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I remember reading an article by great British guitarist Albert Lee.

To get the Duane Eddy*Peter Gunn type) sound..most put the selector to bridge you would think.But Albert says use the neck p/up but play about 1/2 " from the bridge....simple but it works...

Reverend Slingshot-2 P90's: Volume and tone wide open although I'll back off if I'm getting dirty looks from the manager. Spread myself pretty evenly between the Bridge, Bridge/Neck, and Neck settings.
My G & L S-500 has a Strat 5-way plus a mini toggle to bring in about 75% of the neck pickup when the 5-way is in the bridge setting (Tele sound) and an even Neck/Bridge (Jag/JM sound) blend with the 5-way in the neck position. I never use the middle alone and except for an occasional song in the 2 or 4 position, pretty much use it as a two-pickup guitar.
Reverb Tank: 5-5-5.
I set my Showman Tone controls and Bright Switch like Ivan, but usually no more than 5 or 6 on my Volume. I use smaller combo amps a lot-always JBL or EV speakers; usually Treble and Bass between 6-8, Mids dialed out Volume 4-5.
Pedals: EH Big Muff Pi, Boss SD-2 OD, Boss TR-2 Trem, Boss RV-3 (Delay only), Line 6 Rotary Simulator. I just picked up a Boss ME-70 Multi FX which I like.

I keep the tone and volume all the way up on my tele and stay on the bridge pickup most of the time.If I am not using much reverb I like the center and neck position, though.

My FRV1 stays at 4-6-6 and I like my tremolo depth about 2/3rds up with a rate that I move from 60-75%, depending on how I feel.

I keep my amp eq at b4 m5 t6.


i have a couple of 2-pickup guitars which i have hardwired both pickups straight to the output jack, bypassing all knobs and switches, and am currently using the height of the pickups to find the right tone..

my 1964 goldentone (australian made) amp has bass and treble...bass on 6, treble on 9.

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