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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Surf Music General Discussion »

Permalink anyone have Jim Messina's Dragster Bootleg album?

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On the review for Messina's on this board, the writer discusses how there was a bootleg released in Europe in the 70's. If this is out there, even copies I gotta get my hands on it. Very Happy

I've got a bootleg cd of it. It is produced to appear as legit but it isn't Smile

Shawn Martin

Shawn does it have the different versions of the songs from the original or is it just a bootleg of the original. I am looking for the one that has the various takes from the masters and the different version of tamale wagon. Plus the breeze and I is supposed to be very different than the original.

Shawn does it have the different versions of the songs from the original or is it just a bootleg of the original. I am looking for the one that has the various takes from the masters and the different version of tamale wagon. Plus the breeze and I is supposed to be very different than the original.

The seventies LP has never appeared on CD. The bootleg CD from the nineties on the Surf label had the sixties version of the Dragsters album.

I've recently asked Patrick of the Madeira to transfer the seventies LP onto a CD for me. If you email me in mid-December, once I'm done grading the finals, etc., I'll be happy to make a copy for you (assuming he gets it done by then).


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Shawn does it have the different versions of the songs from the original or is it just a bootleg of the original. I am looking for the one that has the various takes from the masters and the different version of tamale wagon. Plus the breeze and I is supposed to be very different than the original.

The seventies LP has never appeared on CD. The bootleg CD from the nineties on the Surf label had the sixties version of the Dragsters album.

I've recently asked Patrick of the Madeira to transfer the seventies LP onto a CD for me. If you email me in mid-December, once I'm done grading the finals, etc., I'll be happy to make a copy for you (assuming he gets it done by then).


Yeah, that's the one I have. I figured it was probably a rip from the original Lp, but wasn't sure. I have 3 or 4 different versions of The Jester and a couple of Yang Bu, so I wasn't sure which ones were from the original album.

Shawn Martin

Ivan thanks a bunch, lets hope he gets it done. We will be in touch on this issue in the future Smile

Im a bit late to jump on, but I have this on a cdr, I * think* it's from the net, got it from a friend.

now, how I do easily find out which one it is? it's most likely the original right? Is a legit copy still available?


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Im a bit late to jump on, but I have this on a cdr, I * think* it's from the net, got it from a friend.

now, how I do easily find out which one it is? it's most likely the original right? Is a legit copy still available?

Wannes, if the songs have car noises and shouting and screaming, it's the original release from '64 (added against the knowledge and wishes of Messina and the Jesters). If all the songs just have music, then it's the seventies release.

I"m not sure what you mean when you ask is a legit copy still available? But pretty much the answer is no. You can find this stuff used if you get lucky, and that's it.


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The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

shit i worded this thread very poorly. I am not looking for a bootleg of the album. I am looking for the LP that was bootleged takes of the masters. It is a rareity, if you don't know what it is, then you don't have it Smile

Ivan, I really hope you get your hands on this baby. Keep me posted.

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