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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Surf Music General Discussion »

Permalink Know of anywhere I can get a Slacktone shirt?

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I'm always going to their site and they don't have any on there. Actually there is a lot of surf groups I would pay to advertize for them so if there are any sites with quite a few surf bands t-shirts, please let me know. I only have a Mermen shirt, an Exotics shirt (given to me for being the zaniest character at the show) and a Los Straitjackets shirt because in Wisconsin they're hard to come by.

Send them an email, it is likely they have some laying around.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I tried that about a year ago, but I guess it doesn't hurt to try again. Thanks.

They sell shirts when they play live, but Im not sure about on the web, I've never looked for them though, because I know they don't have XXl's



When they came here last September, they had left them in Las Vegas. Not sure if they ever got them back or have any more though?

I'll sell you an Atomic Mosquitos shirt if you're interested, drop me a PM.

Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space

Hmmm, the Atomic Mosquitos. I'm haven't really heard any of your work. Let me get back to you on that. Wisconsin isn't a hotbed of surf information and I just joined here yesterday.

Like Brian said, I would just email one of them.
or or dave@slacktone
They'll respond.

Some other surf bands with tees for sale on their websites:

Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space


I cruised on over to the Meshugga Beach Party website to check out the music and bought one of their shirts. Very funny graphic on that one. I get some quizzical looks from people when I wear it.


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