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Permalink Suggestion: allow the shout box to be turned off.

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I suggest this because having a single SG101 page up consumes something like a third of my CPU... (anyone else tracking the CPU usage of SG101?)

And this is on my work machine, which is no slouch.

If I open up 4-5 tabs, all on SG101, the machine becomes pretty much unusable.

I guess others really like it, but for me, it's a resource hog, and I have to change how I browse when I'm here.

Normally, I'll go to a forums page, open tabs on the forums I'm interested in, then open tabs for the articles I want, then work through those. I cannot do this with SG101.



What browser and OS are you using raito? I haven't noticed that problem with recent versions of Firefox and IE on Windows.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

You can also try shutting of javascript in your browser, but again, I'm really curious what browser you are using to see such behavior.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

No way is this consuming 1/3 of CPU time. You have something else going on here.


My guess would be spyware, malware, etc.!/rich.derksen.7

Yeah, definitely something wrong with your computer. I can have 10 SG101 tabs open and many other programs open on my computers.

i tried this also and opening 4 sg101 tabs made my cpu usage go to 60% and 6% for just one tab.. i dont think i have anything else running in the background. running on windows Vista.




Combo Tezeta IG

I show essentially 0 percent in MSIE over Windows XP, except when something else runs briefly. Maybe go to the processes tab of the Task Manager, and sort on CPU Usage. See what is actually running.

running on windows Vista.

I think you just found your problem... Razz

I've heard the latest AVG9 anti-virus is causing some problems like this.

I use a little free tool called Filemon which i downloaded from microsoft.
With this i can see which programs are being used in real time.

There's also a updated tool called Process Monitor:

As far as monitoring processes, you can see the same information about current processes (in XP) by opening the task manager and going to the processes tab instead of the performance tab. If you are puzzled about performance or behavior of your system, that's the first place to go. Right click the task bar (assuming you have a right-handed setup) and open the task manager. In the task manager click on the processes tab. In that click on CPU twice to see procsesses sorted in decreasing orcer by CPU usage. Normally the system idle process is the big thing. It's the sum of time not being used by everything else. Menu item View > Select Columns allows adding things like IO activity or page faults to the display. Normally the highest level of IO activity will be something like your antivirus software. You may have to do a little homework to see what some of the processes are. Google any puzzles. Things with strange names are usually just unexpected or unfamiliar parts of your OS and security software.

Of course, before doing any of this you should ask yourself if you are running things like antivirus and antispyware software; whether you have a firewall turned on; whether your system and browser, etc., are regularly updated; whether you have your browser configured so that you have some control over what a site you visit can do, etc. If not then there is very little mystery about why your system is slow. I doubt any of that is the issue, though.

Of course, before doing any of this you should ask yourself if you are running things like antivirus and antispyware software; whether you have a firewall turned on; whether your system and browser, etc., are regularly updated; whether you have your browser configured so that you have some control over what a site you visit can do, etc. If not then there is very little mystery about why your system is slow. I doubt any of that is the issue, though.

Then ask yourself why you haven't bought a Mac yet. I'm using a second hand Mac Mini for all of $250 and it works great and no virus software needed. Twisted Evil

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Then ask yourself why you haven't bought a Mac yet.

I'd rather ask why you haven't got anti-virus. That's the story of the Titanic waiting to happen! Smile

OS is Windows XP, SP3.
Browser is IE 8.0.6001.something

Physical architecture is P4 3.4GGHz, 3.5 G ram

As I say, it's my work machine. I do not maintain this machine, IT does (yeah, I have admin rights because I'm a developer, but there's only so much screwing around I can do.)

I have no doubt that this is caused by corporate-ware (not your regular viruses, etc.)

It still makes things difficult.

Currently, I have 2 tabs open. 1 is on SG101. When I am looking at that one, The usage is from 25~35%. When I switch to the other tab, it goes down to 10~15%.

We'll see what disabling script does.

Disabling scripting does indeed drop the usage to 0.

Thanks all.

Then ask yourself why you haven't bought a Mac yet. I'm using a second hand Mac Mini for all of $250 and it works great and no virus software needed. Twisted Evil

Virus software is needed on any computer. You are still vulnerable to trojan horses and other malware. And a Mac can get a virus, not many are written for Macs, but they exist out there and that is dangerous.

With that being said, I don't have virus software on my Mac or PC. I'd survive if I had to wipe out the hard drive and reinstall. I've actually only gotten one virus my entire life, and that was on my work computer with virus protection software. It didn't properly catch the virus and my computer needed to be re-built.

Hey Raito, that is good to hear. At work our computers are also jammed with corporate bloatware and over-active anti-virus software that make them almost unusable. I'm also using an early version of IE8 and XP sp3 at work, but I don't see that same problem. Strange.

FWIW, I wasn't going to make the shoutbox scroll in SG101 2.0.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

About the only thing good about the corporate-ware is that if I can make our products work well enough with all that crap on the machine, it'll work well enough in the field.

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