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Permalink OT: Rockabilly/surfabilly box?

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Okay, so this is only slightly off topic, but I'm trying to decide on a hollow bodied electric, with tremelo/vibrato, to compliment my Ibanez Artcore AG75 for straight forward rockabilly, and for surfabilly...hence wanting a vibrato. I've been seriously considering the Ibanez AFS75T, as about the only difference from my AG75 is that it has a vibrato...even the pickups are the same, between the two models. On Wednesday, I tried out a Peavey JF-2 EXP semi-hollow & Bigsby, and I can honestly say that this one is definitely under consideration. The Peavey has a slightly brighter tone than my Ibanez, but I would expect that, for the Peavey having a thinner body.

Does anybody have any other suggestions, and/or experience, that could help me decide what I ultimately buy? I've looked at several Epiphones and Gretsches, at the Musician's Friend web site. The Epiphones have P90s, while the Gretsches have humbuckers. I've recently found out that quite a few of the effects used in surf instrumentals are also used in rockabilly, so at least I'll be cool, there, once I actually start collecting some effects, and add at least one all-tube amp to my collection. Since I'll also be doing some psychedelic and surfadelic music...yes, there will be a wah pedal and fuzz box in my future effects chain.

I've asked some questions about rockabilly gear, at several rockabilly forums, and so far nobody's replied, so I figured I'll see what y'all come up with. Once I have another surf guitar, a good rockabilly/surfabilly box, a lap steel and a baritone, I'll pretty much have my guitar collection put together, for every music genre/style that I intend to create songs in. Smile


Fast Cars & Loud Guitars!

Ultimate rockabilly gear guide!

<img src="klzzwxh:0000"></img>

Thanks a lot, Wraydar! From what I've read, it may come down to a coin toss between the Epiphone Wildkat and Peavey JF-2 EXP...unless I get frisky enough to look into possibly buying a Peavey Rockingham. Smile


Fast Cars & Loud Guitars!

Can't beat the value of a 60s Anniversary. Around $1200, sometimes under.

During my guitar test driving excursion, on Monday, I was unable to find an Epiphone WildKat or Epiphone ES-295. At Guitar Center, and IRC Music, I tried an Ibanez AFS75T (finally), and in both cases ruled it out of contention. There was a used, and rare Bigsby equipped, Epiphone AlleyKat at Guitar Center, and although it was a nice and playable guitar, it too lacked the rockabilly sound I'm looking for. At Guitar Center, I plugged into a Vox Valvetronix AD30VT, at IRC Music was a Fender FM 25 DSP, at Sam Ash was a Line6 Spider II 30.

So far, for not being able to find either of the Epiphone models to try, I'm inclined to go for the Peavey JF-2 EXP, once I complete the lay-away for my Strat. In my "Gettin A Strat, soon!" post, I'd mentioned that I'll be buying a P90 equipped Gibson Les Paul Faded Double Cutaway, as soon as the opportunity is in place. After the shock of realizing my stock Epiphone Les Paul Jr. 90 sounds better than the Gibson Les Paul Melody Maker, it was a more pleasing shock to realize that the LP FDC has some rockabilly potential. The brightness and tone is there, although I'd have to properly call it a "rockabilly slab," than a rockabilly box, but hey...Carl Perkins played a Les Paul Gold Top! Smile

(Ivan, I promise I won't use the Peavey box for surfabilly (it has mini humbuckers)...I'll use the Gibson LP Very Happy )

Fast Cars & Loud Guitars!

Matt check out Deusenberg guitars. they have great looking thinline hollowbodies. the lead player of the Killer Bananazz uses one and with a shoman and tank, he gets great surf tone live, imho.


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

indiana_surfguitar, where are the Rockabilly Forums? For Rockabilly and Surf capabilities, I like (and have owned) the ES-295 (Gibson or Epi), and any hollow body Bigsby Gretsch. I have a Setzer Hot Rod with TV's and it's awesome. The humbuckers are great - yes, even with surf tunes. The Gretsch Electrocmatics are decent for the price, I've played a few. If you go Gretsch, the DeArmond/Dynasonics are the "ultimate" pickup you want. They're single coils are used on countless Rocabilly records. Also.. you do know that the Jet's are chambered which really helps out with the twang. Check out the '57 Jet. MF had them for 1299, that's a SMOKIN deal! Anyone who kicks the tires on this instrument will be sold.

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