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Permalink Driving me nuts - MR. MOTO Intro Chords..?

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Hi laphillyboy...
Try the following:
1) Use the string shaped like a single-finger A-chord.
2) Arpegiate/mute strum an Am shaped barre chord at the fifth fret...
2) Play at the third fret (Bb)
3) Play at the second fret (A).
I hope it works for you.

Question Did you bother to read the other replies? One of them was from Paul Johnson himself.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Yep - once the guy who played it on the record tells you how to do it, then there's not much further discussion to be had - or so you would think.

However, a couple of years ago a young band local to me - who were very good players I might add - asked if they could cover one of my songs and I tabbed out the 2 guitar intro for them (which was very straightforward).

Next time I spoke to one of them he said I must have tabbed it wrong because it didn't work but they'd worked it out . Then I saw them play it and it was nowhere near right. I checked my tab and it was correct.

I think what this shows is not everyone's way of playing is transferable to everyone else even on a simple part. We all have ways of doing things that other players might approach a different way. One of the (many) problems with Tab I think.

Youth and enthusiasm are no match for age and treachery.

Yeah, it may have been wrong compared to what you play, but may have been right compared to what they heard.

As long as both sound good, everything's fine...

Wow B, way cool!


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

Yep - once the guy who played it on the record tells you how to do it, then there's not much further discussion to be had - or so you would think.

Yeah, it's like one of those people who asks you your name, (let's say your name is, oh just to pick one out of the hat - "Brian") and you respond with "Brian", and they say "no, that's not it".


4 pages for the Mr. Moto intro?
Just imagine if it were the intro to Bells of St. Kahuna.

4 pages for the Mr. Moto intro?

Well, it is a pretty important song for the genre, and it has some "unusual" chords in it that are open to wide interpretation. Plus info direct from Paul Johnson was posted in the thread. Cool

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

A couple of things. Well, three.

  • I think the guy - Parker Lindsey - just came in late and responded to an early post with his best shot before reading everything. I don't know how many times I've done that. Forum folks do tend to gas on a lot ... maybe PL just hadn't yet noticed that Paul had provided an answer?

  • That said, it is enormously cool that Paul not only provided the details but talked about how he came up with the whole progression and integrated it into the song. Thank you so much! That's a bit like God taking a moment to explain his thinking behind this whole creation thing.

  • However, granted that there is music where you are supposed to mess around with the notes, and music where you are not, and classical surf music tends to be in the latter category, I still don't mind if people futz with it, as long as the result works. (Think of what Planet Seven did to Heart Full of Soul. Does anyone want their money back?) Usually it's better if you reinterpret everything so it's a whole cloth, but maybe sometimes there's just one note or chord or whatever that seems to call for a nose job. Or maybe you even come up with a different way to breathe. I can't play anything, but I've listened to a lot of versions of Moto and there seem to be different ways to do it well. Some better than others, of course, and there's not as much variability as there is in, say, Exotic.

Of course, maybe not that way for the opening of Mr. Moto, but ... that's another issue. I can't visualize it from the description and I couldn't play either way well enough to make it sound better than Mary Had a Little Lamb.

Bells of St Kahuna is OK, but I'd rather be able to play Daytona Mona.

I played "Mr Moto" for 20 years...but wrong!

When Paul Johnson explained the opening chords in his email, and I tried it out...well, it was instant: "ohhh...duh!...that's how it goes!"

I played "Mr Moto"...wrong!

I'm certainly a member of that club.

I'm glad this topic was revived, I missed it the first time. The fact that people still struggle with Mr.Moto speaks to
the incredible accomplishment of a 15 year old Paul Johnson.
I see that the extro-riff and the bridge were also discussed. I've always been baffled by picking pattern in the bridge.
I found the youtube of the Duo Tones showing where on the neck PJ plays the bridge, see:
The following is the best I've come to figuring it out, any help would be appreciated.

I can help you out with the song bridge. But you will need to tell me how you posted the tab you posted. You're pretty close.


Without redoing your notation I'll spell out the notes I think it is. You're close but it's the 3rd and 4th beats of the first measure is off. Try: C C-D-E-D-E-F...
Then on the 2nd measure make the F an 1/8th note and add an 1/8th E immediately following it. The next measures are off a bit too but I'll see if someone else chimes in before I go further.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Last edited: Aug 31, 2009 09:34:18

From the original Mr. Moto record, this is how I play it.
I'm at work so I'm just air guitaring from memory.
When I get home tonight, I'll confirm it. But I think this is it.


and of course, you can play this at all different locations on the neck
and whatever is comfortable for everyone.


That is how I play it note for note. Not sure if it 100% accurate, but it sounds very close.

I'm not sure if I play the bridge exactly like that. All I know the notes come from around the F major chord tones taken from the "open D" fingering moved up to the F, then down to the E. The second bridge I play something different above the 12th fret. If it is different than the original, thats OK, I'm not Paul Johnson. Other than the expert surf guitar geeks on this site, no one knows the difference anyway as long as it sounds good.

What day is Surf Rock's birthday? Looks like Surf Rock and I was born the same year. Maybe we are both Libras?

I've seen Paul play Mr. Moto a few times. As I recall he plays fast & loose with the bridge section, nothing like the original recording.

If you look on youtube and do a search for Mr. Moto, you'll get dozens of different groups besides Duotones/Eddie B/Belairs and Paul J doing it and everyone of them play not only the bridge, but almost the entire song differently and at different locations on the neck.

Simply put, I guess there is no right or wrong way of playing it. That's what makes the world go round. We each have our own different playing styles, which makes every one of us unique in our own way of playing surf!

And as FinDictator 1 said....AS LONG AS IT SOUNDS GOOD!!!!!!!!!

Well, with all due respect, the dude was asking how to play Mr. Moto. I assume he was asking about the original, seminal recording. Not the way some random modern surf band plays it, or the way Paul Johnson plays it now. Those may be interesting side discussions, but they don't answer his question.

Otherwise I'll post the tab to Slayer's "Raining Blood" because that sounds good too. ROTFL

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

BTW, this Hal Leonard tab book has Mr. Moto in it:

I haven't gone over it with a fine tooth comb in light of Paul Johnson's explanation, but from memory it did seem to have the correct chords and bridge section.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Otherwise I'll post the tab to Slayer's "Raining Blood" because that sounds good too. ROTFL

Tab out the solo. I dare ya. Very Happy

That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

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