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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Surf Music General Discussion »

Permalink Am I the only one that doesnt like Dick Dale?

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IronMaiden pickup "Surf Rider" by The Lively Ones they cover a few DD covers A+ tasteful versions of DD covers I know you don't dig on DD but check The Lively Ones out, this was my 1st LP when I was kid Very Happy I think you can get a used cd from for dirt cheap or


Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
Beyond The Surf Instagram
The Verbtones @ Instagram
The Verbtones @ Facebook
The Verbtones @ bandcamp

Lively Ones Rock

Nothing like discussing other people's merit.
Either you like something, or you don't, or you sorta do, or you sorta don't...
Enjoy what you like, and who cares what you don't.


fwiw, Dick Dale never claimed to be a great guitarist, only to be a great musician. surf's not about chops. If your a great guitarist and know how to use it (Dave Wronski!) that's great.
if you're a so so guitarist and still make kick ass music, that's great!

whether Dick's a great player totally depends on what your criterium is. he's not sloppy. used to be in the 60's maybe, not now.

the roiginal posts makes me think IronMaiden has only heard on cd with oldies, like surflegend.

my 2 cts, etc.


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Actually, I like surf with chops... not shredding. just great musicianship, I cringe when I hear primitive lead lines, that may sound authentic, but have me running for the door.

Just my two cents.



fwiw, Dick Dale never claimed to be a great guitarist, only to be a great musician. surf's not about chops.

When it comes to modern day bands, I often find that the more technical the bandmembers are, the worse the music gets. In my book, surf music is all about sound and tunes but of course you also need to know how to play your instrument.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

well, I'm just back from a Dick Dale concert, and he AIN'T sloppy. really.


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

well, I'm just back from a Dick Dale concert, and he AIN'T sloppy.

well, he has been playing much of his repetoire for, like, 40 years...right?

and, he was pretty decent way backin the olden days...i think he just keeps getting better with age...


When it comes to modern day bands, I often find that the more technical the bandmembers are, the worse the music gets. In my book, surf music is all about sound and tunes but of course you also need to know how to play your instrument.

I agree, there's a threshold in surf music that is easily breached by the overly technical player, scales and such. The real genius is in making the simple sublime - like Wronski and I think DD too at his best.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

At what level does a guitarist have to be before people stop questioning how well he can play? It really comes down to the choices an individual artist makes; repertoire, equipment, arrangements, tonal, stage show,etc..

There are folks that claim Jimi Hendrix sucked, as a guitar player, the same as there are folks that say the same about Clapton...SRV. If they've been deigned a "guitar god," it's likely there are folks that'll say "eh...x player ain't all that great." I have a DVD with footage of Hendrix playing a Spanish piece on an acoustic 12-string, which is likely where I got the idea for my "guitar player litmus test," at least for those that claim they're better than an internationally famous player. If you want to tell a player from a poser, give 'em an acoustic guitar and see what happens.

Of course any kind of music created with electric instruments can be called "organized noise"...Hendrix figured out how to use feedback...but what happens when ya take away the Strat, effects chain and solid state amp with all the knobs turned to "11?" Of course with my "litmus test," I'll be getting back to finding gems of parts and riffs on my acoustic guitars before I start looking for the right combination of electric guitar, effects and amp settings to go with. I'll be buying an Indiana Scout (6-string acoustic), sometime soon, so I'll have something to take with me on military maneuvers, when possible, so I'll be able to practice my chops, and jam, without worrying about if it gets damaged or stolen, like I would with my Epiphone PR100.

I wouldn't say that to Gein and the Grave robbers who did a surf cover of Transylvania,
and Surf Report who did a surf cover of The Trooper,
both turned out rather well I thought. though I was raised on Rock and Metal Rock


Jeff, I'll claim "victim of too much music out there, and too little money for collecting," on this one. Now that you've mentioned 'em, I'm sure that I'll enjoy 'em, as soon as I can find me some examples. I have a fairly broad appreciation for music of all types...with the exceptions of what's called "house," "hip-hop," "techno," "gangsta rap."


Fast Cars & Loud Guitars!

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