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Permalink A good fuzz?

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If you're talking about a 60's type fuzz,
It's either a Maestro Fuzztone, a Mosrite Fuzzrite, Vox Tonebender, Sola Sound MKII Tonebender, or a Dallas-Arbiter Fuzz-Face. I'm sure there were other pedals used back then as well like the Univox SuperFuzz, or the Marshall Supa-Fuzz, but these seem to be the main culprits.
Satisfaction = Fuzztone
Inscense and Pepermints= Fuzzrite
When the Music's Over= Vox Tonebender
Heart Full of Soul= Sola Sound MKI Tonebender (same circuit as Vox)
Purple Haze = Fuzz-Face

Fortunately, all of these pedals are either reissued, or available as cloned knock-offs.

I have yet to find a Maestro Fuzztone clone pedal out there except for the one Gibson reissued a few years ago and is long gone. Anyone know of an available clone of this pedal? I'd love to own one

You can find originals on ebay for the price of a boutique pedal, and I see the re-issue used every so often. The schematics are available on line, and it's a piss-easy pedal to build.
You should realize that it's really a piece of crap pedal. It's very temperature sensitive and won't work when it's cold. It's fuzz level depends on how much signal is coming in to the pedal. Single coils hardly make any fuzz, and sound shrill and terrible -- you will clear the room. It's very adventurous in that you don't have any idea what sound it will make when you step on it; sometime I use it and think 'this is great!', other times I say "I'm never using this piece of shit again! Under the right circumstances you can get that classic 60's fuzz out of it, but it's a crap shoot, that's why they stopped making them so soon.
For some reason Gibson re-issued the FZ1A as opposed to the FZ1 which is the one used on 'Satisfaction' and sound much better.
A testament to it's true crappyness is the fact that almost immediately after it's release many different people tried to improve upon it. The Fuzzrite and tonebender were early attempts at it.

I ended up buying one of those Bigfoot FX Spaghetti Western Fuzz pedals.

Good choice! I got one a couple weeks ago and it really nails the 60s biker/surf fuzz. It's not as versatile as I had hoped, though. It doesn’t clean up until your guitar's volume is practically at zero and it only has two settings that I really like: fuzz at max and min. But still, those two sounds are GREAT. And unlike other fuzzes, it's bright enough to play nice with a lot of reverb (without sounding muddy).

What about overdrive pedals ? Any preferences ?

I really like the EHX Germanium OD. If you roll back on your guitar's volume knob, it does that fuzz face-style OD that brightens your tone so you can cut through lots of reverb.

Also, if you play around with the volts and bias knobs, you can get a great sagging battery sound. Combine that with the clang of splashing spring reverb and you’ll be able to get some of those early, bluesy surf tones with a hint of 'dying saxophone' (the tail end of a note when the player is out of breath - does that make sense?).

However, you need to use the Germanium OD with some sort of EQ w/ volume or else you’ll be really disappointed. With the gain turned up, the volume is just too loud to be usable. And if you roll back on the gain, the pedal loses all of its fuzz-like character. And like all EHX distortion pedals, it adds too much bottom end.

I spotted a previous thread about the Ibanez LF7:

That’s what I pair my Germanium OD with. I filter out some of the lower frequencies and use its volume to control the output of the Germanium OD. I’m quite happy with the results. I like it so much that I’m having a hard time making room on my (rather small) board for the Spaghetti Western Fuzz. But it's too good to keep off...

I think I am gonna to try the FZ5 out. It seems like a versatile pedal.


Santa brought me a November issue of Guitarist magazine from the UK...they have quite a few articles on fuzz pedals in this issue, as well as demos of eight of them on the included CD, and interviews with some of the original engineers/manufacturers...

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most...

I think I am gonna to try the FZ5 out. It seems like a versatile pedal.

Keep your eye open for a used FZ-3. That was my fazourite Boss fuzz pedal. And it's analog instead of COSM.

