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I'll take number 9. I didn't pipe up earlier cuz I thought the idea died. But I'll definitely take #9 although I hate to see you go to all that trouble, but if you're determined to do it anyway...

No one has posted any hard numbers yet, although a few people seem to know them. I will go off and ask what they can do for us and then we can decide if it is worth it to go in together or just do it all as individuals.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

me too, if it's gonna happen.
I'm definitely interested.

This is making my head hurt. But here are the options:

Stephen McParland
Hi Brian,

Thanks for your help in promoting the book so far.
Unfortunately, the book is not mass produced - none of my books are.
I simply don't have the room to store hundreds of books and keep everything available (over 20 titles).
The saving would be in the postage as postage costs here are outrageous.
Also, bear in mind that each copy weighs in at 1.2 kilos!
My fault for making the book so indepth - as always.
For 10 copies or more, I can drop the price per book to $42.
However, the big saving is in the postage.

For 10 books
$133 for Airmail (1-2 weeks) - (13.30 per book instead of $23!)
$75 for Seamail (6-12 weeks) - (7.50 per book)

I would advise insuring these shipments. Add $8 for insurance.

17 is the maximum number I can send via the post office (limit of 20kilos).

For 17 books
$213 for Airmail (12.50 per book)
$121 for Seamail (7.10 per book)

Again, insurance is advised. Same of $8 - it's just so they can be tracked.

As you can see, there's not such a big saving on getting 17 instead of 10.

I can send them FEDEX in a 25 Kilo box (22 books).
Last price I had from them (without knowing your zipcode) was $208. (that's 9.45 per book). Fed-Ex is door to door.

Anyway, thanks for the enquiry and sorry I can't provide the books at a
better price.
What I really need is a publisher (or someone) in the US !!!


Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

So for 10 the price goes from $46 to $42 for a book. And shipping goes from $23 to $13.30 for a total savings of...$13.70 per book. So is it worth it to have someone send $533 and then have the responsibility to break it down when they get it an repackage and ship? And with that reship price added it will be a savings of maybe 5 - 8 bucks.
Hes really right in 'needing someone in the US'. If I had $1000 laying around lol, an even then I'd only have a couple extra left, which might not be a bad idea considering how hard this stuff is to come by after a few years.
I'd like to help an take this on but can't afford it so I will still be getting one and only one on my own...thats my story an I'm stickin' to it lol.
Brian, your awesome for checking on this for the group though!!!
My head hurts now too lol. Can't wait to see the book! The Dick Dale book looks groovy too.
Good weekend Idea

I'm coming to the same conclusion. The only real way to make this work is if a whole bunch of California people could just hand deliver copies to each other the next time they see each other at a show. Otherwise we may just be better off ordering separately. Thoughts?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I think we should just get them separately. Unless, that is, the California crowd wants to do their own thing like you suggested. I might order mine today.

Im a bit lost on how many books he actually published?
I really cant afford one right now, but at the same time I do want to make sure I do get one.



Just as I was about to order McPharland's book, I saw Dalley's book available at amazon for below what I had in mind as max price ... So I ordered Dalley's... still for WAY too much. Crying ... though it's actually the same as what McPharlands book would cost me, with the shipping and all Shocked I will get McPharlands next month, probably.


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Yeah, I tried a week or two ago to see if it's something I could possibly carry in the Double Crown catalog, but the discount wasn't big enough to make it worthwhile. I'd actually have to charge more, and I just don't know how big of a market there is for a $50-70 surf music book.

Double Crown Records

Double Crown Records

Surf CD's / Vinyl / Fanzines / DVD's
Aloha Screwdriver - Lunar Wobble CD
The Nebulas - Euphorion LP / CD
Supertubos - The Fourth Drive CD
Continental Magazine - Issue #38 w/17 Song CD

I got mine today!!! Groovy Thumbs Up

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

and how is it, what do you think of it???



I haven't had a chance to do anything more than thumb through it, but it is indeed quite impressive. I will have a lot of reading to do. Nice center section of color photos of album covers, and lots of b&w photos throughout. It does indeed have a different scope and purpose than the Bob Dalley book. This book has more of a high level feel to it, while Bob's just drills into all the bands he could think of. Lots of good reading in here I think. I will write some more after I've started in on it. At first glance, it's a big :thumbs-up:.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

cool, thanks Brian,
now I just need to scrape up the $$$ to get it.



Same here. I'm interested to hear your thoughts on it, Brian.

I'm also interested to hear more about the book. I opted for surface shipping and I'll probably have to wait several more weeks before my copy arrives.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

I finally got my book today (surface shipping took 10 weeks). Definitely looks like great stuff for anyone interested in the original surf/hot rod music era.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

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