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Permalink Surf Guitarist in Dallas looking for drummer

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Looking for a drummer and or bass player to start band in Dallas.
I have 15 yrs + exp with guitar. Looking for serious musicians that would like to practice at least 3 times a week. Would like to get a set together of classic 60's surf songs and write some new songs as well. My ultimate goal is to start playing shows, maybe even getting together with other bands and throwing some sort of festival. Is anyone out there?




Not too many Texans on SG101...

Let me know when you do get things going and we'll play some gigs together.

Ted James
Deep Eddy Records
The Nematoads

Will do!! Us Texans gotta stick together!!


Will do!! Us Texans gotta stick together!!

Let's see. Here are the Texas surf bands that I know about. I'm sure there are more.

The Nematoads, Los SuperAvengers, The Thunder Chiefs (or is it Thunderchiefs?), Tiesco Del Rey (plays maybe every two years anymore), 3 Balls of Fire (also resides in L.A.), The Long Shadows (spaghetti instro but not surf), Twanguero (twangy instro but not surf), Herman the German (rockabilly and surf-polka)

The Neptones

San Antonio
The Phantomatics, Saturday Night Satellites (experimental, noisy instro), The Sandworms

Your upcoming band

Know of any others that are currently gigging?

Ted James
Deep Eddy Records
The Nematoads

I don't know of any others that are playing now. We used to have a band up here in Dallas called The Oddfellows. I got a chance to check them out in the early 90s. Oh yeah, The Sir-Finks.....I'm not sure if they are still together though.....


I don't know of any others that are playing now. We used to have a band up here in Dallas called The Oddfellows. I got a chance to check them out in the early 90s. Oh yeah, The Sir-Finks.....I'm not sure if they are still together though.....

I think that the Sir Finks still play the occasional gig here or there. Someone from that band is here online, I think. Maybe he can shed some light.

Ted James
Deep Eddy Records
The Nematoads

The Drummer's position has been filled.....Any guitarist/bassist out there?


I'm in Gainesville but plan on going to college in Dallas. I don't know how that'd work schedule wise but its awesome to know there is something forming somewhat closeby! I'm trying to convert my polka band into doing surf stuff but we haven't had a show lately to try it out.

Polka and Surf for Life!

That's cool man, hopefully we will get some shows going on one of these days and then maybe we could gig together....I am stoked about practice today! Who knows, we may still need a guitar player when you head out this way. Thanks for the reply!


When you get things going let us know.We're originally from Dallas & now live in Amarillo called the Mag Seven. ( Hit me up,we'd love to play together sometime.

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