Posted on Dec 05 2009 10:00 PM
I was curious if I could find a surf/instro/oldie band to sit in with at practice... I have never played with a band before. I don't think there is much chance around here, but do you guys ever "mentor"?
I wish that I had seen this when it was current. It adresses a very real issue, how do you bridge the gap from knowing how to play as opposed to knowing how to play with a band.
I really think that the best way to do it is to find someone to play music with. The better and more experienced they are the better but anyone competent will do. Then get together once a week if possible and play some songs together. Find 5 or 10 songs you both like, make sure you have accurate charts and then go for it. When you revisit these songs from week to week you'll hear the difference.
It's not just a matter of playing the same song however, it's a matter of working together to create a workable arrangement. If you can, find a bass player to jam with but if not take turns swapping leads and rhythm or even better, take turns with one person playing lead and the other playing a "bass" line on the guitar. In any event, you should change up so that you can cover more than one part.
Once you get the hang of it and feel good about things you might see if you can sit in with a local band. A lot of bands don't allow it but some do. Be prepared, know one or more of the band's songs and ask ahead of time. Make sure to have a guitar, some people, iincluding myself, don't like others playing on their gear.
It all goes back to finding some jam partners and sticking with it.
The artist formerly known as: Synchro
When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.
Last edited: Dec 05, 2009 23:15:40