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Permalink My daughter and I just cut our first (non-ripping) surf tune

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My 14-year old daughter and I decided to write, play and record some music. Since we both surf and love surf music, we decided that would be our genre. We just put up our first tune on our site at
We understand it's not ripping surf guitar like most played here...but we'll get there eventually.

Love the


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My Country EP ... Florida Dirt Fire

My French Love Songs ... I really needed a change...

Last edited: Feb 09, 2010 19:41:28

Ha, I like it. What a fun deal to record with your daughter.

I was surprised to not find the B52s in your list of influences!


Thanks. We found if you play it real loud on headphones while watching a surf is actually much better ha-ha.

I had a thought when I listened to it last. I could take off the lead guitar part, and get the backing track to one of you surf guitar rippers to fill in a real surf guitar lead...that would be really cool. We use Cubase Studio 5 at home to record, but I could send anyone a .wav file to import.


Shoot the Pier on Bandcamp
Shoot the Pier on Reverb Nation
Shoot The Pier on Facebook
We are on Instagram under "@shootthepiersurfband"

My Country EP ... Florida Dirt Fire

My French Love Songs ... I really needed a change...

I was surprised to not find the B52s in your list of influences!

They're there now.

Also Laurie Anderson, one of my desert island CD collection artists. Thumbs Up

I'm not a complete idiot. Some parts are missing.

Yeah...actually don't know how I left them off. Rock Lobster was so out there when it came out back in the day. All the Athens bands were a big influence.

Shoot the Pier on Bandcamp
Shoot the Pier on Reverb Nation
Shoot The Pier on Facebook
We are on Instagram under "@shootthepiersurfband"

My Country EP ... Florida Dirt Fire

My French Love Songs ... I really needed a change...

Nice laid back surf !

Neat stuff! You two are a good team. : )

¡Enjoy the ride!

I like it. I enjoy playing music and surfing with my daughters (ages 10 and 8 ) as well, although sometimes we cant escape the parent-kid relationship while doing so. Its good to hear you still can have fun with your daughter at that age...everyone keeps telling me, "watch out when they turn into teenagers". Just goes to show you, a little wave action smooths even the roughest surfaces! Wink

John Bishop

Its good to hear you still can have fun with your daughter at that age... Wink

Thanks much. My oldest (17) has nothing to do with it, involved with a boyfriend. Ellie (14) is very artistic, and enjoys the art so far. We are in the process of rewriting and rerecording those tunes and 4 others we've written. Those were recorded much too soon and quickly (which is apparent). I recently bought a new Jazzmaster AVRI, a G-spring, and we're waiting for a '70 BandMaster that I'm having some tubes put in. Well, I guess I'll go play in our sloppy cold surf (54 degrees) this morning
We hate wetsuits!

Shoot the Pier on Bandcamp
Shoot the Pier on Reverb Nation
Shoot The Pier on Facebook
We are on Instagram under "@shootthepiersurfband"

My Country EP ... Florida Dirt Fire

My French Love Songs ... I really needed a change...

Wow, I liked that a lot! Do more.

Very nice SurferBill! I enjoyed that alot.
I also am enjoying playing surf music with family. My son, and son-inlaw, who are both 25 now, and both really love the instro-surf genre.
I never imagined that when I taught my son to play guitar 8 years ago, that we would have such a great thing in common. I thought for sure he would veer towards heavy-metal.

Congrats to you and your daughter. You have a great thing going, for your hobbies, and your relationships.

Fin Doctors


I like it!

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

I keep coming back to this. I think it's great! If you had a CD full of this stuff, I'd buy it for sure.

I keep coming back to this. I think it's great! If you had a CD full of this stuff, I'd buy it for sure.

Thank you much gadabout. We just put a new one up today. The song I keep going back to is Mr. Motor by Burt Rocket. You can find it here:
That's one of the best surf tunes I've ever heard...I wake up at night humming that tune...I start to run downstairs to hum it into a mic...then realize it's Burts. Very Cool tune.

If we have enough tunes my the end of year, we may put a CD together... if I can get the production quality up. - Bill

Shoot the Pier on Bandcamp
Shoot the Pier on Reverb Nation
Shoot The Pier on Facebook
We are on Instagram under "@shootthepiersurfband"

My Country EP ... Florida Dirt Fire

My French Love Songs ... I really needed a change...

Thank you for the great compliment!!!
And sorry for keeping you awake at night Laughing


Baja Bug - The Surf Will Rise Again - out now!

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