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just been listening to The Bambi Molesters - Malaguena and also
Langhorns - Tierra Del Fuego over and over again, can't get enough of those if anybody knows anything else along those lines(apart from Miserlou) please let me know.

all the best

Check out the last part of the Mercenary Rides Alone Into the Sunset. We also have another song named El Capitan that features trumpet.

I really like the french horns (?) in "Main Title From: Ride The Wild Surf" by the Astronauts.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

I also like "hang 'em high" in the version of Los Plantronics, which has pretty good trumpets. It's on "Columbian Necktie"


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

cool...i'll be hunting them down as soon as i get a chance... Very Happy

My favorite surf style song with horns is Exotic by the Rhythm Kings. 2 trumpets play the lead melody sort of like an old Skatalites song, but the rhythm section is all 1964 surf band with a killer guitar break in the middle.

I found a copy of it on a music service called Rhapsody, that allows 25 free downloads a month. You have to download their player though. Here it is if you're interested:

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

I have always loved the trumpet in the song "Big Sky" by the Sandblasters (from Cactus Stingray). It lends to the 'ridin' the open range' feel that the song has.

Also, the band 'Herb' does a fun cover (trumpets and all) of Herb Alpert's "The Work Song" on the "Surfin' Senorita" CD (from Wildebeest).

Jet Sterling, Cosmic Spy

The Sandblasters also throw trumpet nicely into "Tarantula Taco" on the album Space Bar-B-Q as do the Woodies on "Spanish Word" (from Swimmin' in the Reverb.) It works really well in both of them.

thankyou all....i can't wait to hear these tunes, once i track then down.
i might by the wife a trumpet for x-mas, she played cornet in a marching band in her youth, but got kicked out when they discovered she could not read music a couple of months later, she'd been playing by ear all that time! Twisted Evil Very Happy

thanks again

One of my all-time favorites along this line is "Hara Sutra" by the Belgian band The O'Haras. Great trumpet with that cool bullfight thing going on. You can check it out for free, from their label, here:'haras%20hara%20sutra.mp3

(Sorry, looks like you will have to copy and paste the entire URL into your browser address bar.)

These guys are really something. Right on the edge, you can just tell.


Yes, I wanted to reccomend that one, but was too lazy to look up the exact song name. Thanks for posting this.


The Scimitars

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