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Permalink Spanish Eyes - 1961 (The Band); was Cool Song

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Cool song


Who is it? Sounds very Shadowy or Shads inspired.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Dunno, just says 1961. I found the Backing track to it also.

The band is "1961", an eighties Shadows-style band from - I think - Sweden. I have their LP (incredible!) and a kind-of a leftover-collection CD. Great band!

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Thanks for the info.

Nope i'm sorry this tune can not be cool!

Please watch this short video clip to understand where i'm coming from.

It has a nice enough 60s Stratocaster echo sound but like most vocal to instrumental conversions it doesn't work. It is void of musical expression and human emotion, like a paint by numbers set it's all about concentration and nothing about creativity. I have nothing against people digging in the historic vaults for inspiration. Take "Cumana" for instance, when i saw the Twang Marvels (SurferJoe Fest - "Unsteady Cam") i was totally knocked out by it's awesome coolness and strangely enough i knew the next note before he played it. Confused I never noticed Cumana before this but somehow it was in my head all along.

If we had a cool-wall here at SG101 i'd have to place "1961" on the uncool wall.

Just your opinion.

Oh go on gc24 have a grin, tell me why it's cool!

sorry, no.

I'll hand myself in to the nearest police station immediately.. i'm very sorry.

Ok, sounds good to me. Don't forget to take a copy of this song with you.

Oh go on gc24 have a grin, tell me why it's cool!

I've noticed he is incapable of explaining why he likes anything or even giving an apt description to his threads. The old title of this thread was "Cool Song". And there is a just a you tube link. No writing.

Attacking a guy for liking a song in what's uncool. Cool song gc24. Thanks for posting.

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

Right, that's my point. Thanks shivers13. Amapola and Johnny Guitar are also great.

You're welcome! Spanish Eyes was a very pretty and melancholy standard in the sixties. It was recorded many times with and without vocals. The full title is Blue Spanish Eyes. It was written with lyrics and even Elvis in the late sixties did a version. Thanks again for posting, gc24.

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!


Nope i'm sorry this tune can not be cool!

It has a nice enough 60s Stratocaster echo sound but like most vocal to instrumental conversions it doesn't work. It is void of musical expression and human emotion, like a paint by numbers set it's all about concentration and nothing about creativity.

Careful, your Shadows-hatred is showing!

OK, I'll give it a shot in explaining why it's cool.

It has an amazing '60s Stratocaster echo sound, and it works nicely as a vocal to instrumental conversion. It is packed full of musical expression and human emotion, in particular melancholy, exhibiting a creative arrangement, with some particularly nice ascending double-stops in the second verse, and interesting muted ad-libs during the third verse.

The parody of your above statement was completely intentional. You cannot attack - or defend - subjective preferences - exactly because they are subjective.

(Incidentally, I think this is just an OK version, it's not my favorite.)

I have nothing against people digging in the historic vaults for inspiration. Take "Cumana" for instance, when i saw the Twang Marvels (SurferJoe Fest - "Unsteady Cam") i was totally knocked out by it's awesome coolness

Well, at least here we're in complete agreement!

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The Ventures did a nice of version of "Spanish Eyes" as well. So much for most vocal to instrumental conversions "not working". That was around 80% of what the Ventures did... and did very well if I might add.

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

And let's not forget that minor vocal-to-instro conversion called Miserlou..... Clearly not working very well....

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