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Permalink Review/QC My Bass Tabs?

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Hey Folks,

I need a surf bassist or someone who plays one on TV to do a quick-turn review of my tabs that I'm just not 100% sure of. Specifically: K-39; Telstar; and Rumble. The first two sound pretty solid according to the band, however, I'm not totally convinced. Rumble seems to work, but this one I'm sure is not quite right!

If you can help, PM or email me and I'll email the tabs over for your review. Looking to have them sorted before our next rehearsal on Saturday, 16 May.

Thx much,



send away to

please advise as to which versions of each song you are playing.




Just sent them - Thanks again for taking the time! Very Happy


you can also send them to me.

Never surrender in finding a surfcaster

not received ....

Never surrender in finding a surfcaster

Can I get a copy too ?

P.S. I have the Surfrider bass line (that a kind person on this site tabbed for me) that I'm happy to pass on.


Can I get a copy too ?

P.S. I have the Surfrider bass line (that a kind person on this site tabbed for me) that I'm happy to pass on.


Hi Geoff, would I be able to get a copy of that?
I kind of figured out my own bassline and have done the song a few times with my band. It sounds, reasonable, but wouldnt mind something to compare it to! Cheers...


Can I get a copy too ?

P.S. I have the Surfrider bass line (that a kind person on this site tabbed for me) that I'm happy to pass on.


Hi Geoff, would I be able to get a copy of that?
I kind of figured out my own bassline and have done the song a few times with my band. It sounds, reasonable, but wouldnt mind something to compare it to! Cheers...

Hey Guy's...esp Don - sorry I never got back to you on this but have been busy and not online much in the last month or so. Got everything sorted - big thx to Sandy. Since then I've moved on to other challenging bass lines that I've been able to figure out on my own - with the use of my Tascam and Guitar Pro software.

The two that are challenging for me are Perfidia and Surf Rider so if I can get a copy of SR I'd be much obliged. I've got approx 20-23 surf or instrumental bass tabs that I'm more than willing to share or trade :-)...just drop me a line and I'll tell you what I have. After all, us Surf Bassists gotta stick together! Cool



Cool, when you say Rumble, is that as in @ Waikiki? Were just adding that to our setlist! Possibly Telstar as well...
I have a few bass tabs I can pass on, some Swiv-o-matics etc.

Cool, when you say Rumble, is that as in @ Waikiki? Were just adding that to our setlist! Possibly Telstar as well...
I have a few bass tabs I can pass on, some Swiv-o-matics etc.

Nope, the Link Wray version. My rhythm guitarist took the lead while our lead guitarist and our key/sax guy took a break. However, I wanted to add "total harmonic distortion" and suggested our lead put down the beer and join us. Since then he's added some really nasty bits to it and to us - and our audience, it def kicks-butt.

Lemme know if you decide to go with Telstar and want the tab.


Feel free to upload the tabs here. You can upload them individually or just zip them all up.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Feel free to upload the tabs here. You can upload them individually or just zip them all up.

Rgr Bri, I'll get started over the weekend - now remember, these are "just" bass tabs! Wink

Just to say that I have worked on transcriptions... I have not tab but transcription of the following songs for electric bass:

Bustin' surfboards, Misirlou, Surf Rider, Wipe Out, Bombora, Latin'ia, Percolator & Walk don't Run.
Would appreciate to do some exchange with your transcription dear bass players.

contact me by PM!

Never surrender in finding a surfcaster

I'm also looking for a bassline for Rumble.

Please upload them to the site. I always like checking what I do vs. someone else. As for the bassline to Rumble, I always kinda winged it. I posted that question a long time ago, when I was in my first band. The original recording is pretty muddy, so it's hard to tell exactly what's being done, and every other version I've heard is something different. I used to ape The Bambi Molester's version the most.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

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