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Permalink Brisbane ,Australia any Surf Musos?

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Thats Scary Tim.


I'm of weedy build so I seemed to attract those sort of people!

I looked up Capalaba - so now I know where you play. Try not to provoke the locals ;)

Excuse me Martin, for a moment: Blah Blah If there's anyone in South Oz that feels like jamming let me know! Otherwise watch out world - I'm going to keep uploading my musical tripe on the net... Blah Blah

Keep these strings- a -humming Marty. Maybe you'll get a local surf music soul mate soon, you never know?


Tim O
oestmann guitar



Hey Tim I've had many a good time in SA ,my son used to be stationed at Woodside. Had a few good beers(and a few too many) at the german pubs in Handorff. Got to see Silverchair at the clipsal 500 in 06. Tried drinking every draught beer on tap at the Old Lion Hotel in North Adelaide. Had another good session at Muna Pura. Went on a horse drawn tram at Victor Harbour.
Got lost in the multitude of rooms at Derringers music Store. Massive Ice Creams at Glenelg. I could go on all night about SA, great place.



You're making me homesick and I'm right here!!!


Tim O
oestmann guitar



Hey Tim

How cools this, I'm in LA right now and I get a call on my cellphone from Brisbane asking if I want to join a surfband that my old drummer is forming with another guitarist that I played with before in a Shadows cover band.
All we need is a Bass player. the cool thing is we all have all played the songs we want to play in different bands. So we can be gigging real soon.

Hey Martin

A new wave of surf music is about to begin in Brisbane can find a bass player. Razz

Tim O
oestmann guitar



I hope so Tim; Plus we have a female lead guitarist who does great Shadows leads. As Big Kev would say "I'm Exited!"

I hope so Tim; Plus we have a female lead guitarist who does great Shadows leads. As Big Kev would say "I'm Exited!"

..the world waits with baited breath... OMG

Tim O
oestmann guitar



I'm still looking for Surfmusicians in Brisbane , Australia if anyone is interested.

Have any of you Aussies heard of the Alohas?
their cd is called "Get Leid With"
check them out.


and for anyone that didn't see it before,
check out this cool tiki bar in down under.


Hey to the one playing surf in melbourne Rolling Eyes

Anyway, great to hear there are so many aussies here, so anyone want to trade ideas or local enough to have a jam send us a sign...

or is this like a dating thread...ummm, ok...6', gosh, green eyes, aquarius, 47...all own equipment in good working order Laughing


There have been some great aussie surf inspired bands through the ages, always get a smile from the crawl's album title "son's of beaches"...midnight oil did a great surf instro "wedding cake island" if you can find it...The Cruel Sea were originally a surf band (organ heavy) before the vocalist. I have heard of GT Stringer, great sound...almost enough for me to travel over to SA to see them sometime.

It's kind of surprising with the Great Ocean Road and the surf coast only a couple of hours from Melbourne and all these festivals down by the sea that there haven't been much of a "scene" down here.

Crowded House may be from NZ, but a lot of their most famous songs name check Melbourne liberally, especially "four seasons in one day".

Unfortunately, the pokies have killed all the great little and big venues that used to be about in Victoria. In the 80's you could walk into any little pub and offer to do a gig for the door charge, no worries!

Oh...People might want to look into Ross Hanaford (ex-daddy cool) a lot of his stuff is very surf inspired. A truly great guitar player...the old reggae/surf-ish styles of his band "lucky Dog" was sensational back in the day, plenty of clean splash to the guitar sound.


1 Mahogany HSS squier strat with trick wiring and noiseless SD JB pups...

other 1 Baby blue telecaster with tremolo, Fender WR-HB and DIY sustainer...

amp...fender hotrod deluxe + 15" cab!

Hey SuRfAcE welcome aboard, It's great to see more Aussies getting back into surf music.

midnight oil did a great surf instro "wedding cake island" if you can find it...

I've got it on cassette tape!


Tim O
oestmann guitar




i am in newcastle and want to form a progressive style of surf band, plus i'm 'trying' to learn some of the classics.

i hold no hope of finding anyone in this town!
Rolling Eyes


I got given a CD by The Decoys recently (Melbourne-based apparently, I haven't seen them live) and it has a nice nod to surf as well as other genres. Glad to know the Aussie influence is alive and well.

Good luck Adam, hope you find the right folk to join up Smile

I've been in Brisbane for about 15 years now; & aside from echobeach, I've only ever managed to come across two or three other Muzos here who are into Surf Instros.

Pretty sad really, for a City that's nestled between two of the World's surfing hot spots! Crying

This is my first post and obviously new to this forum though I have been visiting on/off for a while.I sympathise with echobeach in his endevour to find musicians wanting to do surf.I've been searching for nearly two years here in the very north-east of Italy for a bass player to join me, on guitar ,and a drummer(vintage like me).Compliments to The Endless Surfaris on their sound and compositions.And I do call Australia home, though I have been away for 20 years.Happy hunting to you all.

And I'm still searching, I bet if I put up an add for middle aged blues players I'd be auditioning for the next two years

PM sent echobeach

beachbreak a.k.a Sean Cool
Turn up the Reverb!!

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