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Warren, how is that Clee-Shays album? Would you recommend it?

It's good but not great. A lot better than most of the Challengers' stuff (IMO). Ed Fournier's originals are really good, but some of the covers don't stack up. It's kind of a best-of, since their albums are both way out of print, and never got issued in the US in the first place. The guitar tone's much closer to the Ventures than, say, the Astronauts.


I like the Clee-Shays album a lot more than Warren, and it seems more than Klas. I think it's a really cool CD. My favorites are I Spy (simply genius! awesome!), High Wire, The Agony And The Ecstasy, and a great instro version of Sir Cliff Richard's VERY early r&r chestnut Dynamite. Get Smart is very cool, as is the Man From UNCLE. Our Man Flint is a great song, and this is a servicable version. I just think this is a really cool CD. Yeah, it's definitely more in the Ventures vein, but since when is that a problem for instro fans? I'd highly recommend it.


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

in the mail today--eddie angel plays link wray

I like the Clee-Shays album a lot more than Warren, and it seems more than Klas. I think it's a really cool CD. My favorites are I Spy (simply genius! awesome!), High Wire, The Agony And The Ecstasy, and a great instro version of Sir Cliff Richard's VERY early r&r chestnut Dynamite. Get Smart is very cool, as is the Man From UNCLE. Our Man Flint is a great song, and this is a servicable version. I just think this is a really cool CD.

It's not that I don't like it--I do, quite a bit. I just think that for a best-of, it has a decent amount of middle of the road material. It's a nice companion to the Ventures' "Batman Theme" album, though not quite as good. "I Spy," "The Spy" and "Dynamite" are my favorites, even though "Dynamite" isn't nearly as raw as the Spiders' version.

Yeah, it's definitely more in the Ventures vein, but since when is that a problem for instro fans? I'd highly recommend it.

I was just pointing that out so no one would order it expecting a full-on surf album.

And speaking of recent purchases, I found this a few hours ago at the local Tower's clearance sale:



That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

And speaking of recent purchases, I found this a few hours ago at the local Tower's clearance sale:



Nice score! IMO, the Trashmen were one of the consummate 60's rock & roll bands. Check their live set from on the Sundazed Teen Trot release - they were playing Baja, Malaguena, Kuk, Rumble, Henrietta, Jerry Lee Lewis covers and Surfin Bird in August of 65 (in the midst of the British Invasion ) to a crowd of 700 no less. Gotta love Tony's licks and Jaguar/Showman tone and the rock solid foundation of Dal Winslow, Bob Reed and the birdman Steve Wahrer.

I just ordered 'The amazing sounds of Joe Meek' just for that Moontrekkers 'Night of the Vampire' song. I was in a band that covered that song a while ago and I forgot how to play it. The problem is those Meek cd's are like 30 bucks! 'The Fuzztones' cover that song on "Moster-a-go-go" but that album is around 30 bucks as well. Ive found it used off amazon for 14 so im stoked on that.

I aslo just picked up 'Famous Monsters' which is Rob Zombies wifes scary/surf band i saw live a few years back, theyre cool. And I got 'The Lively Ones' for 3 bucks.

i just pulled the 'clee-shays' cd back out to give it another listen since it's been awhile. i must say it's better than i remember. i still feel some of it is just so-so (tune selection, not the playing) , but it's also got some great songs on it. 'get smart' is still my fav. carol

I aslo just picked up 'Famous Monsters' which is Rob Zombies wifes scary/surf band i saw live a few years back, theyre cool. And I got 'The Lively Ones' for 3 bucks.

sorry Gravs,
not to nit Pick, I didn't Know that Sherri( Rob's wife )was in the
Famous Monsters. But I did know that Sean the Chick bass player from White Zombie played guitar in that band.




I aslo just picked up 'Famous Monsters' which is Rob Zombies wifes scary/surf band i saw live a few years back, theyre cool. And I got 'The Lively Ones' for 3 bucks.

sorry Gravs,
not to nit Pick, I didn't Know that Sherri( Rob's wife )was in the
Famous Monsters. But I did know that Sean the Chick bass player from White Zombie played guitar in that band.


No your right...I was going by memory. Anyway they are cool I saw them live and the drummer used like a three piece set, no bass drum or chair she just stood there and rocked, pretty sweet! afterwards they were just hanging out in the bar and I said to one of them "Your evil" while making the devil hand sign and she said, "Thanks!"

I saw the Famous Monsters one time opening for one of the Man or Astroman clone projects.
when I heard that Sean (The bass player chick)from white zombie
was in a kinda surfy band. Being that I grew up on Metal/hard rock.
I was stoked. then I saw them in thier outfits and I was in love. Kiss
whatever happened to them?



..."locked in to surf & r'n'r instrumental part 1" ... never heard of most of these groups, but i'm just learning how much stuff is out there.. Shocked

all the best

I saw the Famous Monsters one time opening for one of the Man or Astroman clone projects.
when I heard that Sean (The bass player chick)from white zombie
was in a kinda surfy band. Being that I grew up on Metal/hard rock.
I was stoked. then I saw them in thier outfits and I was in love. Kiss
whatever happened to them?


I dont know what happened to them, I know they put out 2 albums. Yeah, those girls were hawt though! Speaking of all girl surf bands have you ever seen the Man or Astroman? girl clone project? I saw them a while ago in SF they were pretty good.

The Chantays "Two Sides of..." / "Pipeline" twofer CD.
The instrumentals are GREAT, but I could do without the



Interstellar Stomp - The Space Cossacks LP. Found it at a Toronto record store! I had this CD a few years ago but my CD collection was stolen, I belive I had just bought it then as well. Hope it doesn't happen again!

Hey Bots,
good buy the LP has an extra track not on the cd I believe.

is it black vinyl or colored/ clear?



It's a clear vinyl. It's used as well. What I'm trying to figure out is why anyone would part with that record!

the sadies

Los Twang Marvels "Guitars in Orbit" and
Double Naught Spy Car "Danger High". Very Happy



My copy of "Girls Girls Girls" by The Volcanics just arrived, and MAN OH MAN it's crazy good! Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Thumbs Up

The instros are smokin', the band is tight, the recording quality is phenomenal. Hell, I even dug the vocals. OMG

If y'all know what's best for you, get in touch with Benny and get yourself a copy ASAP -- you won't be disappointed.


i just popped 'girls girls girls' by the volcanics in the eMac. i'm liking what i hear so far


Great studio group featuring Davie Allan.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

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