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Permalink Misirlou by the Bobby Fuller Four

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i'm bummed i never got to see these guys way back when.

I hear ya', wish I would have taken a better look at their music back then.

I just got sucked into 2 hours of watching surf band videos on youtube and drinking beer!!

Thank you to the original poster Very Happy

This was actually going to be on the RFB Del-Fi tribute last week, but Insect Dave wanted "Martian." I'm actually glad we didn't go with "Miserlou" as "Martian" left us more room to include other artists. But I agree Bobby's version pours gasoline down the throat of Dick's version.

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

I just got sucked into 2 hours of watching surf band videos on youtube and drinking beer!!

Thank you to the original poster Very Happy

You accurately described my daily work routine. Cheers

But I agree Bobby's version pours gasoline down the throat of Dick's version.

Oooooh, Whorehay, that analogy's not very nice! Evil

But I must disagree. Fuller is just copying DD's Miserlou Twist with the addition of DD's Hava Nagila. So, DD is the original here, while Fuller is the copy. And I actually find this version overlong and frankly boring. Fuller's guitar tone is aggressive but not in a powerful way, like DD - more like in an annoying way. It actually sounds like the microphone was overdriving. The Hava Nagila segment is plodding, with none of the power or the energy of DD's original version - just listen to the two back-to-back. The whole songs just seems to meander without ever hitting a peak. It really does nothing for me. People always talk about it as quite remarkable - well, here's at least one vote to the contrary!

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Bobby's vocal prowess pours gasoline down the throat of Dick's.

Fixed it. Very Happy

That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.


Bobby's vocal prowess pours gasoline down the throat of Dick's.

Fixed it. Very Happy

Twisted Evil Definitely better - and MUCH more accurate, as far as messed-up analogies go.

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But I agree Bobby's version pours gasoline down the throat of Dick's version.

Oooooh, Whorehay, that analogy's not very nice! Evil

diabolical laughter

Agreed. Twisted Evil

Perhaps I was most impressed by the fact that I had no idea Bobby Fuller ever played instro prior to hearing that tune. Given that, he RIPS on it. On the other hand, do other live recordings of Bobby Fuller exist? That particular one sounds almost like a bootleg.

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

I like the performance a bit better than Ivan, although I agree it gets kind of lost and is too long. But, no way is it better than Dick Dale's version, despite what the YouTube comments say. Evil

I bet it sounded a lot better live in person. Where is that time machine again?

And yes, the gasoline thing was probably too soon, if ever appropriate. Confused

Weren't they going to reopen his case?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I think Fuller's version of Miserlou is great. As for live recordings, there have been some albums over the years. In the 80's Eva Records of France released Live Again which is from the same 1964 show as the currently in print Live!!! on Norton Records, both including the above Miserlou.


Then there was also Live at PJ's put out by Ace Records in the early 90's, from a show recorded in Los Angeles in 1966 just before his tragic death.


T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Perhaps I was most impressed by the fact that I had no idea Bobby Fuller ever played instro prior to hearing that tune. Given that, he RIPS on it.

Really... and you did a Del-Fi tribute!!! Twisted Evil I'm surprised you didn't know about his other surf/hotrod instros... Thunder Reef, Wolfman, and The Chase. I think you must know Our Favorite Martian since you said you played it on your show. You can find all of these tunes on The Del-Fi Rarities CD. Very Happy

I think his performance of Miserlou is pretty high energy but not as great as DD of course. It suffers from poor recording quality and mic overmudulation like Ivan mentioned. Still, I bet it sounded pretty rippin' live, though. The reason that it's so long I'm sure was to keep the kids dancin' at the show.

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

Thanks for the pointers Klas!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea


Perhaps I was most impressed by the fact that I had no idea Bobby Fuller ever played instro prior to hearing that tune. Given that, he RIPS on it.

Really... and you did a Del-Fi tribute!!! Twisted Evil I'm surprised you didn't know about his other surf/hotrod instros... Thunder Reef, Wolfman, and The Chase. I think you must know Our Favorite Martian since you said you played it on your show. You can find all of these tunes on The Del-Fi Rarities CD. Very Happy

I think his performance of Miserlou is pretty high energy but not as great as DD of course. It suffers from poor recording quality and mic overmudulation like Ivan mentioned. Still, I bet it sounded pretty rippin' live, though. The reason that it's so long I'm sure was to keep the kids dancin' at the show.

Sorry, I should have been clearer--when I first heard Fuller's version in 2004, I had no idea he played instro!

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

I thought you didn't hear it till now. You were gonna lose some brownie points! Very Happy Just kiddin', Whorehay. You're the man!

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

I'm glad Ivan, Brian, and a few others have spoken up. I always thought everyone but me thought Bobby Fullers version of Miserlou was better than the D. D. version. I thought I was missing something.

I like Bobby's version for the liveliness of it, and I agree that it must have been quite cool in person.

Bobby's version is cool too because there is so little live surf from that period. This and the Johnny Barakat and the Vestells cuts from the Rare Surf cd's is about it, that I can think of.

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

I think the sound quality is pretty good considering it's just a recording of a live performance that was never intended for an album release.

"The 2,000 Pound Bee" from the same show:

And speaking of BF instros, there was actually an all-instro collection album available many years ago. I don't have it or know the tracklist but I assume it contained more or less his entire instrumental output.


T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Without a doubt I really dig Bobby Fuller's instros very much but he's probably the best example I can think of someone who actually improved by switching to vocals. "I Fought the Law" is a pretty amazing tune.

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

I have a CD-R copy of that instro album, Klas. Lots of cool stuff on there, but all stuff available elsewhere, as far as I know.

Without a doubt I really dig Bobby Fuller's instros very much but he's probably the best example I can think of someone who actually improved by switching to vocals. "I Fought the Law" is a pretty amazing tune.

I completely agree, Norm. My favorite is "Let Her Dance". That's just as perfect as sixties pop music gets, I think.

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