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Permalink The WHYs from Japan - November Tour

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Hi Scott, nice to see ya hear. Thanks so much for posting the photos and the video clip! Thumbs Up

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Scott good to see you here too.
Hey can I ask you a favor, can you post the pictures on top of each other , instead of side by side?? please. Smile

thanks for the pics and video though.
hope you hang around and see you Fri probably.



Hey everyone this is Scott from Monsters from Mars. This is my first post on here. -Scott

Hello Scott!! Welcome. It's good to see you here.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Here's what happened on the last few days of the WHYs tour. After Fresno, we drove to LA for a show at the Purple Orchid, a truly great and inviting bar. Dave, the owner, is a great guy, what else can I say. Originally, the show was supposed to be at The Lava Lounge, but they cancelled the show, and The Insect Surfers were supposed to open. The Purple Orchid is in El Segundo, which is right next to Hermosa Beach, where the Insects had a show the following night, so they couldn't play on consecutive nights-- are you following me? So I thought it would be fun to get a pickup band with David Arnson, Adrien Anthony and Marty Tippens. It was abundantly clear that we had not rehearsed. Pretty much a train wreck from the first note, but we had a great time:
The WHYs followed, wearing their cavegirl outfits:
Friday we headed down to San Diego, the first stop was at San Diego State for a live mic at KCR with Clint Beechwood:
And then over to The Whistlestop. The Sand Devils opened and tested out the club's new video projector with a DVD collection of trailers from B-horror and cheesey skin flicks from the 60's and 70's. NOBODY was looking at the band:
The same video played while the WHYs were performing, and good thing to as the Whistlestop has no stage, I am sure that the only people who could actually see the band were the people standing in the front row:
Saturday, we headed to "The Happiest Place on Earth", the Double Down Salloon in Las Vegas. The place was packed. Matt Kora was there for his 9th show, also BeatmanTony from Outer wave. The place was packed, and The Whys rocked the house, finishing there set at 2:30 (I got them to the airport at 7AM.
More recollections as they happen.

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

I was kinda diggin the NC-17
But I thought it made for a fun adult evening.
Ferenc, were the band or Masa ( their manager) offended by it?

No they didn't care. I am not sure if the girls even saw it... they were facing the opposite direction.

Im sure there was a few people who didn't like it.

There were a few rape scenes which I didn't find entertaining.


Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

Some photos I took of The Whys in Las Vegas. I rally enjoyed their show. The energy coming out of the three was contagious. Pretty good sound too, very "american and true tube". I was about 5 feet away from the bass player and you could see that here fake eyelashes were already disengaging from her eye lids with all the energy. These three rocked the joint and had two encores, and could have had more if they wanted too. The crowd was into it. I am very glad to have been there to watch this great surf band. I imagine we all need to thank Ferenc for being key in exposing bands like The Whys and SurfCoasters to us in SoCal. Not too sure how this works and will give it try - if you do not see any photos with this post I will try again once I get better instructions..

Here we go with the visuals



I was kinda diggin the NC-17
But I thought it made for a fun adult evening.
Ferenc, were the band or Masa ( their manager) offended by it?

No they didn't care. I am not sure if the girls even saw it... they were facing the opposite direction.

Im sure there was a few people who didn't like it.

There were a few rape scenes which I didn't find entertaining.


I remember there being a scene with a hula girl that they noticed and pointed at...I thought that was pretty fitting. I agree though that the rape scenes werent too entertainging...


I would like to thank Ferenc, and any others that may be responsible, for bringing this band here helping them tour. I really enjoyed seeing them play. Hopefully, they'll make it back again someday.

As for now, the CD has been played about 10 times over in my car this week. I love it! (#1 is still my favorite).


