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Follow Your Bliss-The B-52's

I'va always considered the B52s to be one of the USA's most original bands.Late original guitarist Ricky Wilson was a genius of rhythm
and usedta often incorporate a great surfy twang to their music. The girls' vocals are frequently outlandishly joyous!
It's funny that the link you use is called 'Grooveshark' -it sounds like a B52s title!!

Boy, the guitar tone on the first two B-52s records...ridiculously cool.

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

I'va always considered the B52s to be one of the USA's most original bands.Late original guitarist Ricky Wilson was a genius of rhythm
and usedta often incorporate a great surfy twang to their music. The girls' vocals are frequently outlandishly joyous!
It's funny that the link you use is called 'Grooveshark' -it sounds like a B52s title!!

Yeah, that is peculiar. Anyhoot, it was the the only hi-fi link that would work without loading up the page with spamola. BTW-Ricky was awesome. Unforgettable work.

First time I heard that song, I was hooked-all on a Tele too.

I'm so sad Cindy got married. She was so gorgeous and what a voice. Ain't It A Shame wells the tears...Just listen to the song with headphones on and really feel the reverb on her voice. Man oh man. One of the few Ricky sang harmony before he died.

I wish I had met her back when ole when. She might have been Cindy Gomez. I would have danced all 16 dances (dancing her mess around) and made love to her under the strobe light! She would have looked at me and said,"Now, don't that make you feel a whole lot bettah?!" Absolutely!

I'm just sayin'



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