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sysmalakian: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!
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dp: dude
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Bango_Rilla: Shout Bananas!!
263 days ago

BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
248 days ago

GDW: showman
199 days ago

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114 days ago

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C'mon people!!! No pictures yet???

I'll repost Danny's here.


That Mosrite looks HUGE on her. Very Happy

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

That Mosrite looks HUGE on her. Very Happy

It is HUGE on her... Ruiko is under 5' tall...
I will try to get some pictures posted before we leave for Fresno. Though the Utah was packed, I don't think there were too many SG101ers.
It was a great show.

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

Sorry I don't have a pic of them in their cavegirl costumes. Soon come!

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

Hello from Fresno!
Here are a few pics from the last few shows...

The kids going absolutely nuts (except for The 8th Graders who are Waaaayyy to cool) at a school assembly:

The Neptunes + 1
I am really digging the full sound of the 5 peice Neptunes. Great arrangements, and great play-

The WHYS outside Fresno's finest Japanese Restaurant (and surf music emporium), Tokyo Garden.

See ya,

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

It's so strange to see the current picture of the Neptunes...

So many people, so few guitar necks. Crying


looking at that shot of all of us on stage, we should have gotten the shot of the whys in front of us! Talk about extreems, At just shy of 6-3, I am shorter than both Ferenc, and Jon Crossen... this could have been the tallest average and smallest average surf-bands to meet on a stage! Joking aside thanks for coming to the "No"! It was a blast to have Ferenc sit in... gotta record that version of jack the ripper!!!

For more images go to:



So many people, so few guitar necks.

Doubles shall return... o yes... they will return!


This just added....

The Whys will be playing a live set from KCR radio on a special Friday night edition of ADATB. They will be playing from SDSU prior to their show later in the evening at The Whistle Stop with The Sand Devils.

You've read all about the shows, now you get (another) chance to listen live on your computer!!

That's tomorrow, Friday, Nov. 10th at 6pm (pacific time). Call in to the studio if you want to ask questions, etc. 619-594-6982.

I'll be doing my regular show as well... today from 4 - 6pm.


It's so strange to see the current picture of the Neptunes...

So many people, so few guitar necks. Crying


And Tom's long hair, Shocked
cut your hair you damn hippie Wink

Gonna see the Why's with Insect Surfers, tonight, but with Ferenc and Marty Tippens sittin in with them.

and tomorrow in San Diego with the Sand Devils.
can't wait.



Last edited: Nov 09, 2006 17:56:38

And Tom's long hair,
cut your hair you damn hippie



Thanks Ferenc for your patience with me in getting the KCR gig together. What a hassle trying to communicate with some of these college DJs... regardless, two extremely fun shows last night.... at KCR radio where they played in jeans, then at The Whistle Stop with the whole grass skirt attire and choreography! A treat to hear and see!

The Whistle Stop continues to impress.... it was PACKED!

After seeing the Whys in those incredible leopard skin outfits.
I think I've finally calmed down enough to comment about
the show at the Purple Orchid on Thursday night.

The "Purple Orchid All-Stars (Arnson-Dobronyi-Tippins-Anthony)
played a really fun set of trad surf covers, Insect Surfer and
Pollo Del Mar tunes, and a few others. Besides the guys playing
musical chairs with their instruments, Jeremy Rexford from Pollo
Del Mar sat in on "Charlie Don't Surf", and a very psychedelic
"Route 666". Marty gets the "Mr. Versatile Award" for not only
playing his own and Arnson's guitars, but bass and drums as
well. Ferenc played bass and guitar; Dave Arnson- guitar and
bass; and Adrien Anthony drums and bass!!! These guys tore it
up with little or no rehearsal.

The Whys came out and smoked the place. I expected them to
be good, but they definitely exceeded my expectations. Naomi's
bass playing on her Teisco hollowbody just knocked my socks
off. Awesome tone, and great basslines and glisses. Little Ruiko's
Moserite was bigger than she was, but man could she play that
thing! Their drummer was terrific, too. They were a very tight
band, and besides being VERY easy on the eyes, really
know how to put on a show.

