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Permalink Drum Loops for Recording and Practice

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Has anyone here used the drum loop packages available from "Steve's Springy Surf Drums"?

These sound pretty good. Just wondering if they are easy to work with. I'm sort of looking for something to use with a solo project.

I can definitely recommend the "babe magnet" pack, good usable samples. They work just fine with Audacity, too. I'll probably get the other 3 later, once I actually have something to record guitar/bass tracks with.


Thanks, morph. I knew somebody here must have tried these loops.

I've tried working with the stock loops that come with GarageBand, but they seem pretty lame.

I might have to give the "Steve's Springys" a shot.

No problem- I've never heard the Garage Band loops, but I've heard other commercial ones like Drums On Demand, and this seems to be the only option for surf, other than doing it yourself. They were recorded on a Mac in AIF so your experience would probably be even better than mine. (I can't preview AIF on linux like I can WAV, so I had to do some conversions first.)


Hello I'm new to this web site, learned about these drum loops from this very post string and went and bought the lot of them.

They are all on sale right now y'see.

I use Ableton on a PC so wasn't sure if they would work there. They do.

Steve Chapman is quite friendly and very helpful. Sent me a sample to try to make sure it'd work on my gear before I made the purchase.

I remember them first appearing and I checked them out. They sounded programmed to me, not real drum loops. I haven't tried them since- can anyone comment on that?

Youth and enthusiasm are no match for age and treachery.

I remember them first appearing and I checked them out. They sounded programmed to me, not real drum loops. I haven't tried them since- can anyone comment on that?

They still sound programmed, but they're more than good enough for practicing or popping out a quick demo. I wouldn't release anything with them, but that's not the point really.

Trevor von Drat

They still sound programmed, but they're more than good enough for practicing or popping out a quick demo. I wouldn't release anything with them, but that's not the point really.

That's exactly my take on it too. Still, it's worthwhile for the price, especially since there is no competition in the surf drum loop market.


I bought all of them. I have no drummer, so it's really the best option for me - certainly more real sounding than any midi-triggered program. I'd like to see expansions on what he's offered, with more odd beats and fills.

The quality is as good as or better than other commercial drum loops I've checked out. They're also the only surf-oriented drum loops I've found out there.

Obviously since they're four measure loops they're not going to sound as loose as if you were using a live drummer. On the other hand, they won't eat all your food and ask to crash on your couch. Laughing

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