to sg101 v2.. lets see what Brian says.

Well...we had a wiki for a while, but no one was really interested in working on it.

If a new guy just hangs out a while I think he'll pick up on most of the lingo. But a cheat sheet might be convenient, I suppose.

There are already threads about the "wave" nomenclature and what hodad actually means.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I'll be the Guinea Pig. I'll hang out for a while, then you guys can quiz me. If I'm still this stupid in 6 months....

I signed this.

I'll be the Guinea Pig. I'll hang out for a while, then you guys can quiz me. If I'm still this stupid in 6 months....

Will this be on the final? Laughing

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I'll be the Guinea Pig. I'll hang out for a while, then you guys can quiz me. If I'm still this stupid in 6 months....

Welcome jefcon1! I'm relatively new here too, recently deep diving in the world of Surf/Instro, and already learning a lot by osmosis. The great thing is so many of the active members are the real deal - records, shows, and in some cases decades of "living the dream."

This community is a real goldmine of knowledge of the history, people, music, and gear. Take the time to read through the old threads - loads of great history & knowledge out here. I also HIGHLY recommend the podcasts.

Surfs Up!


El Mirage @ ReverbNation


3rd Wave - October 14, 1994 - present

This gremmie will ask... that's an awful specific date; Coincide with Mr. Tarantino's gift to this genre?

I framed that question poorly; wasn't intended to be rhetorical. I get the Pulp Fiction "era" as a point of demarkation. Take 2...

Did you reference Oct 14, 1994 as the marker date because it: was the US movie "general release" date (vs. previous screenings)? Or did the date coincidentally tie out with the soundtrack entering (or cresting?) on the billboard charts, since it was released a few weeks prior to Oct 14? Or did DD do a promotional performance of Misirlou somewhere on this day?

... just wondering if you've named the date of the 3rd wave of surf music based on the broadly viewable film release date or because of a milestone event around the soundtrack?

(( Sorry to be getting to content in the suggestion box area! Just didn't want to start a new thread ))


El Mirage @ ReverbNation


3rd Wave - October 14, 1994 - present

This gremmie will ask... that's an awful specific date; Coincide with Mr. Tarantino's gift to this genre?

I love Pulp Fiction but I strongly believe there is WAY TOO MUCH EMPHASIS on it creating a so-called "third wave". I'll agree it caused a small spike in exposing surf music to the GENERAL PUBLIC for about two seconds, but by using the release of that film as a benchmark makes it seem that it's the only reason bands fron the 90's started playing surf which is definetly not the case.

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

I suspect Ferenc citing that exact date was a bit tongue in cheek. It's generally accepted that the 3rd wave was a result of the movie. Not that lots of bands started after it, but that existing bands became more popular and entered into a more public consciousness.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Some "wave" threads:

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

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