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Permalink Sure-fire crowd pleasers

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A new thread here inspired by Whorehay and Tuck's exchanges.
When you want or need to get a crowd going, what song or songs do you pull out? If "Brown-eyed girl" is what you've got, fine-bring it on, but I'm really interested in the Surf genre, and/or anything a little off-center. My picks:
Surf: "Tailspin" Los Straitjackets and Jon and the Nightriders
Off-center: "Limbo Rock" Chubby Checker. Probably what inspired Townshend to try to impale him with the Jazzmaster!

I'm gonna guess somebody's gonna say "Pipeline."

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

YOU just did Whorehay!

We've cut songs out of the setlist, but we've never added anything to get the audience going. Our sets are designed to be appealing to the audience without letting them hear too much of one thing in a row, while hopefully safely controlling their interest.

Jake, your comment seems apropos for a group playing mostly originals in a concert setting. Is that the case with your band?

Yep. I wouldn't call it a concert setting. We play gigs at bars/clubs/venues. The crowd normally comes to hear local bands play.

Johnny Cash Medley, Memphis, Spirit In The Sky, Tequila, La Bamba, Rebel Rouser. All as instrumentals of course.

Shit Sandwich and Godfather.

I'm gonna say "Ghost Riders"...not surf but...INSTANT recognition and always brings smiles!!

The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"

you can't go wrong with "The Trooper" from Iron Maiden.

I won't mention any A-sonics songs to get the crowd going, those are top secret. Rolling Eyes Actually a Peter Gunn sounding thing we do seems to go over very well.

I will say that I've seen the other local surf band, The Beloved Invaders about 100 times. The songs they play that really gets the crowd going are:

  1. "These Boots are made for Walking" Seriously, people love that song. esp. the bass line - " dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dumdumdum"....
  2. a Beach Boys Medley -
  3. A couple Beatles tunes . the Irony of Beatles music played surfy isn't lost on me.

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Jack The Ripper.

'secret agent' and 'radar love' always worked with some people i used to play with.

Surfs Beat.......Peter Gunn...Pipeline...Ghost Riders...and as I mentioned on a previous thread as a change ...Hall of the Mountain King..

check out Duane Eddys now little remembered Ramrod....much more high energy than Rebel Rouser and a show stopper if ever there was one ....when I played in a band we had it in our set and it went down a bomb(thats good by the way).

Hawaii 5-0

i second that emotion WaimeaBay Twisted Evil


Shit Sandwich and Godfather.

Interesting you mentioned that one; I used to do a breakneck-speed Surf version of Speak Softly Love (Theme from the Godfather).

Went over like a lead balloon, but geez it was fun to play!! Laughing

If we're talking cover songs:
Misirlou is always a crowd pleaser for us. Same for the usuals Walk Don't Run and Pipeline. Once we played Tequila (with trumpet taking the lead) and got a huge reaction. Link's Rawhide, complete with extended drum solo in the middle, always gets notice. And Having An Average Weekend (theme from Kids in the Hall) is a sure fire crowd pleaser.

Ted James
Deep Eddy Records
The Nematoads

For us Viva Las Vegas, Everybody Up and yes Pipeline or Tequila usually gets things rollin with a general non educated surf audience.

King of the Surf by the Trashmen usually works for us. Also Secret Agent Man and California Sun - yeah, we do the vocals on all those. Instrumentally, the usual suspects, Walk-Don't Run, Pipeline, Misirlou - but sometimes one or more of our particularly danceable originals will work, too. I guess it depends on the mood of the crowd.

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