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Hello All,

Mosrite guitar is my first choice but I can't afford one
so the Stratocaster is my go to guitar, with it's
Original contour body.


Thanks Whorehay. I first saw Gary with The Blue Hawaiins.
BTW, I checked out RFB and LOVE IT! I've turned several of my friends onto it as well.
I know you're not actually in Bakersfield. A few years ago, I was contacted by the HB Surf Museum. Seven Oaks Country Club in Bakersfield (Buck Owens was a member) needed a band for a luau, but didn't want a "pure" Surf band. We took the gig and had a great time. The staff at the club treated us like royalty. We were asked back the following year, but had a scheduling conflict. The manager who had hired us left shortly afterwards, so we haven't been back.

Damn, I just saw this TODAY! Thanks for the kind words! Thanks for turning your friends onto RFB! Sorry I missed this the first time! Sounds like a great gig!

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

jaguar i can get that real good surf tone but a jazzmaster has a better low end twang but the real tone comes from your fingers!! Very Happy

I'm using a Squier Jagmaster that I rewired to for parallel and split-coil operation. Both modes provide a real nice surf tone.

Charles Bandla

so i know i voted for the strat but im liking my SGV 300 at the moment, even more than my 800 they really are great guitars




Combo Tezeta IG

Over the years, 'have played surf on a JM, Jag, Strat, Mosrite, SG, LP and 335, with pretty much equal success. In this opinion, if you go into a Twin Reverb, one can do little wrong.

Maybe a litte less success on the SG and LP, but remember, the original "The Endless Summer" album was played on a 335 and Gretsch bass.

I play a Jazz clone from Wilson Bros.
I like it alot, it seems to get most of the various classic Ventures' tones pretty well.

Polka and Surf for Life!

I like it.

I go back and forth between my Gretsch Duo Jet, my Jaguar and my Strat. All three are pretty good for Surf.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

I built my favorite surf guitar, back in 1993, and still love playing it today.image
Alder body, shares contours with strat & jag, Charvel surfcaster pickups, 24 inch scale, special wiring, and sikkens paint.

I have a strat in sunburst.


I wanna play just like him when i grow up...

I go back and forth between my Fender Strats, and my Ibanez Jet King. I put Kent Armstrong P-90's on the Jet, and it surf's like hell. Smile

Fin Doctors


I have a 64 strat, a 66 Jaguar, and a fender custom shop aztec gold nitro Jazzmaster.. All just kick as!!! But if I was to have a total Favorite surf guitar I will go to the Jag.. Hey when should we talk about Surf amps!?!

hey! where are the pictures!?


Above: The Fenders
Below: My old ass playing the JetKing (JTK40). w00t!

Fin Doctors


Last edited: Apr 06, 2010 19:21:33

Currently my vote would go to my iBanez Jet King (JTK30):


Even stock it cuts through in a mix extremely well.






El Bluesky
El Ray
El Ray on Bandcamp
El Twang on YouTube

In terms of tone, I tend to gravitate toward Jaguars. But as far as what I own, it's a Tele w/Bigsby and a fake Jazzmaster copy with Gretsch Hilotrons.

Not sure if anybody already mention Gretsch Silverjet with Deharmond PU as I didn't read all the posts of this thread.
A friend of mine bought this guitar recently he went mental with its sound, which he says has the right tone for surf music. Recently he was a lot more focused in playing rockabilly but the sound of his new guitar brought him back to play surf again. I didn't try this guitar myself, though.

I use myself that surf green Fender Jaguar CIJ that I have on my avatar and my vote went to the Fender Jaguar.

Last edited: May 03, 2010 06:16:08

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