It was really cool nice meeting fellow SG101'ers, Warren
(Capt Springfield) and Rick Selby (all the way down from
Oregon), and of course seeing the Big Tiki Dude again. Matt
Kora was there, and gets the "Big Tiki Dude Award" for
attending EVERY show on the Whys' tour!!!! It was great
meeting the Whys, Marty Tippins, so many others, and catch
-ing up with people that I hadn't seen in some time. You gotta
love the surf community. It's like one big family.

Anyway. a big thanks to the Whys for coming all the way over
here to play; to Ferenc for setting it all up, and for once again
going above and beyond the call; and to everybody who
loaned instruments, opened for the Whys, booked them,
and attended the shows. Let's all hope the Whys can come
back in the not-to-distant future.
Rock Rock Rock

Bob S.


Last edited: Mar 08, 2019 19:45:21

Agree with Everything Bob said above.
couldn't have put it better.

only wanted to add that They were even better the next night in San Diego. played maybe 2 or 3 songs more. and The place was crazy packed. Also The Sand devils ripped it up as usual.
I can't say enough how much I like their sound, very Heavy/Fast Trad.
Good times,
Thanks to Ferenc for helping them with the Tour, good to see you as always.,
And Thanks to the Whys for coming to us, to share their music with us.
It means alot.



Agree with Everything Bob said above.
couldn't have put it better.

Definitely. I had to miss the San Diego show, but their set at the Purple Orchid was awesome--great energy, awesome covers of "Hot Doggin," "Surf Beat" and "Flashing Eyes," among others.

It gets my vote for best set beginning I've ever seen, too. The manager tells the band to start playing, and they just stare at him. He tells them again, and they look at the empty drum stool, then back at him again. So where's the drummer? At the bar, of course. So he runs back to the stage, beer in hand, and proceeds to down it as quickly as possible while Ruiko plays a nice, unaccompanied version of "Diamond Head." Then they started playing. That and "Flashing Eyes" by themselves won me over. Everything else was just icing on the cake.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.


...their set at the Purple Orchid was awesome--great energy, awesome covers of "Hot Doggin," "Surf Beat" and "Flashing Eyes," among others.

It gets my vote for best set beginning I've ever seen, too. The manager tells the band to start playing, and they just stare at him. He tells them again, and they look at the empty drum stool, then back at him again. So where's the drummer? At the bar, of course. So he runs back to the stage, beer in hand, and proceeds to down it as quickly as possible while Ruiko plays a nice, unaccompanied version of "Diamond Head." Then they started playing. That and "Flashing Eyes" by themselves won me over. Everything else was just icing on the cake.


Yeah, that beginning was hilarious! Ruiko was sounding awesome on
"Diamond Head". The only better beginning would have been if they
had all jumped in and continued the song.



Thanks for posting pics, everyone. I forgot the memory chip for my camera. Sad


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Thanks for all the SoCal reports... I will post some pics from the last half of the tour when I get back to SF mañana. I took the band to the Las Vegas airport this morning... they had a great trip. Thanks to everyone who came out to see and support a totally unknown surf band!

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

Ferenc, if you ever have the time, maybe you can post an article on what it takes to put on a tour like this?

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Hey everyone this is Scott from Monsters from Mars. This is my first post on here. I havent been up on the internet groups in a while and I didnt know the majority of people stopped using cowabunga....

Anyways, I saw the whys the other night in San Diego and really enjoyed it. Talking to them they were all really nice people too.

I really dug the Yuzo Kayama cover and their rendition of Makka na Taiyo which I recognized from a recording of tokyo ska paradise orchestra covering it with an enka singer.

Heres some pics I took at the show.


I also took a video clip of one of their songs...

Over and out.


Last edited: Nov 13, 2006 21:12:40

One more thing. I was kinda diggin the NC-17 videos that
Ran(Kick the Reverb) had Hans his other guitarist put on.
Im sure there was a few people who didn't like it.
But I thought it made for a fun adult evening.
Ferenc, were the band or Masa ( their manager) offended by it?



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