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Mood of the crowd??

Spot on Dad...its a really big plus if the crowd is half... or even fully pissed.....(British for drunk).

Once we played a honky tonk in Norco where the crowd preferred the DJ to the live band, so our sure fire crowd pleaser was our breaks! "And now we'd like to do one of your favorites...we're gonna stop playing."

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.


Shit Sandwich and Godfather.

Interesting you mentioned that one; I used to do a breakneck-speed Surf version of Speak Softly Love (Theme from the Godfather).

Went over like a lead balloon, but geez it was fun to play!! Laughing

Breakneck-speed----I wonder if that's the problem? The genius of the Pilgrim's version is in the dynamics I think. The audience gets into the arrangement of fast/slow loud/soft and the building of momentum. Just a thought . . .

Awhile back at the annual car show here, there was a band that kicked off their set with Walk, Don't Run and Pipeline. Vanilla as can be, right? Well, being as starved for surf as I am in this little burg, I'll take it!

Unfortunately, the third song was a bad cover of "Born To Be Wild" and it was all classic rock thereafter. Too bad , because the crowd was into the instrumentals and I realized that people around here really would enjoy a surf group if given the chance.

... its a really big plus if the crowd is half... or even fully pissed.....(British for drunk).

Whereas in the USof A, a really pissed crowd is a bad thing.

Let's see, in Denver:

Get Three Coffins Ready seems to get good reactions with Intoxica (a la MOAM, which is basically a la Centurions).

The Beloved Invaders (already mentioned) usually gets high approval ratings and lots of dancers for "The Spy Set": Secret Agent Man, James Bond Theme, Peter Gunn, Get Smart Theme, Hawaii Five-O"

The Royal Aces: Surf Jam (Beach Boys)

The AquaSonics: no secrets will be revealed.

OK, once upon a time they electrified me by casually running through Planet Seven's take on Heart Full of Soul. I don't think it had any effect at all on the rest of the bar, though. The sensory clash of that experience so unnerved them that they've never done it again.


I don't think it's really specific songs. I think the formula is something like:

a) somewhat low brow

b) pretty popular once upon a time (at least in style, and within the experience, though not necessarily the lifetime, of the crowd at hand)

c) infectious

d) "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!" a/k/a "I bet you didn't think we knew this one" - Anyway, something that's a bit of a surprise in the context, at least in a formal musical sense.

Pipeline is a nice surprise if you're not a surf band, but if you are, it's more like "and we also do Pipeline." You have to do it really well in that case, or rather differently. If the audience knows surf music. If it doesn't then most of the time you can just play it over and over, maybe alternating with Penetration if they seem to be catching on.

Yep...'Pissed Off' in UK is very very bad..violence around the corner..

while simply'drunk'...also see... Pissed....Sleged..

or my all time favorite..Rat Arsed...

Agree 100% about low brow....most crowds are TBF somwewhat challenged.

Many years ago at the height of the Sitar boom..a large audience gathered in London to hear a top performer...he came on stage played around for a few minutes and the crowd went mad clapping and cheering his performence.....

It turned out he was only tuning the bloody thing up!!!!!

Heres another great instrumetal....Honky Tonk

Bikini Drag
Iron Man-Smoke on the Water (really--at surf speed) Phil Dirt loved the Boardwalkers version (mid 90's--take that Swank Bastards!)

If you play it like you mean it. Look like you are loving playing it... The crowd can't help it.

Jeff Utterback

Since most of the people at our shows are not necessarily hard-core surf fans, the usual seem to get them going:

Wipe Out
Squad Car

plus our own:

Giant Cow
Zombie Road Trip

are sure fire crowd pleasers.


Canadian Surf

Boobs... nothing pleases a crowd as well as boobs.... best if on a woman... depends how drunk the crowd is though...

I wanna play just like him when i grow up...

Pipeline always seems to be well accepted. I don't know if it would work with a hard-core Surf audience. I do Secret Agent Man as another crowd pleaser but I do it with my Johnny Rivers inspired vocals and then take it through as an instrumental ending up with the last verse vocally.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

i'm not in a surf band, but have done a few jam nights in red-neck land, and wipe-out has got the crowd going!!!

Stray Cat Strut and a compliation we called "BatWipe" - Batman Theme into Wipeout back to Batman and then into Secret Agent Man

The Storm Surfers

Be at one with the universe. If you can't do that, at least be at one with your guitar.

Tequila, Wipeout, Misirlou - all get the audience dancing, Bustin' Surfboards does especially.

Stray Cat Strut and a compliation we called "BatWipe" - Batman Theme into Wipeout back to Batman and then into Secret Agent Man

i'd like to hear that!
might even get me dancing

Not currently in a band,
but played only covers in my last one.
They went crazy for:
Boots were made for Walking,
The Wait-Pretenders (strange meter; can be surfified),
Beyond and back--X (i think it would make a good instro.)

Folks like something that they know. If your band has a following that recognizes your originals that's the best of all worlds. If not, audiences may choose a favorite that we personally find distateful.

I've never personally done Mustang Sally (and would probably prefer giving up the guitar to playing that tune) but a lot of audiences love it. My advice if you get a request is to feign inability to master the song. Smile I personally can play Classical Gas in perfect synch with Mason Williams but there are 2 chord tunes I just can't seem to master. Rolling Eyes

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

I've never personally done Mustang Sally (and would probably prefer giving up the guitar to playing that tune) but a lot of audiences love it. Rolling Eyes

Biggest problem with "Mustang Sally" is that most bands don't master the nuances of the orignal. Steve Cropper's rhythm is; as usual, perfect and his octave fills on the verses while subtle, are glaring in their absence in most bands covers. Add Duck Dunn's Bass and Al Wilson's drums and you've got a masterpiece. I get tired of hearing bands butcher it, but every time I listen to the original, I learn something.


I've never personally done Mustang Sally (and would probably prefer giving up the guitar to playing that tune) but a lot of audiences love it. Rolling Eyes

Biggest problem with "Mustang Sally" is that most bands don't master the nuances of the orignal. Steve Cropper's rhythm is; as usual, perfect and his octave fills on the verses while subtle, are glaring in their absence in most bands covers. Add Duck Dunn's Bass and Al Wilson's drums and you've got a masterpiece. I get tired of hearing bands butcher it, but every time I listen to the original, I learn something.

I think that's common of all covers of popular tunes. I've heard it in Surf, one hears it a lot in Country and certainly in all sub-genre of Rock and/or Roll. At one time in my life I used to get called for any number of Gountry gigs and in many cases the guys looking for a hired gun lead player had now concept of how to play the songs right. In more than one case my lead playing suffered because I was spending so much effort trying to keep the song duct-taped together at the seams. More than once did a band leader come away puzzled when I didn't bite at an offer to join the band but at the time I didn't see the point. These days I would jump at the chance if the guys in the band were nice because I love a challenge. It's fun to watch how a band improves with just a little bit of help in the arranging department.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

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