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Is it possible to have a quick subject search option by keywords? By this way would be possible to avoid to repeat subjects that already exist. I'm a newbie on the forum and just started a new topic about new dimensions because I wasn't aware there was already one thread on that subject. If the quick search option was feasible it would be much easier for both new and old members.

First of all, no worries on starting another topic.

Secondly, the search function will be improved when a new version of this website is rolled out (hopefully later this year).

BTW, I found that existing New Dimensions thread using the regular search quite easily.

If the existing search function confounds you (and it seems to give lots of people trouble), then just turn to google and add this to your query:

E.g., go to google and type: "new dimensions"

Although in my experience this doesn't really give you better results than the existing search feature. This is probably because the forum thread titles aren't correctly optimized for search engines. I hope to correct this in the future for SG101 2.0.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Thank you for the tips.
Google might do for my needs.

There is no question the searching needs to made easier. We are working on it. Smile

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Important tricks for getting the current function to work better (thanks to all who've helped me):

  • Scroll down and check that you want results by post, not topic (thread).
  • Make sure to check "all terms."

I can't remember if quoting phrases helps or not! E.g., "New Dimensions" not just new dimensions.

I gave up on the search function after many failed attempts at trying to play its fickle game.


I've used other forums that allow you to use Tags on posts. It's something Flickr does too. Kinda neat that you can also show a heat map of tags, in addition to the benefit the tags give search. Here's a good example of that; bigger/bolder text indicates popularity and usage of tags:


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

Just to close the loop on this, a search button is available to the right when you start a new topic. This was implemented a few years after this topic was started.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Last edited: Jul 10, 2015 19:59:39

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