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Permalink Do you use effects other than (((((reverb))))))?

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Just wondering, I'm new here. I occasionally deploy a Danelectro Reel Echo (Excohplex), or Maxon AD-999 Analog Delay. Not too often though..

I use a ProCo Rat (distortion) pedal and a Vox wah that is use (mostly for tone).

IronMaiden, interesting, are you dirty rockin' up your surf? With what amp?

IronMaiden, interesting, are you dirty rockin' up your surf? With what amp?

LOL...Not really. I use the rat pedal only for a few songs (Nitrous burn-out and Pipeline) And the wah is used on Jack the Ripper.

Ive got an Crate vc311 ive been practicing with but in a fw weeks I plan on getting a Kustom Coupe 72.

I use the tremolo effect on my amp, sometimes a digital delay, set to simulate a rockabilly echo, and overdrive sometimes.

chad3006, all for Surf?

IronMaiden, give us a report on the Kustom Coupe '72 - looks cool.

Super Sonic and Kustom Coupe 72 review

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Call me old fashion, but I like plugging directly into a one knob amp. I just placed an order for a Vibrato pedal, will be my first pedal ever! Embarassed

<img src="klzzwxh:0000"></img>

Super Sonic and Kustom Coupe 72 review

Bly me that was fast. Razz

<img src="klzzwxh:0000"></img>

Okay, so would a Kustom '36 Coupe be a good choice for an at home/studio combo?


Fast Cars & Loud Guitars!

I use basically all Danelectro Pedals (the big metal ones, not the little plastic ones) -- The Daddy-O Overdrive, Danecho Digital Delay, and Cool Cat Chorus. I also use the vibrato on my Showman, as well as a Verbafuzz Fuzz Pedal.

The Overdrive is the only one is use very consistently - the others are more likely to be used to give a little aural difference to whatever I'm playing, but like all good things, must be used sparingly.


i am a proud owner of an ibanez ad 99 analog delay. its a wonderful thing. so i use a korg stagetuner and that delay into my fender 30 amp. that amp has a pretty nice reverb.


all details though, (when playing surf) it's just guitar-tank-amp 90 % of the time


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."


I have that same tuner. It's probably the only piece of gear I have that's never let me down in some way. Rolling Eyes

Sometimes I mess around with a Tube Screamer, one of the old Electro-Harmonix Big Muffs that's built like a tank, a Digitech DigiDelay, a cheap little DanElectro Slap Echo, and a sad $20 Rogue wah. (Usually not all at once, though I guess there's always next time for that.)

If it's surf, then usually just reverb, and sometimes a touch of delay.

No offense Bill, but I'd shoot myself before I'd use a chorus pedal.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

since someone asked about (before it was finished) in the chatroom, I'll post some more pics of my "surfboard style" pedal box. I put it next to the reverb tank to give an idea of size. it's just an MDF homebuilt box, paint and a shitload of sanding. It serves absolutely no purpose over a standard alu camera-gear style pedal box (and cost about the same to build, 40 bucks or so), apart from that I like to retreat into the toolshed every now and then to do some "woodworking". Rolling Eyes



PS more of the same which our other guitarist sometimes uses, or I use it when Im just fooling around.


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Last edited: Nov 12, 2006 10:17:40

^Very Nice!^ Thumbs Up

Sorry For Off Topic
but that is some gloriously beautiful 70's stlye
long shag carpet you got there Wannes.

ahhhh reminds me of my youth.


Sorry For Off Topic
but that is some gloriously beautiful 70's stlye
long shag carpet you got there Wannes.

ahhhh reminds me of my youth.

Off Topic thanks buddy. It really ties the room together. I'd be devestated if it got stolen. Wink

you being a bassplayer reminds me - anyone here use effects for bass?


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Doug Forbes, thats your Que....
if he doesn't post I'll point the question out to him.

I don't use any effects for bass, yet.
but i've been thinking about getting a couple for fun.....
Maybe a bass Chorus to bug Warren when we start our Stoner Rock band, Shocked

you got insurance on your carpet?



Maybe a bass Chorus to bug Warren when we start our Stoner Rock band, Shocked

Have fun as a four-piece. Twisted Evil


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

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