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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Surf Musician »

Permalink Distribution deal a ripoff?

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How would you feel if a distributor, simply expected you to take their word for the sales of your music, and just cut you a check every year, with no accounting for the sales?

What if every where they sold your music they were listed as with the publishing rights (even after several emails to ask that it be corrected)?

What if they even spelled the name of a song wrong and have not corrected the mistake after several requests?

Would you feel comfortable with that?


How would you feel if a distributor, simply expected you to take their word for the sales of your music, and just cut you a check every year, with no accounting for the sales?

What if every where they sold your music they were listed as with the publishing rights (even after several emails to ask that it be corrected)?

What if they even spelled the name of a song wrong and have not corrected the mistake after several requests?

Would you feel comfortable with that?

Sounds about like the standard total ripoff recording contract to me.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

I certainly would not be happy with that!


Canadian Surf

Would I feel confortable with this arrrrrangment?
Only if the checks they were cutting once a year had a one followed by six zeros! $1,000,000.
But even then I would have to be totally ass drunk not to ask about sales.
I'd also have to be totally stoned not to ask about the publishing rights.
I would also wonder, how in the world I got into something like you mentioned above.
just saying...


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