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I'm thinking about getting a new reverb pan for my amp, and I was wondering. For that drippy reverb sound is it best for a short, medium, or long decay?

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What is your amp?

It's a Sound City Concord

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Maybe you saw this coming, or maybe you didn't want to hear it... Smile

but just get a reverb unit. You will be happy. Cool

Don't mess around with pans or pedals...just get the real deal. It will change your life, and they sound that good. ;)

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I want it so very bad, but I don't have the kind of money to get a new one, or even a used one. But I do want to get a new reverb pan for the moment until I can afford a reverb unit.

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I really don't think a pan is going to make a difference.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Much as I hate to say it, I'm with Brian on this one -- save the money you'd spend on the new pan and put it to a tank. That's one thing that people forget with gear acquisition: short term solutions still cost money, and are usually something that will NOT appreciate in value. So if you're wanting to get that tank sound, but don't have the cash, don't go out and drop some coin on something that won't get that tank sound in the first place.


what Brian and Bill said, definatly. Fender drip comes form a normal medium decay tank if I remeber correctly, the differnce is in the driver circuit/tube, whci just pushes the pan harder. no way around it.

all a new pan is going to do F*** up your sound alltogether cause the new ones just dont sound as good as older ones.
in fact, if it's an old amp, I'd even check whetehr it's a hammond or Gibbs pan and if so, put the mofo on ebay and you'll likely get over a 100 bucks for it, there's your first third Fender tank!

just a thought.

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

i love how fender twin reverbs sound, and they dont have a tank. thats why im trying to do this without buying a unit, because the twin reverb proves to me that it can be done.

maybe i can get new tubes, would that make it sound different?

i dont care waht anyone says, i palyed through a twin reissue, and it still sounded good. sounds more surfy than my amp, and if anyone says my amp sucks ill kick 'em in the balls.

i have yet to play out of a vintage twin reverb. theres a '73 silverface sitting in my local small music shop jsut begging to be played by me, but i havent had the time.

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You'll have to try playing through a real tube unit to know what we are talking about. The reverb may be good on that amp, but trust us, it's nothing like a tube unit.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

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