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Permalink Does your band let other musicians "sit in"?

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There's the drunken "skids"... then there's the women who want to take off their clothes and dance while you play (and who absoultely shouldn't do so). Sounds counter-intuitive, but getting rid of them can be a problem too.!/rockinrio.delrosa!/TheHighTides!/pages/The-Blue-Demons

Several years ago, some guy got really aggressive about sitting in on drums. It didn't work.

For some reason it seems that a lot of idiots believe that drums is something you don't have to learn and that they will just be good at it - so the persistent drunken guy who keeps on about 'having a go' on the drums is unfortunately all too common. Almost as common as the girls in their mid-twenties who keep asking to get up and sing Mustang Sally - but when it comes to it actually know none of the lyrics except 'ride Sally ride' and can't sing in tune to save their lives.

Youth and enthusiasm are no match for age and treachery.


Several years ago, some guy got really aggressive about sitting in on drums. It didn't work.

For some reason it seems that a lot of idiots believe that drums is something you don't have to learn and that they will just be good at it - so the persistent drunken guy who keeps on about 'having a go' on the drums is unfortunately all too common. Almost as common as the girls in their mid-twenties who keep asking to get up and sing Mustang Sally - but when it comes to it actually know none of the lyrics except 'ride Sally ride' and can't sing in tune to save their lives.

Exactly! Here is a perfect example.... Watch for the somersault at the end.

I was curious if I could find a surf/instro/oldie band to sit in with at practice... I have never played with a band before. I don't think there is much chance around here, but do you guys ever "mentor"?

My good god no.

Ignoring the fact that there's no chance in hell I would let someone I didn't know plunk away on my gear, it's just asking for a train wreck.

I've got nothing against mashups (We've had Deacon from the Brimstones join us on stage for a couple of songs before) but they've got to be planned well in advance.

Trevor von Drat

Estreet, we just had a "Mustang Sally" incident, last weekend. It was a private party, and the singer went for the key of "Z" but the trainwreck turned into good comedy.

My good god no.

Ignoring the fact that there's no chance in hell I would let someone I didn't know plunk away on my gear, it's just asking for a train wreck.

I've got nothing against mashups (We've had Deacon from the Brimstones join us on stage for a couple of songs before) but they've got to be planned well in advance.

What he said.

WELL OF COURSE... Everytime my girlfriend and me visit States, we meet with SUPER FRIENDS 9th Wave--- and perform toogether.. last time we exchanged the homework pre-arrival to NYC and spent 30 crazy minutes toogether on their concert at Ottos Shrunken - organised by my dear friend Freddy !!

I was curious if I could find a surf/instro/oldie band to sit in with at practice... I have never played with a band before. I don't think there is much chance around here, but do you guys ever "mentor"?

I wish that I had seen this when it was current. It adresses a very real issue, how do you bridge the gap from knowing how to play as opposed to knowing how to play with a band.

I really think that the best way to do it is to find someone to play music with. The better and more experienced they are the better but anyone competent will do. Then get together once a week if possible and play some songs together. Find 5 or 10 songs you both like, make sure you have accurate charts and then go for it. When you revisit these songs from week to week you'll hear the difference.

It's not just a matter of playing the same song however, it's a matter of working together to create a workable arrangement. If you can, find a bass player to jam with but if not take turns swapping leads and rhythm or even better, take turns with one person playing lead and the other playing a "bass" line on the guitar. In any event, you should change up so that you can cover more than one part.

Once you get the hang of it and feel good about things you might see if you can sit in with a local band. A lot of bands don't allow it but some do. Be prepared, know one or more of the band's songs and ask ahead of time. Make sure to have a guitar, some people, iincluding myself, don't like others playing on their gear.

It all goes back to finding some jam partners and sticking with it.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Last edited: Dec 05, 2009 23:15:40

Welp, as most of our songs that we play are 1) Very tightly arranged, and 2) either originals or covers so obscure to that no one knows 'em, the general answer is no.

However, if we played something that a person beyond the five of us would know, and said jammer was also a competent player, we'd certainly give it a shot. A recent example was the show we did with Los Straitjackets this past week. We do the Halibuts' version of "Java" from time to time, and if Pete Curry had for some reason wanted to sit in on our set, he would've been welcomed with open arms. As it was we didn't think of it until AFTER we left the stage. Maybe next time!



That is because Danny does not have musical downs syndrome like I have. I'm a decent guitarist, but I'm such a poor musician.

We had a sax player join us on Sleepwalk once. He didn't know what time signature the song was in... And he wasn't very good. Does anybody here know how much I hate sax?

I had wiped that from my memory. He also just kind of came up on stage and started playing without our consent if I remember correctly. I don't think any of us were happy about it.

Keep the sax in jazz; just saying. Laughing

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