We are currently accepting ads and songs for the Continental Magazine #17, due out January/February 2010. The Continental is the worlds largest surf/instro magazine, with 1000 copies printed each issue. Magazines are distributed throughout the world to 200+ subscribers, record shops, bookstores and through the Double Crown website.
If you are in a surf/instro band and have something to sell, you can't afford not to be in the Continental. Ads start at just $35 - you'd only need to sell 3 CD's to have the ad pay for itself!
For even more exposure, you can have a song on the compilation CD that comes with every copy of the magazine. It's only $75/song - you also get 12 copies of the finished magazine/CD (that you can sell at shows) AND you get a 1/2 page ad!
The 2-color glossy cover art will once again be done by Johnny Bartlett.
For more information:
Advertise In Continental Magazine #17
You can also send us an e-mail (records@dblcrown.com) to reserve space, or if you have further questions.
Double Crown Records
Surf CD's / Vinyl / Fanzines / DVD's
Aloha Screwdriver - Lunar Wobble CD
The Nebulas - Euphorion LP / CD
Supertubos - The Fourth Drive CD
Continental Magazine - Issue #38 w/17 Song CD