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Penetrators rule.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Thanks Ferenc for the kind words. I can't believe it's been 10 years since we played with you guy's in SF. Glad to see the 3rd wavers are still kickin' tires and lightin' fires ("fars" in AL).
To keep on thread, I hear good points on both sides of the matching/non-matching outfit thread. I just believe it is more fun for us, and the audience, to dress alike on stage in cool clothes that you would normally not wear in everday situations. As others have said, it shows that you are all in this thing together, and that you care enough to go that extra mile. Not to say bands that don't dress to impress are any less than those that do. It's like comparing bands with matching gear(amps, guitars etc.) to those that do not have matching gear (new topic anyone?). It doesn't make you sound any better, but it's cool to see.
Speaking of SF, a quick outfit story. After gigs we usually keep our uniforms on until we pass out or choose to sleep. When we flew out to SF we played a gig in T-town, AL on a Friday which was interupted by the Atlanta Olympic bombing. We wore black suits(with Iron Cross patches) and black ties. After the gig we drove to Birmingham, AL to catch a plane to Atlanta. Landing in Atlanta dressed like Pulp Fiction characters carrying guitar cases was pretty interesting considering the bombing had just occured 4 hours earlier. Walking down the corridor to our SF flight, we joked that there were handcuffs and strip searches in our future, but they just opened our cases, looked in, then allowed us to board the plane, with guitars in hand. We arrived in SF Saturday afternoon fully dressed, slightly lit (airline cocktails) and ready to kick it! At least the other guy's were, they went straight to Phil Dirt's KFJC show. I passed out. Can anyone reading this not so quick story remember if they arrived in uniform? I believe it was the 1996 Saturday show.
Sorry for the long post.
The Penetrators latest look:

Fender Bass, Small Firearms

So, my wife and I have been watching this new sitcom called "Help Me Help You" with Ted Danson (ex-Sam in Cheers) as a pretty unstable psychiatrist (is there any other kind on TV?). In one recent episode Danson's character Bill restarts his old garage band so they can play in his ex-wife's garage and he can be close to her. Anyway, they're all middle-aged guys and they're pretty bad musicians. But there were two exchanges I thought you'd appreciate. I'm posting one of them in a separate thread, but the other exchange seemed quite appropriate to this thread:

(The setting: The start of the final practice before their debut gig at a local bar. Howard - Michael McKean of Spinal Tap - the guitar player and singer walks in, wearing a flannel shirt. The other guys are wearing matching blue jackets.)

Bill: Howard, this is a dress rehearsal, buddy.
Howard: I'm not wearing a blue jacket.
Bill: Why not?
Howard: Because, in the words of my 15-year-old son, they're gay.
Bill: Am I the only one here that understands that this gig is important?
Al: Why is it important?
Bill: Because everybody we know is going to there, judging us, and if they show up and see three guys in blue jackets and one guy dressed up like a lumberjack, no offense, they're gonna realize we don't take ourselves seriously.
Howard: This is insane. We are supposed to be finding our voice, but instead this has all been about doing what Bill says, and dressing up like parking valets!


Happy weekend!

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

. We are supposed to be finding our voice, but instead this has all been about doing what Bill says

Happy weekend!

Honestly, I just wanted to see that in print again. Twisted Evil Rock


One last thought....

Tommy Bahama look without the big lables, brand names or "Hawaiian" flowers and ferns. Just solid color shirts embossed with palm trees or similar that you can only see up close. Everyone chooses their own color but all are unified with black slacks and shoes.

I see a lot of jazz artists and like their cool casual look in concert.

Players like Eric Clapton, Carlos Santana and Jon Jorgenson seem to always dress the part.

Happy Sunsets!

I'm still votin' for uniforms.

IF the idea shakes ya up... it's probably a GOOD thing.

heh ~ Cool


image Drool
image Laughing


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

tiki tiki bamboos guitarist, one of my faves!!

did you ever see them play live? rolling on the floor laughing, really. the whole "Jawaiian music" schtick played through to the end. the guy even speaks wih a "jawaiian accent" whatever it is. and thechops to back it all up. great band!

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

there is a vid on, live in germany, that's as close as i've been....but i thought Jawaii was a real place, between Japan and Hawaii?
must post a pic on stage, the bass player she looks like a lovely lady, and why do dark skin peoples look better in grass skirts, male and female??



Just to give credit- the girls in the Hula skirts are The WHYs.


Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

yes...if you look at the bottom of the picture, you'll see a couple of toes, that was the drummer whom i cropped!

yes...if you look at the bottom of the picture, you'll see a couple of toes, that was the drummer whom i cropped!

sheesh... we drummers are always getting cropped.... Rolling Eyes
Laughing Laughing

The Apollo Four 2012-present
The Verbtones 2002-2012

pics above are proof positive that not all bands have to wear suits, or sweaters. If they did I 'd laugh my ass off, and probably leave.

Not saying suits and sweaters are bad. Just not for everyone.
picture me in a sweater, now that would just be silly.



pics above are proof positive that not all bands have to wear suits, or sweaters. If they did I 'd laugh my ass off, and probably leave.

Not saying suits and sweaters are bad. Just not for everyone.
picture me in a sweater, now that would just be silly.


not as silly as you in a straw skirt, though! Groovy

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Not saying suits and sweaters are bad. Just not for everyone.
picture me in a sweater, now that would just be silly.

But not as silly as you wearing a grass skirt. Wink

edit: ROTFL Wannes beat me to it.


ah to true, to true, toche my good friends.
Thats why if I get a surf band, its Vans High tops, White Levi's horts or pants, and other bands t-shirts.



Those Vans are a bit late for surf.
From the Vans website:

The first official day of business was March 15, 1966, when the first Vans shoe store opened in Anaheim, California. They offered three styles of vans shoes on that first day, but had only made display shoes.

Try PF Flyers , Keds or Chuck Taylor Converse.

Those Vans are a bit late for surf.

Isn't there a surf band called The Spicolis? I hope they wear checkered Vans.


Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

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