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I love that pic, Gregg. Where are you Ted?????


Actually I'm the hot pornstar looking dude on the top of the pyramid. Very Happy
But back to the Volcanics-they rule.

Actually I'm the hot pornstar looking dude on the top of the pyramid. Very Happy


Really, I was wondering where you were during this thread, not your location on the photo. Wink


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Yes, the Volcanics rule, especially live.
I got the album some time ago, and it's great. The vocal stuff is much better live, BTW.


The Scimitars

I'm sure I've said this before, but I re-iterrate it again.
Im not a huge fan of vocals in surf. but if they are done like the Volcanics do them, very very up beat, and with tons of rippin' reverb guitar behind it, then I think they are great.
I actually get into and sing along with them live gasp, shock,horror Shocked

And Im sure I will be this Sat., when we see them again.


Last edited: Nov 20, 2006 20:46:45

I'm sure I've said this before, but I re-iterrate it again.
Im not a huge fan of vocals in surf. but if they are done like the Volcanics do them, very very up beat, and with tons of rip[pin' reverb guitar behind it then I think they are great.
I actually get into and sing along with them live gasp, shock,horror Shocked

And Im sure I will be this Sat., when we see them again.

I wish I could have seen them play "Girls Girls Girls" as the Mighty Kegsmen.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Photos of the Volcanics last night at Yesteryears in Pomona







"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Looks like Benny got a new (old) kit!

Great action photos!

Great action photos!

They do a lot of that during "Fury Stomp" and "Tally Ho."


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

another killer high energy set, that the fans didn't wanna let them off the stage, the other night.
the only down side was sittin thru the 2 hours of the house Blues band, before.
Geeez how I wish they were with the Bomboras on New years.


the only down side was sittin thru the 2 hours of the house Blues band, before.

Man, no kidding. Anyone see "Ghost World?" Think Blueshammer, only 10x worse.

You know a blues band is authentic when people start doing the robot in front of the stage.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.


the only down side was sittin thru the 2 hours of the house Blues band, before.

Man, no kidding. Anyone see "Ghost World?" Think Blueshammer, only 10x worse.

You know a blues band is authentic when people start doing the robot in front of the stage.


HAHAHAHAHA, that was bad. Between that and the Gwar folks, it was quite an interesting evening.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Between that and the Gwar folks, it was quite an interesting evening.

I have no beef with Gwar. At least they're interesting in a unique way, rather than a "Oh, look--they're playing 'Texas Flood' note-for-note. Only with a lot more notes. And tapping" kind of way.

I think short of firing live ammunition into the audience, it would have been impossible for the Volcanics to put on a less-enjoyable show than Blueshammer. (Or whatever they were called.)


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

so Warren whats your official review of the Volcanics? since it was your first time seeing them. I know you told me in person, but this is a discussion forum, so discuss,... Wink



so Warren whats your official review of the Volcanics? since it was your first time seeing them. I know you told me in person, but this is a discussion forum, so discuss,... Wink

It was fun. I couldn't hear Frankie's playing all that well, which seemed kind of funny considering how many times I'd heard about how loud they are. The vocals were real good. I think they basically ruined "Ooh Poo Pa Doo" for me--all the other versions I've heard just seem lame in comparison. I'd see them again for sure--hopefully at a show where they aren't following a strong argument for mandatory euthanasia.

Maybe next time they can play on the same bill as Gwar, rather than across the street from them. One can hope, at least.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

ha ha!! Gwar and surf band, Im up for that. Razz

Yeah when Volcanics play smaller clubs like Spikes or Anarchy Library
its crazy loud. But Yesteryears was a huge hall. and I don't think that the PA guy, by eveidence of the (squeeling mics, and the one mic that was only commin thru the Monitors), probably didn't have
Frankie's mic'd amp comin thru the Main PA speakers or if it was, it was down to low.

sighhhhh, lame PA guys, one downfall of good shows sometimes.


I didn't make it to this show, but I remember the sounds guy was lame last time I saw them there, and didn't have a clue on how to mix them.

The Scimitars

I didn't make it to this show, but I remember the sounds guy was lame last time I saw them there, and didn't have a clue on how to mix them.

The videos I posted of the Volcanics in the Internet Videos area are from that show.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

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