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Permalink Official Announcement, 3rd SG101 Convention Sat. Aug 7th 2010

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the ninth wave

Facebook pages theSupertones
or @ Timothy C Sullivan

If I recall correctly, there was a preview of a forthcoming surf documentary shown at the 1st SG101 convention.

Looked good, and I thought the release was pending. Whatever happened to that one?

Its still in the works,
Hopefully it will be done, or at least we can show a longer trailer for it this year.
It does have some newer bands.
But I believe that "sound of the surf"
is going to be very heavy on the 1st wave bands, guys.


Last edited: May 18, 2010 14:09:37

I'll be in LA on the 5th 6th & 7th of July . Any chance we can bring the convention forward one month?.

Jeff....check your PM's!

  • Surfbeatnik

I'll be in LA on the 5th 6th & 7th of July . Any chance we can bring the convention forward one month?.

um.................. sorry,


I'll be in LA on the 5th 6th & 7th of July . Any chance we can bring the convention forward one month?.

Dates are good. Any chance of moving it to Winnipeg?


You should come on down this year Pappa Surf.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

You should come on down this year Pappa Surf.

Thanks for the invite Brian, I would really love to come down and soak in all the reverb but that weekend would cost me about 2 grand and that's a bit too pricey for my family budget. Probably in a couple of years I'll try and make it coincide with a family vacation to California when the kids are a bit older.

For now, I'll have to live vicariously through you guys and your YouTube videos.

Has anyone considered setting up some better quality video/audio at the convention? In the land of moving pictures there has to be somebody who knows somebody who's cousin's brother is a cameraman. Or maybe some technical school kids would like to use the convention to do a video project. Just a thought.!/rich.derksen.7

Frankie & The Pool Boys.
Atomic Mosquitos.
Insect Surfers.
60's surf legends and luminaries.
3 days of shows. Maybe more?
Chance to mingle with your sg101 buddies.


I'm just sayin'.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

That's an all star lineup for sure!

...the Luminaries, wow, I've got all their albums! Wink!/rich.derksen.7

I don't mean to beat up on you or anyone, but if you do have the money and you do have the time open, and you like surf music, you simply have to come to this. Who knows how long we will be able to do this? And look at that lineup? I've been to the previous two and I can tell you that they were mind-blowing, life-changing experiences. Seeing all your SG101 friends in person and all those amazing bands is a truly amazing experience.

Anyway, if you don't have the cash I totally understand. This is probably what is going to prevent me from coming this year (that and the acts of a deranged individual). That is why I feel so strongly that if you can make it, you should definitely go and help make this years an even bigger success than the prior two. You won't regret going.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Brian, it bums me out to hear that you might not come this year.
I wish for you the best outcome in the situation you are in.
And hope that things turn around and you can make it.

If not, I will have somebody video it again.
But I do want you all to know,
I would rather have you all here,
and not have to video it,
it just doesn't come across the same as it does in person.


I say we all pitch in and fly Brian and his wife out here First Class!

Be careful following the masses. Sometimes the "M" is silent...........................

...Or maybe some technical school kids would like to use the convention to do a video project. Just a thought...

I have some connections with some of my previous video production students...I have one fellow in mind who does a great job shooting skateboard vids and YouTube commercial pieces...he might be interested...I think he might even have a sound guy...

No promises yet...but I put out the feelers and see what I can do.

I say we all pitch in and fly Brian and his wife out here First Class!

I was thinking the same thing...


I say we all pitch in and fly Brian and his wife out here First Class!

I was thinking the same thing...

Me too! My wife and I were thinking of setting up a PayPal account for donations. Though perhaps we could just use the standard PayPal donation widget already on the site...everyone game? Someone start a thread!


Guys, thanks, but please, that won't be necessary. There is still some time left and things may change.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea



I say we all pitch in and fly Brian and his wife out here First Class!

I was thinking the same thing...

Me too! My wife and I were thinking of setting up a PayPal account for donations. Though perhaps we could just use the standard PayPal donation widget already on the site...everyone game? Someone start a thread!

Brian's right...let's keep this on the lowdown for need to put Brian on the spot in a public forum.

Lets concentrate on getting a good video crew in there.
and hopefully it will be someone that will want to process it,
and get it on the net for all to see at a later date.


speaking of videos.....

I just caved in

booked my flights

I will be at all 3 days for the SG101 Convention weekend

my Higher Power insists

The TarantinosNYC will emcee my SURF-ROCK SHINDIG on August 7th -- so all is well

see U all there!!

sounds like an amazing 3 days of my favorite music

congratulations/kudos to BIG TIKI DUDE for his undying nonstop efforts


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