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Permalink The Madeira - Live at Huntington Beach Pier '08

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On August 3rd, 2008, the day after the first SG101 convention, we played the Huntington Beach Pier for the Huntington Beach International Surf Museum, along with Pollo Del Mar, the Aquasonics, and several other bands (which escape me at the moment). Tim AKA "HBKahuna" was kind enough to digitally record our entire set and give us the tape to do as we wish. We posted two videos from this show on YouTube about a year ago (Burning Mirage and Transatlantic Orbit), and now finally the rest of them are coming!

You can see the entire show in the original order by going to this playlist:

This was the setlist:

(Todd has posted 8 of the 13 tracks so far - the remaining 5 will be going up today or tomorrow at the latest.)

It was a really good show for us, as well as being a perfect and unforgettable day! (It's especially nice to remember the beautiful weather and the perfect location as the 40-50 mph winds scatter the snow and ice outside...) I hope you will enjoy it, too!

PS We were very fortunate to have gotten some really nice gear from various people, mostly Matt Quilter of the Reventlos, whose amazing brownface Dual Showman I'm playing through! Thanks so much yet again, Matt!

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

RAD. Thanks Ivan!

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

Most kick ass surf set I have ever seen.

Thanks to Tim for filming this.
and thanks to Ivan, and Todd for puttin them up on the net.


the Bands that played the pier that day were:
Norm Cowell and the Surf Rockers( 8 piece DD style band)
The Relix,
The Aquasonics
The Madeira
Pollo Del Mar( w Danny Snyder filling in for Jono)
and The Surftones, Feat Matt Quilter, and Kerry Chester some vocals and some instros


Last edited: Dec 10, 2009 23:49:37

Hey, did anybody notice the back wall at the pier?


The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

Last edited: Dec 09, 2009 15:45:40

That's one god worthy of worshiping!

Reverb, It's A Way Of Life!

Hey, did anybody notice the back wall at the pier?


That seems about right - my name is mispelled! Oh, the humiliation!


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

the Bands that played the pier that day were:
Norm Cowell and the Surf Rockers( 8 piece DD style band)
The Relix,
The Aquasonics
The Madeira
and The Surftones, Feat Matt Quilter, and Kerry Chester some vocals and some instros

Thanks, Jeff, it's all coming back to me now. Don't forget Pollo Del Mar, though! That was quite a line up of bands! The Surftones were great with all their Beach Boys harmonies, really impressive. And Norm Cowell and the Surf Rockers really had the early DD sound DOWN! Very impressive. It was just a great day of music, all the bands were really good (well, I must admit to not remembering much about the Relix, they played right after us, and I was behind the stage talking with a bunch of people...)

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Just finished listening to the first eight installments. This is really a treat for those of us who missed this event--Tim did a great job capturing the set, and the performances are outstanding. Through brown Showman amps, too? Man...

Thanks for putting these up.

Hell yes. Headbang These Madeira playlists are awesome. Most distracting. Thumbs Up

Thanks Pongacic! Laughing

That seems about right - my name is mispelled! Oh, the humiliation!

Well, as you may know, taggers are often times in quite a hurry to finish their work. I was lucky enough to find another shot taken after the assailant ran his spell checker Embarassed

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook


And I was there, down front, sitting next to Danny, Bigtikidude, and Sarah! Good times!

Part of my "4-days of the The Madeira" vacation: Friday in San Diego, Saturday at the convention, Sunday at the pier, and Monday at the Sound of the Surf taping. Damn that was fun!

Thank you Ivan Pongacic! Very Happy

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

thnks to Madeira..and Thnks for Tim

Skateboarding - "Gnarly Surf"

Wow really cool videos!!!
Who is the women sitting right next to The Madeira?
Looks like a director or a referee Very Happy

Who is the women sitting right next to The Madeira?
Looks like a director or a referee Very Happy

Or a bit like a dragonfly hovering over the stage?


And a glimpse of the Relix, too, since Ivan got a little too stoked and can't remember them. I went right up and bought their CD. I already had the Madeira's.

Ans. Linda Miller of HBISM

was that Ferenc passing by at 2:52 on "The Victor"??




Combo Tezeta IG


the Bands that played the pier that day were:
Norm Cowell and the Surf Rockers( 8 piece DD style band)
The Relix,
The Aquasonics
The Madeira
and The Surftones, Feat Matt Quilter, and Kerry Chester some vocals and some instros

Thanks, Jeff, it's all coming back to me now. Don't forget Pollo Del Mar, though! That was quite a line up of bands! The Surftones were great with all their Beach Boys harmonies, really impressive. And Norm Cowell and the Surf Rockers really had the early DD sound DOWN! Very impressive. It was just a great day of music, all the bands were really good (well, I must admit to not remembering much about the Relix, they played right after us, and I was behind the stage talking with a bunch of people...)

Yes, how could I forget Pollo Del Mar, w Danny filling in For Jono.
sorry Ferenc and gang,


Wow really cool videos!!!
Who is the women sitting right next to The Madeira?
Looks like a director or a referee Very Happy

That is Linda Miller,
Entertainment Director for the Huntington Beach International Surfing Museum.
She has MS, and its hard for her to go up and down the stairs, so she just sits their, and then makes announcements between bands.


Thanks all for the nice comments! That is indeed Ferenc, and he can be seen walking around throughout the show, as can Paul Johnson, Dave Arnson, and Danny Snyder at one point. (You can also see Brian Neal and Jeff Big Tiki Dude sitting down in front of the stage - and the guy getting totally stoked throughout the show, sitting pretty much right in the path of my amp, is Baja Marty. He must have been deaf by the end of that show!)

All of the videos are now uploaded and in the playlist. We also replaced the two older videos (Burning Mirage and Transatlantic Orbit), since Todd learned how to upload them in much higher quality.

Hope you enjoy!

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

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