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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Recording Corner »

Permalink Two-Amp Reverb Recording Method

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Has anyone ever used two amps, one dry one wet with reverb, in a "v" position and close mic'ed in two channel? I want to record again and for some sections I want definition on top of the reverb, especially for fast tremelo picking. When in a V there is bleed between both amps but the more clean amp can be potted-up for those 256th notes. The other option is to run a line direct from the guitar into one channel and the second channel is the amp/reverb close mic'ed.

  • Bill

What day is Surf Rock's birthday? Looks like Surf Rock and I was born the same year. Maybe we are both Libras?

This is similar. Not in 'V'... more of an 'L'.

For the top Super reverb I used onboard reverb and I kept the reverb on the right dry. It is recorded stereo with the top amp 100% in the left and the right amp 100% in the right. Sounds really cool. I used it for all of my non-rhythm playing on our new album.


whoa...this sounds heavy! would you use an AYB box to split the guitar signal into two discrete simultaneous inputs?

sounds like a wicked cool idea that I will try out shortly...

For the record, I used my trem pedal which has a stereo out.

I bought a book by Jon Bare called "Recording the electric guitar" and he placed two amps face to face about two feet apart and then placed two SM57's between them. I have never tried this but he says it is basically a poor mans matched pair?

Mickey Deora, aka Mike Palm, of the Deoras,
said he was doing some demos for the 2nd cd that never happened,
and he used 2 Fender Champ amps facing each other with a good stereo mic in the middle, and a reverb tanks, and it came out really good.


I need to buy another twin reverb just to try it.

Yesterday at rehersal we pluged my guitar in both channels (normal and reverb) on the Twin reverb, trough the fender tunner pedal.
It sounded great because we got both reverb and definition.
My concern it´s if that could damage the amp.
Do anybody knows something about?.

It won't damage the amp.

Youth and enthusiasm are no match for age and treachery.

Well, so far this is what I found about the subject in another Forum :

"the technical, electrical issue is that with such a low output from the pickups, the amp has to draw upon its power to, well, amplify it. by using both channels (and i believe you'll also change the impedance which each amp input sees), you're just increasing the power demands from the amp.The amp most likely can handle 2 guitars running into the two inputs, separately. in this case, each input is seeing the load it expects. but with that y-cord, i think it'll mess up the load and i think that's where you'd drive the amp harder than you would with 2 guitars.but i'm a bit fuzzy on the electrical stuff, so i'd wait for someone who does know to weigh in before you go off trying it (and possibly damaging your amp in the process). "
Can that be possible?.

Has anyone ever used two amps, one dry one wet with reverb ...

I use two amps frequently, at first I used to simply plug into one amp, run another cable out of input 2 into the second amp....

I tried the two amp reverb method but with one amp. Zak's quote (from another topic) gave me the clue as how to hook things up.
I'm sure it's been done before. It's the closest I've every come to the Astronauts' sound.


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