The Fuzz tone on Smashmouth's "Walking on the Sun" is a Fuzz Factory into a AC30. It's an interesting pedal, and can give you classic fuzz, or pure unadulterated noise. It's on my wish list.

I remember reading in Guitar Player how that guitarist spent hours or days in the studio with the producer to get that sound, it was not just the fuzz pedal he used.
In my ignorance of other choices I bought the Boss FZ-3. I was actually looking for a distortion pedal and was at first put off by its one sound, even using different pickups. I'm glad I kept it now, it is very fuzzy and reliable. You can hear a sample on my song Meteorite at myspace here:

Does the FZ3 have a good "Maestro" sound?


Does the FZ3 have a good "Maestro" sound?

I couldn't tell you. It sounds like crap, like a fuzz should. Isn't that the intent? It has one sound and you can't alter it.

Im looking for more of a buzz sound, not a crap one Cool


Im looking for more of a buzz sound, not a crap one Cool

I wasn't clear. Buzz=Crap, in a good way. Isn't it destroying the tone beyond recognition?
I would say the FZ-3 buzzes very well.

What about the FZ2 hyper fuzz? I've found one for 50 bucks......a worthy investment?


Why not. People who are into fuzz usually own quite a few fuzz pedals. Fuzz is sort of a thing that you have to find what sound works best for you. My roommate owns 7-8 fuzz pedals I believe, likes them all. The majority of fuzz pedals crap up your tone in different ways, so it is quite fun to try out different fuzz pedals. It isn't like reverb or delay where one or two pedals can be clearly better than the rest. Fuzz is just a highly personal thing.

Although there are some crappy fuzz pedals. That is the fault of people making a cheap fuzz pedal for the sake of having a pedal on the market.

This thread got me thinking that I need a Fuzz. I sold my only Overdrive/distortion pedal about a year ago because I was never using it. I just ordered a Fuzzrite today. Ashley said that it would be mailed out tomorrow. Yahoo!!!


Canadian Surf

just bought one of these haha another addition to my collection haha

got it because i wanna see if it sounds anything like a shin ei companion fuzz. anybody own one of these?




Combo Tezeta IG

I got a BBE AM '64 Fuzz in a "Secret Santa" trade on another Forum and I love it. I know what you mean by "crappy in a good way". It sounds like a distorted guitar on the AM band of a crappy Japanese transistor radio in 1964-in other words-GREAT!

just bought one of these haha another addition to my collection haha

got it because i wanna see if it sounds anything like a shin ei companion fuzz. anybody own one of these?

I'd love to own one. They sound so nasty.

On the auction it lists the Radiohead tracks the Shin-Ei is used on. One one of the tracks there actually is no bass guitar, what the guy thinks is fuzz bass is actually synth that the clean bass is doubling, another is actually not played by the guy who they say is bassist(nor is their fuzz on the bass track). Only one track has anything that resembles fuzz bass and it does sound like a Shin-Ei.

just bought one of these haha another addition to my collection haha

got it because i wanna see if it sounds anything like a shin ei companion fuzz. anybody own one of these?

so i just got this pedal in the mail and WOW it sounds soo good!really mean buzz saw sound! worth every penny. Groovy




Combo Tezeta IG

Violenza Romantica is played with spaghetti western fuzz. I love the sound of this pedal.


My Ash Bass Fuzzrite arrived a week after purchasing it, and it is great. Simple controls (Volume & Depth). It's Davie Allan in a box, and ruggedly built.


Canadian Surf

My Ash Bass Fuzzrite arrived a week after purchasing it, and it is great. Simple controls (Volume & Depth). It's Davie Allan in a box, and ruggedly built.


Totally off topic, but I just bought a few of your albums - Instromental, Flying Saucers Attack and Ski School. I also bought Bang Howdie Partner a year ago. Great stuff, all of it. You guys rock.


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