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6 and
are in the apple format;
my ipod does not get
the info
from my windows computer.
While waiting for conversion to
are there any freeware proggies
to convert the files?
Last two I tried,
could not do it. Embarassed

Have you tried:

I don't know if they have the converter you need but i've have good results with their stuff. No spyware i can detect but they offer some toolbars which aren't obligatory to install.

iTunes will create an mp3.
Just go to advanced > create mp3 version.

Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space

iTunes will create an mp3.
Just go to advanced > create mp3 version.

Go to preferences and on the "general" section there's a button for "import settings". Click and make sure it's set to mp3 encoder. I use 192kbps setting. Then do what Skeeter says.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Why do you want to convert the file from .m4a? .m4a is a really great codec. Better than .mp3. All major software will play .m4a files.

Also, .m4a is not an Apple format.

If you really must convert them, use winamp. Really amazing program for converting audio.

kissthecrook, you say you have an iPod? If so, you should definitely be able to play the .m4a files on that device. If you have iTunes installed on your Windows PC it should work just fine. You can even subscribe to the podcast in iTunes and it will download the podcasts and synchronize them with your iPod.

If you provide more info about your setup I'm sure we can get you going.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

i downloaded media coder and had no problem transcoding the halloween podcast over to mp3 and plays great on my ipod... but then i tried eps 5 & 6 and only transcodes like one second of the podcast??? oy!

You don't need to convert them to mp3, they run in all of the same programs, presuming you are using a program updated in the last 2-3 years.

Yes, an iPod should have no problems playing an .m4a. Why are you trying to convert to mp3?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

i have no idea! but when i save & open the m4 downloads they will not open in itunes no way no how... when i downloaded ep 10 and transcoded it it worked perfectly... no when i try the others the transcoder converts them in less than a second and sure enough the trt is like 0.01... virtually nothing there... i even uninstalled the decoder and reinstalled it... no dice..

naturally anything that is mp3 works with no problem (ususlly LOL!)

Try downloading the podcasts from itunes. You might have corrupted files, especially since only 1 second will transcode of two of the files.

Yes, try subscribing to the podcast in iTunes. Click on podcasts, then search for surfguitar101. Click subscribe. iTunes will then download the podcasts for you and sync them with your iPod. If you need help with that maybe I or someone can make a screencast or take some screenshots of how to do it.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

There are some videos of varying quality on YouTube of how to subscribe to a podcast. I also learned of a way to put a button on the website that will automate the process. I'll try to get that button put on our podcast page later today.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Alright, let's try this. Here is the link to our podcast in iTunes.

If you already have iTunes installed, click the above link and it should open iTunes and put you at our iTunes page. You then can click the "subscribe" button next to the artwork. iTunes will then be able to automatically download new episodes for you whenever you fire up iTunes. The next time you sync your iPod with your computer iTunes will put the podcasts on your iPod.

I hope that helps!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

an idiot! Embarassed LOL! what can i say? i'm hedging on 63 years of age and i'm from the transistor radio generation... hey we thought 8 tracks were hi tech! anyway i would've never dreamed in 1000 years surf101 would be available thru itunes! anyways got the podcasts downloaded no sweat and listened to ep6 while i was out speedwalking yesterday afternoon... it's so weird... out here in the flatlands of North Carolina walking around in the cold, drizzly miserable weather listening to surf music! and Lady Reverb's voice! so mellifluous! keeps the wave within me alive yeah! i also subscribed to garagepunk... they have some pretty cool surf casts as well!

thanks ever so much guys! i feel like those monkeys after they touched the monolith in 2001!!


I'm really glad you got it figured out!

I also put that link on the podcast page.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I got podcasts before i got my new IPod.
had no idea this was on ITunes,
so downloaded from this website.
Thanks for all the help. Cool
Surf is up in Socal;
I am not fishing,
but hoping some of ya
are getting some big waves.

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