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Permalink The TomorrowMen in the Recording Studio

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We were flattered that Pete Curry (of The Halibuts and Los Straitjackets and many other bands) would accept our request to record in his personal recording studio - The Pow Wow Fun Room.

Thanks for posting these photos. Does any info on Pete Curry's studio exist on the web? I think Danny mentioned once that it's "state of the art, 1963". I'd be interested to know what equipment he uses for recording, I assume it's tape. I'm looking forward to the CD as much for the music as for the sound.

This CD cannot get to our hands/ears fast enough.

+1 on that. I've been digging that 4 song ep for over a year now. Danny, what happened to Kilometers? Wasn't that him at the convention?

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31


This CD cannot get to our hands/ears fast enough.

+1 on that. I've been digging that 4 song ep for over a year now. Danny, what happened to Kilometers? Wasn't that him at the convention?

Hi Richard, yep that was his last show in his official capacity, though I suspect we'll get together occasionally in the future. Dr. Kilometers is off to pursue his own style of music, which is of a more aggressive nature than what we do. We wish him only the best and will remain good friends. Meanwhile the search is on...

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Thanks for posting these photos. Does any info on Pete Curry's studio exist on the web? I think Danny mentioned once that it's "state of the art, 1963". I'd be interested to know what equipment he uses for recording, I assume it's tape. I'm looking forward to the CD as much for the music as for the sound.

Thanks man. As much as I'd like to record on tape, and Pete has the option, we didn't have the budget to do it, it would add $500- 750 to the cost. Frankly in these days of mp3 downloads and ipods and very expensive vinyl I wonder if it's worth the expense. Who knows, if we sell enough of this one we can consider it for the next CD Wink He has a 12 track digitial recorder that we're using which does a fine job. What Pete has that is so special is great gear, drums guitars and amps, and really good mikes. And the experience to know how to set it all up with minimal fuss. This guy knows his craft well, he's very easy going and open to trying different things.

Maybe I can entice him to join up at some point and list his actual recording equipment.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Awesome Danny! I'm glad to hear the recording went well. Great photos as well. I'm really looking forward to hearing the finished product. Good luck with the rest of the process!

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yeah T-men recording finally.

between this and the Sandevils,
and the Elusive Boardwalkers cd that I am always hoping for,
it could be a really great 2010 for releases.


Man, Sorry I couldn't come over! I was on the phone with Pete at various times during your session...Even the infamous "castenate(sp) incident"...

Pete's studio is a "kid-free zone" and I had my kids(no sitters available) when you guys were in there.

next time!

Jeff Utterback

I'll be back later in September Jeff hopefully you can swing by then. I'll email you the dates.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

What I don't understand is how you could record such high energy material after heavy weight diner breakfasts - I would have plotzed!

imageI have to say that I tried to play a song on the Strat and Pete thought it sounded all wrong and insisted I switch back to Jaguar – sorry Ivan ;)

Danny, what can you do, some people have got it and others don't - not everyone can handle a Ferrari... Twisted Evil

Seriously, thanks for such an in-depth report, it sounds like it was a really great and rewarding experience. I also eagerly await hearing the final results, I'm sure they'll be amazing!!! And good luck wih the rest of the recording, you're in the home stretch now!

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Thanks for the informative and entertaining read, Danny.

Recording in Pete's studio must be a dream come true for any surf band - that place looks awesome.

I'm really looking forward to hearing the CD.

This is friggin awesome!
I can't wait to get the final product.
Danny, are you going to let any rough cuts slip into public listening??


PS, it's too bad life is so busy for me right now, I'd love to pick up a few Tmen songs and sit in with you guys...

I really enjoy these threads. Thanks Danny, for such a great report.


yeah T-men recording finally.

between this and the Sandevils,
and the Elusive Boardwalkers cd that I am always hoping for,
it could be a really great 2010 for releases.

Boardwalkers need archiving!
CD. Embarassed
I am now searching for
Sand Devils. Cool

Sand Devils are a San Diego, Ca. band,
only have 1 song out on the Sg101 convention myspace,

and maybe a few videos on youtube.
they are in the middle of recording now.
hopefully the cd will be ready by next summer.


Great post!!! -Looking forward to the disc!!!

and the Elusive Boardwalkers cd that I am always hoping for

Yeah! Is there a thread for inexplicably unrecorded bands?

What's the Boardwalkers song that sounds like Pipeline hanging out at the Ritz? Pardon the description, but it's all I have to go on.

And, just to try to keep this on topic, I am definitely looking forward to the results of the Tomorrowmen's recording work, too.

Any update on the CD, Danny? Will you have them pressed and for sale at the SG101 Convention?



Thanks for your interest Paul. Unfortunately our recording didn't match our expectations, and rather than just release it we decided to start over. We're in the process now but it'll take a while. Believe me, we're more anxious than anyone to get this CD done.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Best of luck. I'm sure it will be really good and worth waiting for.



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