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

One last item with The Whys in Las Vegas, these three rocked and owned the Double Down Saloon that night. Of the four bands I saw, and was there till the last band played, a pyschedelic type band, people were still raving about the three Japanese surf rockers. The Whys ran out of CD's to sell. One of the bartenders even gave me ten bucks so I can get him a CD. No other band was requested to do an encore. The Whys did two and that was not even enough. Kinda shows us that surf music can get to be very interesting when done with the kind of gusto these three exhibited. This was more of an alternative/metal type crowd they were in the middle of and were winning over.

Photo of The Pandas. Psychedelic sounding band. This band came after the Whys. Check out the vintage Ludwig, Jazzmaster,JazzBazz, Mosrite copy and the teenie weenie Korg synth.


Ferenc, if you ever have the time, maybe you can post an article on what it takes to put on a tour like this?

Simply put, time and contacts.
You start backwards from the begin date. Start to book the shows 4-5 months out. 2 months out get poster art, stickers, flyers designed, then printed. 6 weeks out mail promo stuff to clubs. Also at 6 weeks out, mail promo packages to radio and press contacts. Book hotels (Expedia, Priceline) and rent a van (make sure you get a Dodge Caravan). 3 weeks out follow up with press. 2 weeks out, make sure all the gear is in good working shape. 1 week out, start to pray, and try to sleep through nightsweats, bite fingernails to the quick, break out in nervous rash.
After tour, sleep for two days straight. And send thankyou emails to absolutely everybody who did anything to help out!
PS- essentials for touring: FM broadcast attachment for the Ipod and a GPS Navigation unit

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

Thanks Ferenc, though I don't think it's quite as simple as you described. For example the first sentence - time and contacts. Time, sure, but how does one acquire the contacts? That's probably an article in itself. Someday perhaps...

On behalf of the TomorrowMen and SF Bay area surf fans, thanks for all your incredibly hard work and time in making this tour happen. You're an inspiration to us all. Angel

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Is anybody interested in getting a WHYs CD? I had hoped that there would be a few left over from the tour, but they sold them all out. I am thinking about getting a few shipped over, please let me know if you are interested.

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

Thanks Ferenc, though I don't think it's quite as simple as you described. For example the first sentence - time and contacts. Time, sure, but how does one acquire the contacts? That's probably an article in itself. Someday perhaps...

After a few tours, it does get simple, though no less distressing, there are always random factors. The worst is, "Will anybody come see the band?" I wasn't too worried about the Surf Coasters, they had 10 years of build up. The WHYs were unknown, and I thank the fans (not just the rabid surf fans here, but also the casual club goer that has an open mind) for checking out something new.
As for "aquiring contacts", I guess it is like any other business. Consistenly present a high quality product, always deliver what you promise, be courteous and remember people's names. It does take time.

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

did the band stay the night at anybodys house to save money, or did they get a motel every night?

If so do you ask for that or do people offer?

what about money for the shows, do you pre arrange/ ask that they get a good chunk of it, or just let the home band, or club owner figure out how much to pay them?

I am thinking of booking a show every now and then, and am trying to politely figure out the money side of things.
This has been one thing that has kept me from doing it so far.
I know that once money gets involved its a good way to loose bands/friends, if something goes bad.


Is anybody interested in getting a WHYs CD? I had hoped that there would be a few left over from the tour, but they sold them all out. I am thinking about getting a few shipped over, please let me know if you are interested.

Depends on the price, Ferenc, but I'd be interested in one.


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

I'd buy one, also...

DP you could have got one if you'd gone to the SD show like you said you were going to Wink

I was really suprised to find that they were selling the cds for 10 dollars. cha ching$$$$ I am used to buying Jap cds for $17 to $26 wholesale, and $18 to $42 retail. Nice not to get dragged over the coals. although Ferenc may need to charge a tad more as they are going to have to ship them over.



Hey Ferenc,
I would also be interesed, price pending. But chances are if it's $15 or so, I'll pick one up.


Hey Ferenc,
also.. I had heard from Gavin(Reptile records) at the San Diego show.
That they had sent him a previous cd awhile back.
do you know anyhting about that, would you be able to get some of those too?



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